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Known Facts (3)
Battle of Hoth (2) »
Battle over Endor (1) »
The Stalker was an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer | Imperial-class Star DestroyerStarshipStarship Models | of the Imperial Navy under the command of Captain Akal Zed | Akal Zed(Human)CharacterMinor Characters | .The Stalker was originally assigned to search the Outer Rim Territories | The Outer RimGalaxyTerritories | for new worlds to subjugate, and would later become part of Moff Andal's fleet patrolling the Elrood sector.It would later be reassigned as part of Darth Vader | Darth Vader(Human)CharacterMajor Characters | 's Death Squadron, his personal fleet of Star Destroyers that searched for the Alliance High Command headquarters and, more specifically for Vader, the location of Luke Skywalker | Luke Skywalker(Human)CharacterMajor Characters | .Eight months after the Battle of Yavin | Battle of YavinEventGalactic Civil War | , the ship fought Warlord Nuso Esva's forces in the Poln system as part of Death Squadron.During Vader's post-Yavin search for Skywalker, the Stalker was responsible for launching the Viper probe droid | Arakyd Viper Probe DroidDroid | that located Echo Base on the ice planet Hoth | Hoth(Human)CharacterSupporting Characters | . In addition to the Hoth system, the Stalker also targeted the nearby Allyuen and Tokmia systems. Soon thereafter, the Stalker joined Death Squadron in its blockade of the planet during the Battle of Hoth | Battle of HothEventGalactic Civil War | . As the Rebellion's escape transports attempted to run the blockade, the Stalker helped to disable at least one of the fugitive ships, the GR-75 medium transport | Gallofree GR-75 Medium TransportStarshipStarship Models | Bright Hope | Bright Hope(Gallofree GR-75 Medium Transport)StarshipNamed Starships | , the final transport to evacuate Hoth.In 4 ABY, the Stalker participated in the Battle of Endor | Battle of Endor(Endor Campaign)EventGalactic Civil War | . As part of Death Squadron, the ship survived the battle. Captain | CaptainMiscellaneousRoles | Zed | Akal Zed(Human)CharacterMinor Characters | refused to obey the new fleet commander, Gilad Pellaeon, and decided to return to the Elrood sector with his ship.Read more... |
See also |
Organizations that used this starship
Imperial Navy |
Death Squadron |
Known crew - characters
Akal ZedCaptain |
Complete list
Full unit name: Stalker Last updated: 23.08.2024 13:55:49