Mercenary (69)Full unit name: Mercenary
Last updated: 08.09.2024 0:24:53
Navigation (24)
Basic info
First appearance: A New Hope
A New Hope
Known Facts (50)
The Cold War (3) »
Mission to Clak'dor VII (CW) (1) »
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Gun's just a tool. You use it to destroy, or you use it to protect against those who would destroy you.
  • Corso Riggs
Esseles incident (1) »
Race the Devil (7) »
Insult to Injury (6) »
The Vault (10) »
Raid on Tularan Nuclear Power Plant (6) »
Mission to the Northeast Tularan Region (5) »
Suicide Mission (6) »
Shore Leave (prologue) (1) »
Shore Leave (1) »
Down the Hole (1) »
Reap the Whirlwind (1) »
Under New Management (1) »
A mercenary (merc for short), sometimes also called soldier of fortune, hired gun, or free lance, was a soldier who fought or worked in other ways (mostly in those involving violence) for any faction in exchange for a desirable amount of money. Sometimes, the word mercenary was used as a derogatory term for someone who valued credits over other things, such as ideals or kinship.
Mercenaries served mostly as troopers or pilots for hire, but also as bodyguards and enforcers. They worked in other military assignments as well, for example in those involving testing the equipment, liberating abducted people or retrieving, transporting and protecting valuable goods or items. Some even outfitted other beings with devices and equipment they may need. They appeared in all known eras, being especially active when conflicts erupted. Mercenaries were often said to be opportunistic and concerned only on profits and "survival to fight another day". Mostly they had "neutral" affiliation and were hired by many fighting forces without actually joining them. In some cases though, they grew sympathetic to their clients, such as Kyle Katarn
Kyle Katarn
Major Characters
or Han Solo
Han Solo
Major Characters
, who eventually joined the Rebel Alliance. Many mercenaries were also defectors from armies or ex-soldiers, often from special forces, thus having versatility and abilities very useful in their occupation. Mercenaries always were equipped with weapons, often they also carried personal armor and multiple devices allowing them to fulfill their employer's demands.
Many civilizations were specialized in mercenary business. The Mandalorians
have served the galaxy as mercenaries for thousands of years. Having complicated history behind them, Mistryl Shadow Guard
Mistryl Shadow Guard
Planetary and Sector
dedicated themselves to serve as mercenaries to save their people. Due to their incredible brute strength and low intelligence, Gamorreans
Sentient Species
were often employed as mercenaries for less demanding. Many Rodians
Sentient Species
, Trandoshans
Sentient Species
, Ubese
Sentient Species
and Weequay
Sentient Species
were working throughout the galaxy as mercs. Due to their strong military traditions, gungans
Sentient Species
were also highly regarded as mercenaries.


See also
Related organizations
Mistryl Shadow Guard
Revaak's Mercenaries
Terror Brigade
Related units, characters and other technologies
Boba Fett
Jango Fett
Kyle Katarn
Canderous Ordo
Corso Riggs
Onar Koma
Bull "The Unbreakable"
Arak Malkan
Known members
Suicide Mission
Larris Cozekk
Show all (2)DetailsRaid on Tularan Nuclear Power Plant (Commander, Strike Team)Mission to the Northeast Tularan Region
Memnon Demaratus
Insult to Injury
Matthew Herral
Suicide Mission
Esseles incident
Evans Ketara
Suicide Mission
Suicide Mission (Sergeant, Commander, Mercenary Unit)
Androclus Methodius
Show all (2)DetailsRaid on Tularan Nuclear Power Plant (Commander, Task Force)Mission to the Northeast Tularan Region (Commander, Task Force)
Medjay Milesius
Insult to Injury
Denard Philo
Insult to Injury
Down the Hole
The Vault (Leader, Skavak's Mercs)
Known parent organizations
The Peace Brigade
Known sub-organizations
Blaster Brothers
Starships that were used by this organization
Plug-6 Dropship
Known sentient species
The Cold War
Show all (2)DetailsThe Cold WarInsult to Injury
The Cold War
Show all (2)DetailsThird Battle of Vontor (25100BBY)Reap the Whirlwind
All the characters that this organization dealt with (as an organization)
Corso Riggs
Mission to Clak'dor VII (CW)
All organizations who were known to have hired this organization
Hutt Empire
Third Battle of Vontor (25100BBY)
The Cold War (Security)
Known ranks
Known roles
Show all (3)DetailsLarris Cozekk (Strike Team)Mack (Mercenary Unit)Androclus Methodius (Task Force)
Roksur (Skavak's Mercs)
Known weaponry & equipment
H1 Heavy Blaster
Esseles incident
H2 Heavy Blaster
Show all (2)DetailsRaid on Tularan Nuclear Power PlantMission to the Northeast Tularan Region
SSK Heavy Blaster (L9)
Show all (5)DetailsThe Cold WarRace the DevilInsult to InjuryThe VaultSuicide Mission
ALT-25 Blaster Pistol (L12)
Down the Hole
L3 Rifle
Show all (2)DetailsInsult to InjurySuicide Mission
L3.1.2 Rifle
The Vault
Wrist-mounted Launcher
Show all (2)DetailsRace the Devil (Sleep Dart, Toxic Dart)The Vault (Electro Dart)
Wrist Blaster
The Vault (HI/RAIL Ammo)
Retractable Blades
The Vault
L3 Electroblade
Show all (3)DetailsInsult to InjuryRaid on Tularan Nuclear Power PlantMission to the Northeast Tularan Region
Triple-bladed Energy Knife
Race the Devil
The Vault
Known armor & apparel
BH Medium Armor A01.C01
Mercenary Armor A18.2
Mercenary Armor A18.3
BH1 A01.1 Headgear
BH5 A02.5 Heavy Helmet
Uniform A14.2
Complete list

Full unit name: Mercenary Last updated: 08.09.2024 0:24:53