SWM Rebel Storm |
SWM Rebel Storm |
SWM Clone Strike |
SWM Clone Strike |
SWM Revenge of the Sith |
SWM Revenge of the Sith |
Duros Mercenary |
Mon Calamari Mercenary |
Rodian Mercenary |
Weequay Mercenary |
Boba Fett, Young Mercenary |
Chagrian Mercenary Commander |
RS44 |
RS53 |
CS57 |
CS58 |
ROTS42 |
ROTS43 |
Duro |
Mon Calamari |
Rodian |
Weequay |
Boba Fett |
Chagrian |
Now on the run, Boba Fett hates both the Republic and the Separatists for the death of his father, Jango. |
This Chagrian leads a band of blasters-for-hire, selling his services to the highest bidder. |
SWM Revenge of the Sith |
SWM Revenge of the Sith |
SWM Revenge of the Sith |
SWM Revenge of the Sith |
SWM Alliance and Empire |
SWM The Force Unleashed |
Devaronian Soldier |
Human Mercenary |
Nautolan Soldier |
Zabrak Fringer |
Trandoshan Mercenary |
Boba Fett, Mercenary |
ROTS44 |
ROTS46 |
ROTS49 |
ROTS55 |
AAE55 |
TFU47 |
Devaronian |
Nautolan |
Zabrak |
Trandoshan |
Boba Fett |
This soldier of fortune favors his own skin above either Republic or Separatist ideals. |
All species provide soldiers willing to profit from the Clone Wars. |
Some of the amphibious Nautolans sell their military expertise to whichever side offers the most credits. |
This Zabrak's loyalty can be bought for the right price. |
SWM Legacy of the Force |
SWM Legacy of the Force |
SWM Legacy of the Force |
SWM Legacy of the Force |
SWM Legacy of the Force |
SWM Bounty Hunters |
Gotal Mercenary |
Rodian Blaster-for-Hire |
Trandoshan Mercenary |
Boba Fett, Mercenary Commander |
Canderous Ordo |
Human Blaster-For-Hire |
LOTF44 |
LOTF51 |
LOTF52 |
LOTF53 |
LOTF54 |
BH35 |
Gotal |
Rodian |
Trandoshan |
Boba Fett |
Tags (2)Canderous Ordo | Revan's Followers |
SWM Clone Wars |
SWM Imperial Entanglements |
SWM Imperial Entanglements |
SWM Dark Times |
SWM Dark Times |
SWM Dark Times |
Human Soldier of Fortune |
Chiss Mercenary |
Mercenary Commander |
Dengar, Hired Killer |
4-LOM, Droid Mercenary |
Trandoshan Elite Mercenary |
CW36 |
IE28 |
IE35 |
DT26 |
DT27 |
DT36 |
Chiss |
Dengar |
Tags (3)4-LOM | LOM-series Protocol Droid | BlasTech DLT-19 Heavy Blaster Rifle |
Trandoshan |
Codex : Persons of Note |
Codex : Persons of Note |
Codex : Species |
Codex : Bestiary |
Codex : Datacrons |
SWTOR Images : Units |
Corso Riggs |
Qyzen Fess |
Weequay |
Salky Hound |
Galactic History 35 : The Gank Massacres |
Balmorran Resistance Cyborg Mercenary |
CODEX_PON_00011879 |
CODEX_PON_00012708 |
CODEX_SPECIES_00013816 |
IMG_00010609 |
Tags (2)Corso Riggs | Ord Mantell |
Tags (6)Qyzen Fess | Trandoshan | Yuon Par | Tython | Jedi Order | Gundark |
Tags (9)Weequay | Sriluur | The Outer Rim | The Hutt Space | Kossak Inijic Ar'durv | Hutt | Xim | Warlord | Jedi Master |
Tags (3)Salky Hound | The Outer Rim | Core Worlds |
Tags (10)Ryll | Neimoidian | Gank | Hutt | Jedi Order | Supreme Chancellor | Porporite | Juggernaut War Droid | Vocatara | Supplier |
Tags (3)Balmorran Resistance | Balmorra | Small Radar |
Third Battle of Vontor (25100BBY) |
The Gank Massacres |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
Nikto Sector | Wannschok Tenements | Alien Arms Bazaar (010) |
Red Light Sector | Taxi Station (040) |
Red Light Sector | Crimson Road (020) |
Red Light Sector | Crimson Road | Club Ufora (010) |
Red Light Sector | Crimson Road | Club Ufora | Backroom (010) |
Red Light Sector | Crimson Road | Club Ufora | Backroom (020) |
NARSHA_00013828 |
NARSHA_00013894 |
NARSHA_00013901 |
NARSHA_00013902 |
NARSHA_00013903 |
NARSHA_00013904 |
Tags (15)Nar Shaddaa | Trader | Devaronian | Slaar | Nikto | M411 Rifle | SSK Heavy Blaster (L9) | Twi'lek | Military Armor A16.3 | Jatta Kuum | Chagrian | Strategic Information Service (SIS) | Agent | Uniform A14.2 | Security | Mercenary |
