Balmorra | Balmorran Resistance | Imperial Army (Sith Empire)
Coruscant | Sacking of Coruscant
Dromund Kaas
Nal Hutta | Hutt Cartel | Hutt | Evocii | Pirate | Slaver | Nar Shaddaa
Nar Shaddaa | Smuggler | Nal Hutta | Hutt Cartel | Hutt | Pirate | Slaver
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatist Crisis | Mantellian Separatists | Ord Mantell Central Authority
Oricon | Dread Masters | The Outer Rim | Hydian Way
Tython | Jedi Order | Assault on the Jedi Temple (3653BBY) | Coruscant | Jedi Padawan | Deep Core
Aric Jorgan | Cathar | Republic Army | Deadeyes
Beryl Thorne | Reconstitued Sith Empire | Taris | Argo (AR-G0) | PO12 Protocol Droid | Galactic Republic
Harron Tavus | Havoc Squad | Republic Special Forces Division | Republic Army | Sacking of Coruscant | Havoc Squad Armor
Corso Riggs | Mercenary | Ord Mantell
Darmas Pollaran | Information Broker | Coruscant | Galactic Republic
Darth Angral | Sith Order | Coruscant | Sacking of Coruscant | Imperial Navy (RSE) | Supreme Chancellor | Galactic Republic | Eli Tarnis | Jedi Order | Hero of Tython | Race to the Ruins | Dark Council (RSE)
Nasan Godera | Doctor | Galactic Republic | Reconstitued Sith Empire | Alderaan Peace Conference | Sacking of Coruscant | Taris
Bestia | Dread Masters | Styrak | Ziost | Assault on Darvannis
Brontes | Dread Masters
Drooga | Hutt | Nar Shaddaa | Pleasure Barge
Var Suthra | Mon Calamari | Great Galactic War | General | Reconstitued Sith Empire | Galactic Republic | Sacking of Coruscant | Jedi Order
Leontyne Saresh | Twi'lek | Governor | Republic Senate | Reconstitued Sith Empire | Taris | Taris Resettlement Authority
Rycus Kilran | Imperial Navy (RSE) | Sacking of Coruscant | Ord Ibanna | Battle of Ord Ibanna
Kira Carsen | Jedi Order | Jedi Padawan
Orgus Din | Jedi Master | Jedi Order | Sacking of Coruscant | Jedi Padawan | Assault on the Jedi Temple (3653BBY) | Bengel Morr | Nautolan
Qyzen Fess | Trandoshan | Mercenary | Yuon Par | Tython | Jedi Order | Gundark
Rogun the Butcher | Chagrian
Satele Shan | Jedi Grand Master | Jedi Order | Brentaal IV | Tython | Battle of Alderaan (GGW) | Jedi Padawan | Korriban | Bastila Shan | Battle of Rhen Var | Retaking Korriban | Supreme Chancellor | Jedi Council | Core Worlds
Skavak | Coruscant | Dantooine
Syo Bakarn | Jedi Council | Jedi Master | Jedi Order | Mandalorian | Jedi Padawan | Sacking of Coruscant | Republic Senate | Tython
T7-O1 | T7-series Astromech Droid | Jedi Order | Tython
Yuon Par | Jedi Master | Jedi Order | Gamorrean | Kaleesh | Odan-Urr
Balmorran Arms | Balmorra | Balmorran Resistance
Taris | Destruction of Taris | Ark Brell | Environmentalist
Taris | Destruction of Taris | Scavenger | Taris Resettlement Initiative | Galactic Republic | Milos Brejik | Taris after Destruction
Hoth | Imperial Army (Sith Empire) | Republic Army | Wampa | Pantran Whitefang | Skel | White Maw | Hoth Confrontation
Ord Mantell | Smuggler | Mantellian Separatist Crisis | Mantellian Separatists | Mantellian Army | Ulla Drelliad
Taris | Destruction of Taris | Dynamet Corporation
Endar Spire | Hammerhead-class Cruiser | Bastila Shan | Malak | Jedi Civil War | Destruction of Taris | Pirate | Attack on the Endar Spire | Scavenger | Colonist | Jedi Knight
Ord Mantell | Smuggler | Pirate | Republic Army | Mantellian Separatists | Mantellian Separatist Crisis
Hoth | Chiss | White Maw
Ord Mantell | New Intelligence | Reconstitued Sith Empire | Mantellian Separatist Crisis | Strategic Information Service (SIS) | Galactic Republic | Mantellian Separatists
Tython | Sacking of Coruscant | Assault on the Jedi Temple (3653BBY) | Coruscant | Jedi Order | Alderaan
Coruscant | Sacking of Coruscant | Jedi Order | Assault on the Jedi Temple (3653BBY) | Malgus | Imperial Army (Sith Empire) | Aryn Leneer | Duel between Darth Malgus and Aryn Leneer | Jedi Knight
