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Known Facts (9)
Battle of Hoth (1) »
Falcon's Escape (8) »
- Interacted with (dialog)
Dialog transcript |
Lorth NeedaThey're moving to attack position! Shields up!Needa and his men duck as the Falcon nears the bridge window. At the last minute, the Falcon veers off and out of sight. All is quiet.Lorth NeedaTrack them. They may come around for another pass.TRACKING OFFICERCaptain Needa, the ship no longer appears on our scopes.Lorth NeedaThey can't have disappeared. No ship that small has a cloaking device.TRACKING OFFICERWell, there's no trace of them, sir.COMMUNICATIONS OFFICERCaptain, Lord Vader demands an update on the pursuit.Lorth NeedaGet a shuttle ready. I shall assume full responsibility for losing them, and apologize to Lord Vader. Meanwhile, continue to scan the area.COMMUNICATIONS OFFICERYes, Captain Needa. |
- Lorth Needa
- Interacted with (dialog)
Dialog transcript |
Captain Needa apologized to Darth Vader for the loss of the Millennium Falcon |
- Darth Vader, Firmus Piett
- Interacted with (dialog)
Dialog transcript |
The Millennium Falcon races toward one of the huge oncoming Star Destroyers. Suddenly, the Falcon starts into a deep dive straight down, closely followed by four TIE fighters. The underside of the Star Destroyer continues on a collision course with two oncoming Star Destroyers. Slowly, it starts to veer to the left. Out the front window, the two approaching Star Destroyers can be seen veering to the left.Lorth NeedaTake evasive action!Alarms sound all over the huge ship. The two other Star Destroyers get closer, one of them moving over the bridge so close that it makes brushing contact with it. |
- Lorth Needa
- Interacted with (dialog)
Dialog transcript |
Lorth Needa (from Avenger)... and that, Lord Vader, was the last time they appeared in any of our scopes. Considering the amount of damage we've sustained, they must have been destroyed.Darth Vader (from Executor)No, Captain, they're alive. I want every ship available to sweep the asteroid field until they are found. |
- Darth Vader, Firmus Piett
- Served as Captain on Avenger
- Was among the passengers on board of TIE Shuttle when it arrived on Executor
- Was among the passengers on board of TIE Shuttle when it departed from Avenger
- Was killed by Darth Vader
Lorth Needa was a human male fleet officer in the Republic Navy during the Clone Wars | The Clone WarsEventThe Clone Wars | and the Imperial Navy | Imperial NavyOrganizationGalactic Empire Navy | during the Galactic Civil War | Galactic Civil WarEventGalactic Civil War | .He served as lieutenant commander of the Republic Carrack-class cruiser | Carrack-class Light CruiserStarshipStarship Models | Integrity in Home Fleet Strike Group Five of the Coruscant Home Fleet during the Battle of Coruscant.jpg) | Battle of Coruscant (ROTS)EventThe Clone Wars | , in which he was prepared to destroy General Grievous | Grievous(Kaleesh)CharacterMajor Characters | 's flagship, the Invisible Hand.jpg) | Invisible Hand(Providence-class Destroyer)StarshipNamed Starships | , should the general be unable to prove that Supreme Chancellor | Supreme ChancellorMiscellaneousRanks | Palpatine | Palpatine(Human)CharacterMajor Characters | was being held captive aboard the warship.During the Imperial era, Needa was promoted to captain | CaptainMiscellaneousRanks | of the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer | Imperial-class Star DestroyerStarshipStarship Models | Avenger.jpg) | Avenger(Imperial-class Star Destroyer)StarshipNamed Starships | by Fleet Admiral | AdmiralMiscellaneousRanks | Kendal Ozzel | Kendal Ozzel(Human)CharacterMinor Characters | and assigned to Darth Vader | Darth Vader(Human)CharacterMajor Characters | 's Death Squadron | Death Squadron(Imperial Navy)OrganizationGalactic Empire Navy | , often being tasked with following up on certain leads regarding the location of the Rebel Alliance | Rebel AllianceOrganizationRebel Alliance | 's hidden headquarters. Needa served as one of Ozzel's advisors, earning him the distrust of both Vader and Emperor | EmperorMiscellaneousRanks | Palpatine.In the aftermath of the Battle of Hoth | Battle of HothEventGalactic Civil War | , where General | GeneralMiscellaneousRanks | Maximilian Veers | Maximilian Veers(Human)CharacterSupporting Characters | 's assault on Echo Base forced the Rebels into fleeing, Needa and the Avenger were charged with capturing | Falcon's EscapeEventGalactic Civil War | Han Solo | Han Solo(Human)CharacterMajor Characters | 's YT-1300 light freighter | YT-1300 Light FreighterStarshipStarship Models | , the Millennium Falcon.jpg) | Millennium Falcon(YT-1300 Light Freighter)StarshipNamed Starships | , and her crew. The Falcon outran the pursuing Star Destroyers and hid within the Hoth asteroid field | Hoth Asteroid FieldGalaxyAreas | , but the Avenger plunged into the field, intent on completing its assignment. The search proved to be hazardous as the warship sustained damage, and its gunners were forced to fire on the asteroids rather than remain alert for the elusive freighter. Nevertheless, when the Falcon emerged from the maelstrom, the Avenger was right behind the freighter. Before Needa could detain the craft, Solo charged the Avenger and landed on a blind spot on the aft of the destroyer's conning tower; as a result, the destroyer's sensors could not find the vessel.Believing to have failed his mission, Needa went to the Star Dreadnought | Super-class Star DestroyerStarshipStarship Models | Executor.jpg) | Executor(Super-class Star Destroyer)StarshipNamed Starships | to personally apologize to Vader. Vader accepted his apology after making sure that the captain would never fail again. Two Imperial Navy troopers | Imperial Navy TrooperOrganizationGalactic Empire Navy | then dragged Needa's lifeless body away.Read more... |
See also |
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Known roles
Known for serving on the following ships
Known for traveling as a passenger on the following ships
TIE Shuttle |
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Full unit name: Needa, Lorth Last updated: 09.01.2025 16:14:02