Zirchros (1)Full unit name: Zirchros
Last updated: 29.10.2023 18:33:47
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Species: Hutt
Sentient Species
Gender: Male
Zirchros was a male Hutt crime lord living during the time of the Galactic Republic. He was born around the year 5341 BBY, and he had a father who had obtained a collection of cultural artifacts from a civilization that had been extinct for some time by Zirchros's later years. At some point, Zirchros learned the location of the artifacts, and he also had a large amount of knowledge of the early criminal underworld of the Galactic Republic. When Zirchros came into possession of the artifacts, he kept them a secret. Around the year 3641 BBY, Zirchros was dying in his medical facility at the age of 1,700 years.


Complete list

Full unit name: Zirchros Last updated: 29.10.2023 18:33:47