Tython | Twi'lek Pilgrims | Flesh Raider | Jedi Order
Ord Mantell | Pirate | Republic Army | Mantellian Separatist Crisis | Takeover of Mannett Point | Mantellian Separatists
Tatooine | Exchange | Jawa
Nar Shaddaa | Hutt Cartel | Nikto | Kintan Kings | Hutt | Horoth Gendi
Okara Droid Company | Balmorra
Coruscant | Sacking of Coruscant | Migrant Merchants' Guild | Heavy Construction Crane | Republic Army
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists
Taris | Galactic Republic | Reconstitued Sith Empire | Taris Resettlement Authority
Nar Shaddaa | Slaver | The Cold War
Tython | Uxibeast | Jedi Order | Jedi Council
Quesh | Hutt Cartel
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Savrip
Coruscant | Republic Senate | Republic Special Forces Division | Republic Army | Sacking of Coruscant | Bombing of the Senate Tower
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | Mantellian Separatist Crisis
Taris | Destruction of Taris | Rakghoul | Pirate | Taris Resettlement Initiative | Galactic Republic
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatist Crisis | Mantellian Separatists | Takeover of Talloran village
Hoth | Battle of Hoth (GGW) | Ambria's Fury
Tython | Do Zonn | Zabrak | Jedi Knight
Oricon | Dread Masters
Tython | Jedi Order | Jedi Padawan
Tython | Jedi Order | Jedi Padawan | Flesh Raider
Nar Shaddaa | The Cold War | Hutt | Hutt Cartel
Coruscant | Republic Senate
Taris | Destruction of Taris | Rakghoul | Pirate | Galactic Republic | Taris Resettlement Initiative
Tython | Flesh Raider Uprising | Flesh Raider | Jedi Master | Jedi Order | Shol Bestros
Balmorran Resistance | Balmorra
Black Sun | Coruscant | Sacking of Coruscant | Great Galactic War | Justicars' Brigade | Republic Senate
Coruscant Security Force | Republic Senate | Coruscant | Sacking of Coruscant | CSF Uniform
Galactic Solutions Industries | Addalar Hyland | Reconstitued Sith Empire | Galactic Republic | Nar Shaddaa | Galactic War | GSI-B4 Blaster
Havoc Squad | Republic Special Forces Division | Republic Army | Zora | Mirialan | Ryler 'Needles' Dorant | Harron Tavus | Vanto 'Fuse' Bazren | Zabrak | Great Galactic War | Battle of Alderaan (GGW) | Havoc Squad Armor
Hutt Cartel | Hutt | Nal Hutta | Nar Shaddaa
Migrant Merchants' Guild | Coruscant | Great Galactic War | Smuggler | Coruscant Security Force | Arcona | Takeover of the Old Galactic Market
Death's Claw | Taris | Scavenger | Pirate | Galactic Republic | Taris Resettlement Initiative | Death's Claw Armor A19.3
Republic Army | Republic Navy
Republic Special Forces Division | Republic Army | Sacking of Coruscant | Harron Tavus | Havoc Squad | Havoc Squad Armor
Strategic Information Service (SIS) | Republic Senate | Jedi Order | Imperial Intelligence (Sith Empire) | Reid Gandon
Green Jedi | Corellia | Jedi Order
Justicars' Brigade | Sacking of Coruscant | Republic Senate | Black Sun | Coruscant Security Force | Justicars' Heavy Armor
Twi'lek Pilgrims | Tython | Twi'lek | Ryloth | Jedi Order | Flesh Raider
Twin Suns | Pirate | Smuggler | Tatooine | Exchange | Hutt Cartel | Twi'lek
Advozse | Riflor | The Mid Rim
Cathar | Mandalorian | Jedi Order | Republic Army | Cathar | Battle of Cathar (3973BBY)
Flesh Raider | Tython | Jedi Order | Flesh Raider Uprising | Twi'lek
Gand | Bounty Hunter
Gran | Nal Hutta
Gree | The Outer Rim | Gree Enclave
Ithorian | Ithor | Great Galactic War | Ithorian Herdship
Nikto | Kintan | Hutt | Hutt Empire | Signing of the Treaty of Vontor | Hutt Cartel | Cult of M'dweshuu | M'dweshuu | Annexation of Kintan
Jawa | Tatooine
Nautolan | Nik Deleru | Jedi Order | Glee Anselm
Rodian | Bounty Hunter | Jedi Order | Republic Army | Rodia
Tusken | Tatooine | Bantha | Kumumgah
Selonian | Wookiee | Drall | Selonia | Corellian Resistance | Corellian System
