Skavak (18)Full unit name: Skavak
Last updated: 09.01.2025 16:14:02
Navigation (4)
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Known Facts (35)
Landing Party (7) »
Hitting Where It Hurts (1) »
The Gambler (4) »
Identity Crisis (5) »
  • Used Torchy
  • Used L3 Electroblade
  • Used Flash Grenade
  • Used Thermal Grenade
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Well, well. The jackal of the stars himself pays me a visit. Long time no see, Skavak. You must really need my help, huh?
    Urbax, buddy, you're such a cynical guy. Can't I just be paying an old friend a visit?
    "You" and "friends" is the funniest thing I've heard all year. Get to the point before I stop laughing.
    A lawman from the Outer Rim is sticking to me like a mynock on a power coupling. I need somebody to scrape him off.
    Lawman, huh? Sounds like that'll cost double.
    Whatever it takes. I'm in a rush to wrap up other business here. Besides, finding work for my friends makes me feel good.
    Nice. So, where is this little parasite you want me to remove?
    He's at a docking bay in the spaceport, and he's alone. I'm sure he won't give a burly scrapper like you much trouble.
    I guarantee he won't. Oh, and I'll be wanting my payment in advance.
    I wouldn't have it any other way, Urbax. You enjoy yourself.
  • Urbax
Hot Pursuit (6) »
Race the Devil (7) »
  • Used Torchy
  • Used L3 Electroblade
  • Used Flash Grenade
  • Used Thermal Grenade
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Skavak hired Fabizan and asked to look after his ship and receive cargo that was to be delivered to Docking Bay 87 of the Coruscant spaceport. He also said there might be a troublemaker or two dropping and paid extra for security to take care of it.
  • Fabizan
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    The Murustavan Ruby. It's even more exquisite than I imagined. This will be the perfect centerpiece for my gift to the Grand Moff.
    I'm sure it'll earn you a nice, fat promotion. Maybe the Grand Moff will finally let you go home to Dromund Kaas?
    Watch your tone, Skavak. My agent is standing by at the spaceport, ready to deliver the item. You have someone ready to receive it?
    There's a twitchy little starship merchant named Fabizan in my docking bay. He'll accept my payment.
    Lieutenant, transmit the signal. I don't know what you want with that grotesque trophy, Skavak, but it's all yours now.
    You need any other priceless relics, Commander, just let me know.
    Hi there! Sorry I'm late to the party, boys. Traffic was crazy. Where's my ship, Skavak?
    Is it too much to ask that someone guard the entrance to our secret base? Skavak, is this some sort of trick?
    Captain. Seriously, I admire your persistence, but this is ridiculous.
    How do you know this man, Skavak?
    He's an acquaintance who just can't take a joke.
    Corso Riggs
    You're gonna be a floor stain when we're done with you, Skavak.
    Corso, heard about your job. Don't let unemployment make you bitter, all right?
    You the one who fouled up my identity record and sent half the galaxy chasing me? That wasn't very nice, Captain.
    What are friends for? It's the least I could do for you, old pal.
    You know, holding on to anger like that will give you health problems. I understand you're upset. It's a very nice ship. But you're taking things way too far.
    Honestly, did you have to frame me as a Sith spy? A pirate would've been so much more romantic. Or was it necessary to tell every woman in the civilized galaxy I have Bothan Nether Rot? That's just low. Framing me with the crime syndicates wasn't very nice. You know how hard it is to get out of trouble with them? Oh, wait - that's right, you do. I hear Rogun the Butcher just raised the price on your head. Congratulations.
    Enough of this. The captain is your problem, Skavak. Deal with it.
    Commander, would you mind vaporizing the captain for me? I've got places to be....
    Skavak! Blast that scoundrel. Always leaving me to clean up his messes.... Troops, dispose of this garbage.
    Miel Muwn
    Attention, Imperial lawbreakers! You are in violation of Statute 1983 of the Sullustan Criminal Code. Drop your weapons and surrender the gem!
    Who do you think you are giving me orders? You're as good as dead, you alien filth.
    Boy am I happy to see you.
    Miel Muwn
    Imperials, you are guilty of smuggling and crimes too numerous to mention. Do not make things harder on yourselves by resisting arrest! I have already disabled your comlinks and cut you off from any reinforcements! Drop your weapons now!
    Spare me your false heroics. Men, kill this alien scum!
