Prequel Trilogy |
None |
Movie Comics TPB |
Movie Novel |
Movie Novel |
SWM Revenge of the Sith |
Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith |
Star Wars The Complete Saga (Blu Ray) |
EP3 : Revenge of the Sith (graphic novel) |
EP3 : Revenge of the Sith |
EP3 : Revenge of the Sith |
Chewbacca of Kashyyyk |
Blu-Ray Cat. # 2274218 |
ROTS07 |
Tags (2)Chewbacca | Wookiee |
Events (14)Palpatine Reveals Himself (ROTS) | Battle of Coruscant (ROTS) | The Fall of the Jedi Temple (ROTS) | Battle of Utapau | R2-D2 fights SBDs (BoC) | Separatist Council Departs from Utapau | Making Contact (ROTS) | Recovery on Mustafar (ROTS) | Duel on Mustafar | Duel in Palpatine's office | Slaughter on Mustafar | Seeds of the Rebellion (ROTS) | The birth of Luke and Leia (ROTS) | Rise of Darth Vader |
Events (62)Arrival on Coruscant (32BBY) | Falcon's Escape | Battle over Naboo | Battle of Theed | Ambassadors to Naboo | Journey from Otoh Gunga to Theed | Fall of Theed | Battle over Endor | Endor Campaign | Arrival at Endor (ROTJ) | Battle of Yavin | Yavin Award Ceremony | Escape from Death Star | Anakin's Test (32BBY) | Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's Debrief (32ABY) | Geonosis Arena Battle | Aftermath | Luke's Surrender (ROTJ) | Death Star Meeting | Rendezvous on Redemption | Battle of Coruscant (ROTS) | Palpatine Reveals Himself (ROTS) | The Fall of the Jedi Temple (ROTS) | Escape from Theed | Duel on Naboo | Departing Tatooine (32BBY) | Qui-Gon Encounters Anakin (32BBY) | Return to Naboo | Introducing Darth Maul (32BBY) | Palpatine meets Padme in His Office (32 BBY) | Special Session of the Senate (32BBY) | Theed Celebration | Battle of Utapau | R2-D2 fights SBDs (BoC) | Investigation on Kamino | Battle of Geonosis | Anakin and Padme on Naboo (AOTC) | Separatist Council Departs from Utapau | Making Contact (ROTS) | Recovery on Mustafar (ROTS) | Travel from Coruscant to Naboo (AOTC) | Bombing at Landing Pad (AOTC) | Searching for Saberdart Origin (AOTC) | Special Session of the Senate (AOTC) | Jedi Rocks (ROTJ) | Duel on Mustafar | Sidious sends Maul to Tatooine (32BBY) | Vader's Visit to the DS-2 (ROTJ) | Duel in Palpatine's office | Anakin and Padme depart Tatooine | Senate oversees deployment of GAR | Palpatine's Nomination | Palpatine arrives on Naboo | Qui-Gon Jinn's funeral | Meeting in Palpatine's office (AOTC) | Palpatine flattering Anakin (AOTC) | The Emperor arrives | Return to Dagobah | Slaughter on Mustafar | Seeds of the Rebellion (ROTS) | The birth of Luke and Leia (ROTS) | Rise of Darth Vader |
Events (2)Seeds of the Rebellion (ROTS) | The birth of Luke and Leia (ROTS) |
Events (2)Seeds of the Rebellion (ROTS) | The birth of Luke and Leia (ROTS) |
This young and noble Wookiee believes in honor and doing the right thing. |
SWM Revenge of the Sith |
SWM Revenge of the Sith |
SWM Revenge of the Sith |
SWM Champions of the Force |
SWM Champions of the Force |
Unleashed Series |
Tarfful |
Wookiee Berserker |
Wookiee Scout |
Clone Commander Gree |
Kashyyyk Trooper |
Chewbacca Unleashed (ROTS) |
ROTS21 |
ROTS22 |
ROTS23 |
COTF23 |
COTF29 |
85880 / 87149 |
Tags (2)Tarfful | Wookiee |
Wookiee |
Wookiee |
Tags (3)Gree | 41st Elite Corps | GAR Clone Trooper, Phase II Armor |
Tags (2)Clone Scout Trooper | 41st Elite Corps |
Tags (2)Chewbacca | Wookiee |
A brave Wookiee warrior and friend to Jedi Master Yoda. |
Though a generally peaceful species, Wookiees are known to fly into a violent rage when angered or threatened. |
