Buboicullaar (2)
Basic info
First appearance: Return of the Jedi
Species: Frog-Dog
Buboicullaar, commonly known by Bubo, was a frog-dog in Jabba Desilijic Tiure's court who served as Jabba's bodyguard. Before becoming a member of Jabba's court, Bubo had been a spy and assassin for many years. Around 5 BBY, Bubo had arrived on the Outer Rim planet of Tatooine and joined the Hutt's court. Thought to be a simple-minded creature, Bubo was used by a Gran assassin named Ree-Yees, who had been assigned to murder Jabba. Bubo ultimately foiled Ree-Yees' plot to kill Jabba; he hated the Gran with a passion because of his cruel treatment. After Jabba's death Bubo willingly allowed the B'omarr monks to extract his brain from his body and place it in a spider droid, where he could ponder the infinite for all eternity.


Complete list
Buboicullaar Creature Pack Jabba's Palace Court Denizens : Jabba's Palace (84741)
Scum & Villainy
Saga Collection Ultra
Buboicullaar Creature Pack
Jabba's Palace Court Denizens : Jabba's Palace (84741)
84741 / 84716
Tags (3)

Frog-Dog | Womp Rat | Rock Wart

Tags (5)

B'omarr Order | Arakyd BT-16 Perimeter Security Droid | Frog-Dog | Ghoel | Wol Cabasshite

Last updated: 19.02.2022 16:16:26