Sullustan | Sullust
Ugnaught | Hutt Cartel | Gentes
Weequay | Sriluur | The Outer Rim | The Hutt Space | Mercenary | Third Battle of Vontor (25100BBY) | Kossak Inijic Ar'durv | Hutt | Xim | Warlord | Jedi Master
Zabrak | Iridonia | The Mid Rim
Defender-class Light Corvette | Great Galactic War | Jedi Order | Jedi Council
BT-7 Thunderclap | Rendili Hyperworks | Great Galactic War | Republic Special Forces Division | Republic Army
Thranta-class Corvette | Republic Navy
Bantha | Tatooine | Smuggler | "Bantha" Boskirn | Houk | Bounty Hunter
Bogstalker | Taris | Destruction of Taris | Rakghoul | Taris after Destruction
Bormu | Balmorra
Cthon | Coruscant
Ferrazid Hound | Taris | Destruction of Taris | Galactic Republic | Taris Resettlement Initiative | Taris after Destruction
Gapillian Grazer | Ord Mantell
Guid | Tython | Silvarte | Jedi Padawan | Jedi Knight | Jedi Master
Horranth | Tython
Nekghoul | Rakghoul | Jedi Order | Sith Order
Rakghoul | Taris | Destruction of Taris
Razoronn | Gapillian Grazer | Ord Mantell
Rill | Tatooine | Womp Rat
Salky Hound | Mercenary | The Outer Rim | Core Worlds
Mantellian Savrip | Ord Mantell | Gapillian Grazer | Mantellian Separatists | Ord Mantell Central Authority
Skel | Hoth | White Maw | Hoth Confrontation
Tauntaun | Hoth | Wampa | Pantran Whitefang | Imperial Army (Sith Empire) | Republic Army | White Maw
Tythonian War Droid | Tython | Jedi Order
Uxibeast | Tython | Jedi Order
Vrblther | Hutt | Nal Hutta | Nar Shaddaa | Varl
Wingmaw | Balmorra | Balmorran Maweater | Great Galactic War | Balmorran Resistance | Imperial Army (Sith Empire)
Rakata | Infinite Empire
Infinite Empire | Rakata | Coruscant | Sith | Korriban | Adas | Invasion of Korriban (27700BBY) | Korriban Civil War | Star Forge
Infinite Empire | Rakata
Infinite Empire | Coruscant | Rakata | Alderaan | Killik | Alsakan | Metellos | Korriban | Sith | Korriban Civil War | Adas | Ziost
Tiran | Drall | Coruscant | Duro | Infinite Empire | Core Worlds
Force Wars (25793-25783BBY) | Tython | Jedi Order | Ossus
Xim | Xim's Conquest | Xim's Empire | Hutt Empire | Infinite Empire | The Tion Cluster
Hutt | Nikto | Klatooinian | Xim | Hutt Empire | Vontor | Vodran | Signing of the Treaty of Vontor | Third Battle of Vontor (25100BBY) | Xim's Conquest | Xim's Empire | Si'Klaata Cluster
Duro | Coruscant | Jedi Order | Haune Tiar | Core Worlds | Ossus | Perlemian Trade Route
Jedi Order | Kashi Mer Dynasty | Xendor | Ossus | Lettow | Legions of Lettow | Battle of Columus | Arden Lyn | Awdrysta Pina | Duel on Irkalla | Force Wars (25793-25783BBY)
Xim | Xim's Empire | Hutt Empire | Hutt | Tionese War (24000-23900BBY) | The Tion Cluster
Jedi Order | The Exiles | Ajunta Pall | Battle of Corbos (6900BBY) | Corbos | Galactic Republic | Korriban | Sith | Old Sith Empire | Establishment of the Sith Empire
Galactic Republic | Empress Teta (Koros Major) | Manderon Period | Empress Teta System | Teta | Empress | Koros (state) | Kirrek | Unification Wars | Battle of Kirrek
Marka Ragnos | Sith | Sith Lord | Naga Sadow | Ludo Kressh | Korriban | Old Sith Empire | Dark Lord of the Sith | Explorer | Gav Daragon | Jori Daragon | Sith Council | Force Spirit | Manderon Period
Naga Sadow | Sith | Korriban | Old Sith Empire | Sith Lord | Galactic Republic | Dark Lord of the Sith | Gav Daragon | Jori Daragon | Explorer | Ludo Kressh | Sith Council | Manderon Period
Old Sith Empire | Galactic Republic | Sith Lord | Naga Sadow | Sith | Jori Daragon | Sith Council | Empress | Teta | Empress Teta System | Coruscant | Jedi Order | Great Hyperspace War | Warlord
Naga Sadow | Sith | Korriban | Sith Lord
Dromund Kaas | Old Sith Empire | Korriban | Galactic Republic | Dark Council (RSE) | Reconstitued Sith Empire | Colonization of Dromund Kaas (4980BBY) | Imperial Army (Sith Empire) | Emperor | Tenebrae | Sith