Tags (19)Nar Shaddaa | Bith | Speeder Bike v02 | Exchange Bandit V4 Speeder Bike | Technician | Wookiee | H3 Heavy Rifle | Galactic Republic | Pilot | Mercenary | Rodian | Mon Calamari | Trader | Nautolan | HS1 Handheld Scanner | L5M Rifle | Hutt Cartel | ENF-A01 Assassin Droid | H2 Heavy Blaster | Nar Shaddaa Dwellers |
Tags (4)Nar Shaddaa | Nar Shaddaa Dwellers | Mercenary | Twi'lek | SSK Heavy Blaster (L9) |
Tags (6)Nar Shaddaa | Evocii | Kel Dor | Duro | Mercenary | Nar Shaddaa Dwellers | SSK Heavy Blaster (L9) |
Nar Shaddaa | Mercenary |
Tags (4)Nar Shaddaa | Mercenary | Ufora Club Owner | L1 Rifle | Uniform A14.2 |
Events (2)The Cold War | Blood Money |
The Cold War |
Shore Leave |
Events (2)Shore Leave | The Cold War |
Shore Leave |
Shore Leave |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
Red Light Sector | Eco-Strike Hideout (010) |
Red Light Sector | Eco-Strike Hideout (015) |
Red Light Sector | Eco-Strike Hideout (020) |
Republic Research Division, Imperial Surveillance Outpost (025) |
Republic Research Division, Imperial Surveillance Outpost (026) |
Baroban Warehouse (040) |
NARSHA_00013948 |
NARSHA_00013951 |
NARSHA_00013949 |
NARSHA_00011173 |
NARSHA_00011174 |
TATOO_00006623 |
Tags (3)Nar Shaddaa | Mercenary | L3 Electroblade | Military Armor A17.1 |
Tags (4)Nar Shaddaa | Mercenary | SSK Heavy Blaster (L9) | Military Armor A17.1 | M411 Rifle |
Tags (5)Nar Shaddaa | Mercenary | L3 Electroblade | ORM-A01 Probe Droid | Military Armor A17.1 | Tyrka |
Tags (4)Nar Shaddaa | Cathan Dru | Neimoidian | Arak Malkan |
Tags (2)Nar Shaddaa | Arak Malkan |
Tags (3)Tatooine | Bull "The Unbreakable" | Weequay | Mercenary |
Eco-Terrorists |
Eco-Terrorists |
Eco-Terrorists |
Events (2)Secret Assets | Shattering the Peace |
Events (2)Secret Assets | Shattering the Peace |
Reap the Whirlwind |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
SWTOR : Corellia |
SWTOR : Corellia |
SWTOR : Corellia |
SWTOR : Corellia |
Baroban Warehouse (050) |
Baroban Warehouse (070) |
Blastfield Shipyards | Rendili Vehicle Corporation (010) |
Blastfield Shipyards | Rendili Vehicle Corporation (020) |
Blastfield Shipyards | Rendili Vehicle Corporation (030) |
Blastfield Shipyards | Rendili Vehicle Corporation (040) |
TATOO_00006624 |
TATOO_00006626 |
COREL_00006370 |
COREL_00006371 |
COREL_00006372 |
COREL_00006373 |
Tags (3)Tatooine | Bull "The Unbreakable" | Weequay |
Tags (3)Tatooine | Mercenary | Binary Load Lifter | Forklift-Dozer |
Tags (3)Corellia | Mercenary | Exchange Bandit V4 Speeder Bike | Devaronian |
Tags (3)Corellia | Mercenary | Republic Operatives | Exchange Bandit V4 Speeder Bike |
Tags (3)Corellia | Mercenary | Exchange Bandit V4 Speeder Bike | Devaronian |
Tags (3)Corellia | Mercenary | Exchange Bandit V4 Speeder Bike | Devaronian |
Reap the Whirlwind |
Reap the Whirlwind |
Events (2)Under New Management | Battle of Corellia |
Events (2)Under New Management | Battle of Corellia |
Events (2)Under New Management | Battle of Corellia |
Events (2)Under New Management | Battle of Corellia |
SWTOR : Corellia |
SWTOR : Coruscant |
SWTOR : Coruscant |
SWTOR : Coruscant |
SWTOR : Coruscant |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
Blastfield Shipyards | Rendili Vehicle Corporation (050) |
Jedi Temple | Speeder Pad (010) |
Jedi Temple | Speeder Pad (020) |
Coruscant Spaceport | Docking Bay 87 (010) |
Coruscant Spaceport | Docking Bay 87 (020) |
The Tularan Marsh | Transport Station 5 | Zone Zero (080) |
COREL_00006374 |
CORUS_00012345 |
CORUS_00012346 |
CORUS_00013702 |
