Basic info
First appearance: A New HopeA New Hope(MOVIE) |
The title Dark Lord of the Sith, or Jen'ari in the Sith | SithSentient Species | language, referred to the rulers of the original Sith Empire | Old Sith EmpireOrganizationGalaxy-Wide Organizations | , such as those entombed in Korriban | KorribanPlanet | 's Valley of the Dark Lords; subsequently, it was shared by multiple Sith Lords | Sith LordMiscellaneousRanks | simultaneously. Some Sith Lords had the prefix Darth | DarthMiscellaneousTitles | , but not all were Dark Lords. From the Golden Age of the Sith until their fall in the New Sith Wars, there was typically only one Dark Lord of the Sith at a time who headed the Sith Order, with one Dark Lord succeeding the other, as was the case with Marka Ragnos | Marka Ragnos(Sith)CharacterSupporting Characters | and his successor, Naga Sadow | Naga Sadow(Sith)CharacterSupporting Characters | , who initiated the failed Great Hyperspace War | Great Hyperspace WarEventOld Republic Era | . The Sith Vitiate declared himself Sith Emperor and founded a reconstituted Sith Empire | Reconstitued Sith EmpireOrganizationGalaxy-Wide Organizations | , where all of his twelve Dark Councillors held the title of Dark Lord at the same time. Darth Revan | Revan(Human)CharacterMajor Characters | and Darth Malak | Malak(Human)CharacterMajor Characters | also claimed the Dark Lord title for themselves during the Jedi Civil War | Jedi Civil WarEventJedi Civil War | , as did the Sith Triumvirate that succeeded them.Read more... |
See also |
Organizations that have used this rank
Old Sith Empire |
Sith Council |
Revan's Sith Empire |
Characters who held this rank
MalakRevan's Sith Empire |
RevanRevan's Sith Empire |
Ajunta PallOld Sith Empire |
Marka RagnosSith Council |
Complete list
Full unit name: Dark Lord of the Sith Last updated: 11.07.2024 13:45:00