MTV-7 (1)
Basic info

First appearance: Empire Strikes Back (Kenner Toy Line)


The MTV-7 Multi-Terrain Vehicle was a single-track groundcar with two large wheels, each featuring grooved surface treading. In addition to the vehicle's basic upright position, the MTV-7's wheels could extend outward from the main body to adopt a low, ground-hugging configuration. Such versatility made the MTV-7 adaptable to many environments, and the vehicle was easier to deploy than the Galactic Empire's AT-ST walker. Armed with a single rotating laser cannon, the MTV-7 held room for a single pilot in an open-air cockpit - unlike speeder bikes, the MTV-7 did not require a pilot possessed of suicidal tendencies. A forward-facing, grilled headlight was positioned at the front of the vehicle.


Complete list

Fuel Upgrade
Fuel Upgrade
Imperial Snowtrooper

Last updated: 23.12.2020 1:17:36