Munificent-class Star Frigate (14)Full unit name: Munificent-class Star Frigate
Last updated: 03.02.2024 15:01:30
Navigation (5)
Basic info
First appearance: Star Wars Obsession, part 1
Relations: Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc.
Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc.
The Munificent-class star frigate, commonly referred to as the Banking Clan frigate or the Banking Clan comms ship, was a warship used by the InterGalactic Banking Clan and by extension the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Munificent-class was 825 meters in length and had a skeletal look, owing to the fact that these ships required a small crew to operate and were not designed to be carriers. Along the longitudinal spines of the ship ran tensor fields and the inertial compensator that helped maintain the structural integrity of the vessel. They had four extensive sensor and communications arrays affixed to the center of the hull in a cross-pattern. Several docking rings were located underneath these and the vertical arrays also had room for several point-defense cannons.


Sub-classes or named ships
Sa Nalaor
Tide of Progress XII
Complete list

Full unit name: Munificent-class Star Frigate Last updated: 03.02.2024 15:01:30