during the Cold War, a period of unrest between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. During the war, around the year 3646 BBY, he was stationed on the planet Ord Mantell
and spent some time at Fort Garnik, the main Republic base on the island of Avilatan. While at Fort Garnik, Jaynes and the other Republic troops stationed there fought in the Separatist War
and other instructors at a combat instructor academy located in the fort, which Jaynes credited as saving him during combat situations. By the year 3643 BBY, Jaynes had been stationed in Fort Garnik on Ord Mantell for nearly three years and was a sergeant, wore a suit of the Republic Army's standard armor with blue markings and carried standard-issue H3 blaster rifle
, a well-known elite squad in the Republic Military. When approached by the recruit, Jaynes expressed his pleasure of seeing someone from Havoc Squad and suggested that Meteor go to Forris for combat instruction.