Basic info
First appearance: Rogue One |
Known Facts (2)
Battle of Scarif (2) »
Death troopers were an elite variant of the Galactic Empire's stormtroopers | Stormtrooper CorpsOrganizationGalactic Empire Military | designed for stealth, espionage and lethality. Operating under Imperial Intelligence | Imperial IntelligenceOrganizationGalactic Empire | , they served as protective details and bodyguards for significant Imperial officers | Imperial OfficerOrganizationGalactic Empire | and members of the Tarkin Initiative, as well as special-assignment commandos. They wore black suits of body armor and specialized helmets with vocal scramblers, micro-motion sensors, and heads-up displays with data on enemy and friendly positions on the battlefield. Death troopers were trained in unarmed combat, heavy weapons, demolitions, improvised weaponry, guerrilla warfare, and marksmanship. They were experts at covering their tracks, and left little to no evidence of their missions.Read more... |
See also |
Complete list
Full unit name: Imperial Death Trooper Last updated: 19.12.2024 17:56:20