Brotherhood of the Sith | Ulic Qel-Droma | Jedi Order | Nomi Sunrider | Exar Kun | Krath | Empress Teta (Koros Major) | Second Battle of Empress Teta (3997 BBY) | Duel between Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma | Yavin IV | Marka Ragnos
Exar Kun | Ulic Qel-Droma | Mandalorian | Dxun | Jedi Order | Ossus | Brotherhood of the Sith | Onderon | Coruscant | Great Sith War (3996BBY) | The Outer Rim | Empress Teta System
Exar Kun | Great Sith War (3996BBY) | Jedi Order | Krynda Draay | Barrison Draay | Jedi Seer | Jedi Covenant | Covenant Shadow
Dromund Kaas | Revan | Exar Kun | Nihilus | Kreia | Malachor V | Darth Sion | Jedi Order
Jedi Order | Revan | Meetra Surik | Revanchists | Malachor V | Kreia | The Outer Rim
Meetra Surik | Jedi Order | Kreia | Death of Jedi Council (3951BBY) | Telos IV | Nihilus | Battle of Telos IV (3951 BBY) | Mandalorian | Ravager | Centurion-class Battlecruiser | Old Republic Military
AestheTech Incorporated
Balmorra | Okara Droid Company | Balmorran Arms
Hoth | White Maw
Taris | Malak | Destruction of Taris | Scientist | Rakghoul
Corellia | Duro
Jedi Order | Sith Order | Jedi Master
Hoth | Tauntaun
Balmorra | Imperial Army (Sith Empire) | Balmorran Resistance | Planetary Ion Cannon
Balmorra | Balmorran Resistance
Jedi Civil War | Star Forge | Jedi Order | Revan | Malak | The Outer Rim | Dark Lord of the Sith | Revanchists | Galactic Republic | Mandalorian | Jedi Consular | Bastila Shan | Mandalorian Wars | Jedi Knight
Jedi Order | Jedi Padawan | Tython
Krayt Dragon | Tatooine | Jawa | Tusken
Tatooine | Mia Hawkins | The Assassin's Fortress | Imperial Intelligence (Sith Empire) | Nightstrike (Cipher Nine) | Ghost Cell | The Old Man | Ghost Cell Elite Guard | The Spy Dance
Rakghoul | Sith Lord | Taris | Reconstitued Sith Empire
Jedi Order | Sacking of Coruscant | Alderaan Peace Conference | Assault on the Jedi Temple (3653BBY) | Tython | Coruscant | Jedi Master
Tython | Jedi Order | Assault on the Jedi Temple (3653BBY) | Coruscant | Satele Shan | Jedi Council | Flesh Raider | Rediscovering Tython | Resettling Tython
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatist Crisis | Ellis | Iero
Republic Senate | Jedi Order | Jedi Council | Supreme Chancellor
Taris Resettlement Initiative | The Outer Rim | Taris | Coruscant | Malak | Galactic Republic | Reconstitued Sith Empire | Republic Senate | Rakghoul | Revan's Sith Empire | Jedi Civil War | Destruction of Taris
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Army | Mantellian Separatists | Twi'lek
Hoth | Battle of Hoth (GGW) | The Star of Coruscant | Pirate | Mobile Crane | Large Radar | Scavenger
Smuggler | Pirate | Bounty Hunter | Reki
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Army | Mantellian Separatists | Ord Mantell Central Authority
Taris | Togruta | Malak | Destruction of Taris | Galactic Republic | Synoda | Doctor | Scientist
Desolator Crisis | Eli Tarnis | Galactic Republic | Sith Order | Scientist | Race to the Ruins | Sith Lord | Darth Angral | Ord Mantell
Corellia | Brecourl | Duel between Brecourl and Durand | Durand
Rajivari | Jedi Order | Jedi Master
Tarisian Outcasts | QM-35 | MAGTR-A01 Assassin Droid | Taris | Journey to the Promised Land | Destruction of Taris | Rakghoul | Taris after Destruction
Corellia | Rocket Tram
Sacking of Coruscant | Coruscant | Anitol Rosspar | Alderaan | Alderaan Peace Conference | Imperial Navy (RSE) | Malgus | Assault on the Jedi Temple (3653BBY) | Republic Senate
Sarlacc | Xenobiologist
Nar Shaddaa | Galactic Republic | Reconstitued Sith Empire | Hutt | Hutt Cartel | Exchange
Great Galactic War | Alderaan | Coruscant | Sacking of Coruscant | Alderaan Peace Conference
Ord Mantell | Republic Army | Czerka Corporation | Ord Mantell Central Authority | Mantellian Army | Twi'lek | Zabrak