Shortatha (1)
Basic info

First appearance: Fantasy Flight Games Imperial Assault Miniatures Game
Species/Type: Wookiee


Shorthata was a Wookiee male and a friend of Jirritt who owned a life debt to him. At some point in time during the Galactic Civil War he along with other Wookiees was ambushed and captured by Imperials on Bakura, Jirritt was killed during the ambush. To honor his late brother's life debt Gaarkhan with a help of team of freelance fighters invaded Imperial prison on Bakura and saved Shorthata along with other prisoners.

Complete list

Indebted : Bakura - Imperial - Wilderness (Gaarkhan)
Indebted : Bakura - Imperial - Wilderness (Gaarkhan)
Tags (4)

Gaarkhan | Wookiee | Imperial Stormtrooper | Jirritt

The picture is probably about generic Wookiee is being captured by Imperial Stormtroopers

Last updated: 22.11.2020 18:02:20