Tognath (1)
Basic info
First appearance: Rogue One
Tognath were a sentient species that were native to the planet Yar Togna. The Tognath had a striking look thanks to their insectoid and mammalian characteristics; another factor was their having both an endo- and exoskeleton. They also possessed a very primitive nervous system, which provided them with immunity to most pain (a helpful trait in combat). The mercenaries Edrio and Benthic "Two Tubes" were members of this species.


Known members or units
Two Tubes, Benthic
Two Tubes, Edrio
Complete list
Jedha Revolt (C1231)
Star Wars Rogue One Collection : Multipacks
Jedha Revolt (C1231)
Tags (6)

Erso, Jyn | Imperial Combat Assault Tank Pilot | Imperial Combat Driver | Gerrera, Saw | Saw Gerrera's Partisans | Two Tubes, Edrio

Mission to Jedha

Last updated: 26.09.2021 13:02:17