C2-N2 (Voidhound) (1)Full unit name: C2-N2_V
Last updated: 30.07.2024 23:01:08
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Model: COURIER-A01 Protocol Droid
COURIER-A01 Protocol Droid
Old Republic Protocol Droid classes
» C2-series Droid
C2-series Droid
(COURIER-A01 Protocol Droid)
Old Republic Protocol Droid classes
Programming: Male
Known Facts (9)
Race the Devil (2) »
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    C2-N2 (Voidhound)
    My new master, at last. I am Seetoo Enntoo, steward of this vessel. It is my extreme good fortune to serve you.
    You were bought by a thieving, gutless son of a kath hound - but this is my ship. You take orders from me, got it?
    C2-N2 (Voidhound)
    I am programmed to serve this vessel's captain, not my purchaser. I will happily accept your every command. C2-series droids represent the latest advances in everything from starship technical maintenance to nutritional advice tailored for your specific organic needs. Welcome aboard your Corellian XS Light Freighter: a marvel of customization. I can only speculate why such large engines were mounted to its hull. Along with the usual accommodations, you'll find a secure captain's locker for storing valuables. Your bridge contains an ever-updating map of the galaxy. It's quite beautiful to look at. Priority alerts from the Republic network are accessible at the HoloNet console. Long-range communications are available via the holoterminal. And finally, the ship's intercom will inform your crew that you wish to meet. Do you have any questions, master?
    Nope - thanks for the review. It's been too long since I was aboard. I'd almost forgotten all that stuff.
    C2-N2 (Voidhound)
    My duty is to ensure you need never concern yourself with such matters, master. Which brings up one final point... As you can see, I am not equipped for physical danger. My function is to maintain this starship as your home away from home. I am happy to assist you with any non-hazardous task, of course. I pride myself on the utmost attention to detail.
    What do you consider a "non-hazardous" task?
    C2-N2 (Voidhound)
    I am programmed to modify other technology. I can also perform long-range surveillance and diplomacy. I'm quite useful, I assure you.
    Hmm... add a little armor, some combat protocols and a blaster, and you just might be worth something.
    C2-N2 (Voidhound)
    Master, please... Any non-factory modification will void my warranty. Whenever you are ready to depart, consult the galaxy map on the bridge. The ship's computers will handle the rest. Oh... and you may wish to investigate the cargo compartment. The items within it arrived before I did.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs
  • Was Steward and Maintenance on Voidhound's XS Freighter during its departure from Coruscant
Recruitment into Coruscant Aegis (1) »
Operation Midnight Freedom (1) »
Makem Te Assault (1) »
Assault on Balosar Outpost (1) »
Beryl's Bargain (1) »
The Vault (1) »
Nar Shaddaa Landing (1) »
C2-N2, also known as Seetoo Enntoo, was a C2-series
C2-series Droid
(COURIER-A01 Protocol Droid)
Old Republic Protocol Droid classes
droid who served the smuggler known as Voidhound
Major Characters
during and after the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
After Skavak
Supporting Characters
, a notorious criminal, stole
Landing Party
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Corellian XS Freighter
Voidhound's XS Freighter
(XS Stock Light Freighter)
Named Starships
from Voidhound on the planet Ord Mantell
Ord Mantell
, he bought C2 and commanded it to serve as the ship's steward. After reclaiming
Race the Devil
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
the ship from Skavak and finding C2 on board, Voidhound allowed him to stay because C2 assured the smuggler that he was programmed to serve the ship's captain and not the original purchaser.
C2-N2 was responsible for maintaining the starship and ensuring that the Voidhound's crew and companions
Voidhound's Followers
Temporary Unions
remained comfortable.


See also
Known roles
Voidhound's XS Freighter
Voidhound's XS Freighter
Known for serving on the following ships
Voidhound's XS Freighter
Roles - show all (2)RolesMaintenanceSteward
All characters this character met
Race the Devil
Corso Riggs
Race the Devil
Complete list

Full unit name: C2-N2_V Last updated: 30.07.2024 23:01:08