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Kasstroff, Miel Muwn
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Risha Drayen
    You're late, Skavak - and I just made a new friend. I think you two will loathe each other.
    Congratulations, Captain. You're officially number one on my list of people to kill. When I get my hands on you, you'll wish you'd never left Ord Mantell.
    Corso Riggs
    Hope there's room for me on that list. I hate feeling left out.
    Don't sweat it, Corso. I promise to kill you second.
    Can't kill what you can't catch, Skavak. And you don't have a ship.
    Plenty of ships to steal on Coruscant. I'm sure I'll find something fast and deadly. You don't even know what you've stumbled into, Captain. You're messing up a deal I spent months putting together. Don't know how you got away from those Imperials, but next time I'll kill you myself. Assuming Rogun the Butcher doesn't get you first. I sold all those blasters you were supposed to deliver for him on Ord Mantell. Can't imagine he'll be happy you lost them.
    I'll make sure Rogun hears who really fouled things up for him.
    I'm sure you'll have lots to say while Rogun tortures you to death.
    Risha Drayen
    Are you done posturing, Skavak? The captain and I have cargo to deliver.
    Don't even think about cutting me out of this deal, Risha!
    Risha Drayen
    "Finders keepers." Isn't that what you always say? Not my fault the captain here beat you to the big prize.
    Risha Drayen
    Sweetheart, you two just made the biggest mistake of your lives.
  • Risha Drayen, Voidhound, Corso Riggs
Hunt for Nok Drayen's Treasure (5) »
  • Used Torchy
  • Used L3 Electroblade
  • Used Flash Grenade
  • Used Thermal Grenade
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    What the- ? Who the- ? How'd you- ?
    Not big on completing sentences, are you?
    You're just- I can't believe- you're not supposed to be here!
    Let me guess, you're Skavak's mercenaries? You are one ugly pile of scrap, aren't you?
    How do you- we're supposed to be- never mind how you know! How dare- what do you- this is first-rate battle armor! We've been through ten kinds of pain getting to this vault. And not to watch you open it first. Skavak, you there? You want to see this, boss. We're at the vault, but we're not alone.
    Too perfect. I love it when everything comes together like this. How's life treating you, Captain? You enjoying my ship and all my stuff? What about that two-faced Risha?
    I'm having the time of my life. She says "hello." We're doing great, thanks.
    Aw, too bad it's over now. Still owe you for that mess on Coruscant. You have any idea the grief I'm taking? I could kill everybody who cracks a joke, but that's a lot of work. So, why don't you just die, already?
    Stop taking yourself so seriously.
    A man's reputation is everything. If I don't take myself seriously, who will? Roksur, I want you and the boys to spare no effort killing my friend. Make it as painful as possible.
    You heard the boss! Fry this fool!
  • Roksur, Voidhound, Corso Riggs (from The Vault)


See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Rendia Freight
Landing Party
Known roles
Voidhound's XS Freighter
Known for serving on the following ships
Voidhound's XS Freighter
Known weaponry & equipment
ALT-25 Blaster Pistol (L12)
Landing Party
L3 Electroblade
Show all (5)DetailsThe GamblerIdentity CrisisHot PursuitRace the DevilHunt for Nok Drayen's Treasure
Flash Grenade
Show all (5)DetailsThe GamblerIdentity CrisisHot PursuitRace the DevilHunt for Nok Drayen's Treasure
Thermal Grenade
Show all (5)DetailsThe GamblerIdentity CrisisHot PursuitRace the DevilHunt for Nok Drayen's Treasure
Show all (6)DetailsLanding PartyThe GamblerIdentity CrisisHot PursuitRace the DevilHunt for Nok Drayen's Treasure
All characters this character met
Show all (3)DetailsLanding PartyRace the DevilThe Vault
Risha Drayen
Race the Devil
Darmas Pollaran
Corso Riggs
Show all (3)DetailsLanding PartyRace the DevilThe Vault
Race the Devil
Race the Devil
Miel Muwn
Race the Devil
The Vault
Hitting Where It Hurts
Identity Crisis
All organizations this character dealt with (specific members unknown)
Imperial Army (Sith Empire)
Hot Pursuit
Justicars' Brigade
Hot Pursuit
Known subordinates, assistants, aides or other individuals on payroll
Race the Devil
The Vault
Complete list

Full unit name: Skavak Last updated: 09.01.2025 16:14:02