The Wookiee tendency to wander and explore makes them ideally suited to be scouts. |
BPU - Episode III : Battle of Kashyyyk |
BPU - Episode III : Battle of Kashyyyk |
BPU - Episode III : Battle of Kashyyyk |
BPU - Episode III : Battle of Kashyyyk |
BPU - Episode III : Battle of Kashyyyk |
BPU - Heroes & Villains |
Kashyyyk & Felucia Heroes |
Yoda's Elite Clone Troopers |
Yoda's Elite Clone Troopers (2008) |
Wookiee Warriors |
Droid Invasion |
Jedi Generals |
85888 / 85768 |
85889 / 85768 |
85889 / 85768 |
85890 / 85768 |
87514 / 87513 |
87904 / 85768 |
Tags (7)Yoda | Jedi Order | Chewbacca | Wookiee | Tarfful | Aayla Secura | Twi'lek |
Tags (4)Gree | GAR Clone Trooper, Phase II Armor | 41st Elite Corps | Clone Scout Trooper |
Tags (4)Gree | GAR Clone Trooper, Phase II Armor | 41st Elite Corps | Clone Scout Trooper |
Wookiee |
Tags (8)B2 Super Battle Droid | B1 Battle Droid | Droideka | Clone Scout Trooper | 41st Elite Corps | Yoda | Jedi Order | Wookiee |
Tags (6)Darth Vader | Mace Windu | Jedi Order | Saesee Tiin | Iktotchi | Yoda |
BPU - Clone Wars (Walmart) |
BPU - Clone Wars (Walmart) |
BPU - Clone Wars (Walmart) |
Militaries of Star Wars |
TITANIUM Series Die-Cast |
TITANIUM Series Die-Cast |
Yoda (WM) (UBP) |
Clone Commander Gree (WM) (UBP) |
Clone Trooper (WM, Kashyyyk) (UBP) |
Commander Gree : 41st Elite Corps |
Wookiee Flyer (TSDC) |
Clone Turbo Tank (TSDC) |
92160 |
92165 |
92166 |
2183 |
34552 / 34529 |
34564 / 34558 |
Tags (2)Yoda | Jedi Order |
Tags (3)Gree | GAR Clone Trooper, Phase II Armor | 41st Elite Corps |
Tags (2)Clone Scout Trooper | 41st Elite Corps |
Tags (3)Gree | GAR Clone Trooper, Phase II Armor | 41st Elite Corps |
Tags (2)Wookiee Fluttercraft | Wookiee |
HAVW A6 Juggernaut |
TITANIUM Series Die-Cast |
TITANIUM Series Die-Cast |
Star Wars Micro Vehicles Series |
Revenge of the Sith : Sneak Preview |
Revenge of the Sith |
Revenge of the Sith |
AT-RT (green camo) (TSDC) |
Vehicle Pack (Episode III) (TSDC) |
Revenge of the Sith : Set III |
Wookiee Warrior (III.SP03) |
Yoda (III.03) |
Chewbacca (III.05) |
35062 / 34558 |
38880 / 38873 |
85391 / 85250 |
85365 / 85172 |
85344 / 85173 |
85278 / 85173 |
Tags (2)AT-RT | ARF Trooper |
Tags (7)Eta-2 Interceptor | Anakin Skywalker | Jedi Order | R2-D2 | R2-series Astromech Droid | Droid Tri-Fighter | HAVW A6 Juggernaut |
Tags (7)Aratech BARC Speeder | AT-RT | ARF Trooper | GAR Clone Trooper, Phase II Armor | Chewbacca | Wookiee | Bowcaster |
Wookiee |
Tags (2)Yoda | Jedi Order |
Tags (3)Chewbacca | Wookiee | Bowcaster |
Battle of Coruscant (ROTS) |
Revenge of the Sith |
Revenge of the Sith |
Revenge of the Sith |
Revenge of the Sith |
Revenge of the Sith : Exclusives |
The Black Series 6'' (Exclusives) |
Tarfful (III.25) |
Wookiee Warrior (Brown) (III.43) |
Wookiee Commando (III.58) |
Wookiee Heavy Gunner (III.68) |
Holographic Yoda (Kashyyyk Transmission) (85732) |
Clone Commander Gree (C3193) |
85343 / 85173 |
85461 / 85173 |
86670 / 85173 |
86720 / 85174 |
85732 |
C3193 |
Tags (3)Tarfful | Wookiee | Bowcaster |
Tags (2)Wookiee | Bowcaster |
Tags (2)Wookiee | Commando |
Tags (3)Wookiee | Bowcaster | Grapple Gun |
Tags (2)Yoda | Jedi Order |
Tags (3)Gree | GAR Clone Trooper, Phase II Armor | 41st Elite Corps |
Luminara Unduli, Wise Protector | Delta-7 Aethersprite (Unique) |
UID00010710 |
Tags (4)Delta-7B Interceptor | Luminara Unduli | Jedi Order | Kashyyyk |