Blaise (3)
Basic info

First appearance: FFG Imperial Assault - The Bespin Gambit
Species/Type: Human
Relations: Imperial Security Bureau
Events: IA - The Bespin Gambit


Blaise was an Imperial Security Bureau agent and interrogator active during the height of the Galactic Civil War. He had a reputation of being very ruthless in his interrogations. At some point during the Galactic Civil War, Blaise and his forces proceeded to infiltrate Cloud City on Bespin, knowing that Baron Administrator Lando Calrissian was secretly aiding the Rebel Alliance, and was trying to rout out Rebel spies in the area. Unfortunately for him, his encounter with Rebels who was tracking the stolen secret codes left him encased in carbonite to the great unpleasure of Darth Vader himself. He was as much of a dangerously cunning warrior as he was a brutal interrogator. He also tended to note his enemies' attack patterns. Even though he was a member of the ISB instead of the Stormtrooper Corps, he nonetheless wore a variation of scout trooper armor that had a slight blue tint to it.

Complete list

Agent Blaise, ISB Interrogator Villain Pack (SWI26) Agent Blaise, ISB Interrogator (C) Agent Blaise, ISB Interrogator (S)
Imperial Assault Miniature Game
Agent Blaise, ISB Interrogator Villain Pack (SWI26)
Agent Blaise, ISB Interrogator (C)
Agent Blaise, ISB Interrogator (S)
Imperial Security Bureau
Imperial Security Bureau
Imperial Security Bureau

Last updated: 25.12.2020 17:21:07