Dreebo (1)
Basic info
First appearance: Tales of the Jedi : The Saga of Nomi Sunrider
Species: [Dreebo's Species]
Dreebo, a male member of a violet-skinned species, worked as an enforcer for the Stenness Node–based crime lord Bogga the Hutt 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. Although Dreebo was not one of Bogga's best, the Hutt trusted him enough to send him on important missions, such as the defense of a Nessie Ithullian ore hauler that was captained by a man named Gruna in the Stenness system in 3999 BBY. Dreebo, flying escort for the ore hauler in his light tactical fighter, came across two pirate ships that were trying to siphon the hauler's load of mutonium. Maneuvering his starfighter around to attack the pirates, Dreebo drew the attention of the main ship, the Marauder Starjacker, captained by pirate leader Finhead Stonebone. However, Dreebo's gunning skills left much to be desired, and every shot he fired missed its target. As Dreebo continued to strafe the pirate ships, C'borp, chief gunner on the Starjacker, aimed his turret guns at Dreebo. C'borp quickly destroyed Dreebo's fighter, killing him. Feeling merciful after Dreebo's death, Bogga decided to withhold Dreebo's service bonus and not charge Dreebo's home clan for the destroyed starfighter's replacement.


See also
Complete list
Ithullan Ore Hauler (V.ORE1)
The Official Star Wars Fact File
Ithullan Ore Hauler (V.ORE1)
Tags (6)

Ithullan Ore Hauler | Marauder Starjacker (E-2 Asteroid Miner) | E-2 Asteroid Miner | Stenness Raider (E-2 Asteroid Miner) | Stonebone, Finhead | Light Tactical Fighter

Last updated: 31.10.2021 11:24:50