Galactic Civil War (12)Full unit name: Galactic Civil War
Last updated: 17.01.2025 9:46:21
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Basic info
First appearance: A New Hope
A New Hope
Known Facts (9)
  • Ashiga Clan operated on Kijimi
  • WAC-77 interacted with Chalan Talosi
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Darth Vader
    What is thy bidding, my master?
    There is a great disturbance in the Force.
    Darth Vader
    I have felt it.
    We have a new enemy - Luke Skywalker.
    Darth Vader
    Yes, my master.
    He could destroy us.
    Darth Vader
    He's just a boy. Obi-Wan can no longer help him.
    The Force is strong with him. The son of Skywalker must not become a Jedi.
    Darth Vader
    If he could be turned, he would become a powerful ally.
    Yes. Yes. He would be a great asset. Can it be done?
    Darth Vader
    He will join us or die, my master.
  • Darth Vader (from Falcon's Escape)
  • Palpatine
  • Riko Vess operated on Cantonica in Worker's District, Canto Bight
  • Pirrip died from a heart attack
  • Galactic Empire interacted with Ashiga (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Following the start of the Galactic Civil War, the Queen Ashiga provided the Empire with the access to the rhydonium mines on the planet Kijimi in exchange for weapons contracts.
  • Galactic Empire operated on Kijimi in Clan Ashiga's Rhydonium Mines
  • Vail Tormin killed Slem Slonini (before 3 ABY)
  • Slonini Cartel ceased its activities after the death of its leader (before 3 ABY)
The Galactic Civil War (5 BBY–19 ABY) was a major galactic conflict fought primarily between the Galactic Empire
Galactic Empire
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
and the Alliance to Restore the Republic
Rebel Alliance
Rebel Alliance
. The Alliance was a rebel faction dedicated to the restoration of the Galactic Republic
Galactic Republic
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
, the government that the Empire had supplanted at the culmination of the Clone Wars
The Clone Wars
The Clone Wars
in 19 BBY.


See also
Related organizations
Imperial Shock Trooper
Stormtrooper CorpsStructureGround vehicles, structures and equipmentAratech 64-Y Swift 3 Repulsor SledRanksOfficerRolesCommanderPart of / Served onImperial MilitaryWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsSE-14r Light Repeating BlasterStormtrooper OfficersDLT-20A Blaster RifleElite StormtroopersE-11 Blaster RifleStormtrooper OfficersStormtrooper CommandersT-21 Light Repeating BlasterHeavy StormtroopersArmorStormtrooper ArmorStormtrooper Helmet
Imperial MilitaryStructureOrganizationsStormtrooper CorpsPart of / Served onGalactic Empire
Specter SquadronStructureCharactersJon 'Dutch' Vander, CommanderRolesCommanderJon 'Dutch' VanderPart of / Served onRebel Alliance
Rebel AllianceStructureOrganizationsSpecter Squadron
Black SunStructureStarshipsKihraxz-class Assault FighterRelationsEmployed Vail Tormin as Bounty Hunter
Galactic EmpireStructureCharactersEmperor Palpatine, RulerOrganizationsImperial MilitaryRanksEmperorPalpatineRolesCommanderEmperor Palpatine (Ruler)NavigatorRelationsUulshos Manufacturing worked for Galactic Empire as Supplier, supplying them with LAVr QH-7 Chariot and Storm Skimmer Patrol SledAratech worked for Galactic Empire as Supplier, supplying them with Aratech 64-Y Swift 3 Repulsor Sled and Aratech 74-Z Speeder BikeWorked in partnership with Ashiga Clan
Pyke SyndicateStructureCharactersJinnjo Blorgh, Guard, Pyke District Diner, Mirogana, Toshara (until On the Run)Sentient speciesPykeJinnjo Blorgh, Guard, Pyke District Diner, Mirogana, Toshara (until On the Run)RolesGuardJinnjo Blorgh, Pyke District Diner, Mirogana, Toshara (until On the Run)
Zerek Besh
Ashiga ClanStructureCharactersQueen Ashiga, RulerSentient speciesMelittoQueen Ashiga, RulerRanksQueenAshigaRolesLeaderQueen Ashiga (Ruler)WeaponsmithRelationsWorked in partnership with Galactic Empire
Bounty HunterStructureCharactersViktor HelVail Tormin
MercenaryStructureStarshipsILH-KK Citadel-class Cruiser
PirateStructureStarshipsILH-KK Citadel-class Cruiser
SmugglerStructureStarshipsILH-KK Citadel-class Cruiser
TraderStructureSentient speciesJawa
Slonini CartelStructureCharactersSlem Slonini, Crime LordRolesLeaderSlem Slonini (Crime Lord)
Related units, characters and other technologies
PalpatineMembershipGalactic EmpireEmperor Palpatine, Ruler
AshigaMembershipAshiga ClanQueen Ashiga, Ruler
Ank ParakoDetailsRolesThiefSafecrackerExplosives ExpertRelationsWorked in partnership with Pirrip
Vail TorminMembershipBounty HunterRelationsWorked for Black Sun as Bounty Hunter
Riko VessDetailsRolesThiefSlicer
Viktor HelMembershipBounty Hunter
Jinnjo BlorghMembershipPyke SyndicateGuard, Pyke District Diner, Mirogana, Toshara (until On the Run)
PirripDetailsRolesThiefRelationsWorked in partnership with Ank Parako
Slem SloniniMembershipSlonini CartelCrime Lord
Chalan TalosiDetailsRolesTechnicianMechanic
Jon 'Dutch' VanderMembershipSpecter SquadronCommander
Aratech 64-Y Swift 3 Repulsor SledUsed byStormtrooper CorpsRelationsWas among the products that Aratech supplied to Galactic Empire
JawaWere among members ofTrader
MelittoWere among members ofAshiga ClanQueen Ashiga, Ruler
PykeWere among members ofPyke SyndicateJinnjo Blorgh, Guard, Pyke District Diner, Mirogana, Toshara (until On the Run)
ILH-KK Citadel-class CruiserUsed by / Part of complementPirateMercenarySmuggler
Kihraxz-class Assault FighterUsed by / Part of complementBlack Sun
OfficerMembershipStormtrooper Corps
EmperorMembershipGalactic EmpirePalpatine
QueenMembershipAshiga ClanAshiga
CommanderMembershipSpecter SquadronJon 'Dutch' VanderStormtrooper CorpsGalactic EmpireEmperor Palpatine (Ruler)
NavigatorMembershipGalactic Empire
LeaderMembershipSlonini CartelSlem Slonini (Crime Lord)Ashiga ClanQueen Ashiga (Ruler)
GuardMembershipPyke SyndicateJinnjo Blorgh, Pyke District Diner, Mirogana, Toshara (until On the Run)
WeaponsmithMembershipAshiga Clan
Bounty HunterRelationsBlack Sun employed Vail Tormin
SupplierRelationsUulshos Manufacturing worked for Galactic Empire, supplying them with LAVr QH-7 Chariot and Storm Skimmer Patrol SledAratech worked for Galactic Empire, supplying them with Aratech 64-Y Swift 3 Repulsor Sled and Aratech 74-Z Speeder Bike
SlicerMembershipRiko Vess
ThiefMembershipPirripAnk ParakoSafecrackerRiko Vess
Explosives ExpertMembershipAnk Parako
TechnicianMembershipChalan TalosiMechanic
Complete list

Full unit name: Galactic Civil War Last updated: 17.01.2025 9:46:21