CORUS_00013703 |
TARISR_00013749 |
Tags (3)Corellia | Mercenary | Republic Operatives | Exchange Bandit V4 Speeder Bike |
Tags (3)Coruscant | Memnon Demaratus | Medjay Milesius |
Tags (5)Coruscant | Medjay Milesius | Memnon Demaratus | Denard Philo | Nautolan |
Tags (4)Coruscant | Mercenary | BH1 A01.1 Headgear | BH Medium Armor A01.C01 | SSK Heavy Blaster (L9) |
Tags (7)Coruscant | Mercenary | BH1 A01.1 Headgear | BH Medium Armor A01.C01 | SSK Heavy Blaster (L9) | Fabizan | Bith | Trader |
Tags (7)Taris | Mercenary | Mercenary Armor A18.3 | BH5 A02.5 Heavy Helmet | Leader | Roksur | Mercenary Armor A18.2 | SSK Heavy Blaster (L9) |
Events (2)Under New Management | Battle of Corellia |
Insult to Injury |
Insult to Injury |
Race the Devil |
Race the Devil |
The Vault |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
The Tularan Marsh | Transport Station 5 | Zone Zero (090) |
The Tularan Marsh | Transport Station 5 | Zone Zero (110) |
The Tularan Marsh | Transport Station 5 | Zone Zero (120) |
The Tularan Marsh | Derelict Swoop Tracks | Brejik's Run Outpost (030) |
The Tularan Marsh | Rakghoul Lair (010) |
The Tularan Marsh | Derelict Swoop Tracks | Brejik's Run Outpost (040) |
TARISR_00013750 |
TARISR_00013752 |
TARISR_00013753 |
TARISR_00013535 |
TARISR_00013536 |
TARISR_00013552 |
Tags (7)Taris | Mercenary | Mercenary Armor A18.3 | BH5 A02.5 Heavy Helmet | Leader | Roksur | Mercenary Armor A18.2 | SSK Heavy Blaster (L9) |
Tags (8)Taris | Skavak | Torchy | ALT-25 Blaster Pistol (L12) | Mercenary | BH5 A02.5 Heavy Helmet | Mercenary Armor A18.3 | Roksur | Mercenary Armor A18.2 |
Tags (6)Taris | Mercenary Armor A18.2 | SSK Heavy Blaster (L9) | Wrist Blaster | HI/RAIL Ammo | Roksur |
Tags (5)Taris | Kord Murdok | Mercenary Armor A18.3 | L3 Electroblade | Blaster Brothers |
Tags (3)Taris | Larris Cozekk | Mercenary Armor A18.3 |
Tags (5)Taris | Androclus Methodius | Commander | Mercenary Armor A18.3 | H2 Heavy Blaster |
The Vault |
Events (2)The Vault | Hunt for Nok Drayen's Treasure |
The Vault |
Mission to the Northeast Tularan Region |
Mission to the Northeast Tularan Region |
Mission to the Northeast Tularan Region |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Missions |
The Sinking City | Kanner Outpost (050) |
Balancing Acts |
Mercenary Copilot |
Han Solo, Scoundrel for Hire | Modified YT-1300 Light Freighter (Unique) |
Hired Gun | Y-Wing |
Mandalorian Mercenary | Firespray-31 |
TARISR_00013573 |
MISS_00013079 |
UID00004191 |
UID00000578 |
UID00004997 |
UID00005002 |
Tags (14)Taris | Mercenary | Mercenary Armor A18.3 | L3 Rifle | SSK Heavy Blaster (L9) | Mack | Sergeant | Matthew Herral | Evans Ketara | Republic Army | GE07 A01.3 Helmet | Republic Officer Uniform A02.3 | H3 Heavy Rifle | GE13 A04.RS1 Helmet | Republic Trooper Armor A04.1 |
Tags (3)Hutt Cartel | Reconstitued Sith Empire | Gank |
Rodian |
Tags (4)Millennium Falcon | YT-1300 Light Freighter | Han Solo | Cloud City |
BTL Y-Wing |
Tags (2)Firespray-class Patrol Ship | Mandalorian |
Suicide Mission |
Imperial Assault Miniature Game |
Imperial Assault Miniature Game |
Hired Guns Villain Pack (SWI16) |
Greedo Villain, Ambitious Mercenary Villain Pack (SWI31) |
Greedo, Ambitious Mercenary |
Hired Gun |
Hired Gun (Elite) |
Mercenary Aid |
SWI16 |
SWI31 |
UID00008242 |
UID00005786 |
UID00005785 |
UID00009427 |
Rodian |
Tags (3)Greedo | Rodian | DT-12 Heavy Blaster Pistol |
Tags (4)Greedo | Rodian | Tatooine | DT-12 Heavy Blaster Pistol |
Rodian |
Rodian |
SWTCG : Cards |
SWTCG : Cards |
SWTCG : Cards |
SWTCG : Cards |
Mercenary Ties |
0554 : Unit : Hired Guns |
0765 : Unit : Advozse Mercenary |
1003 : Unit : Chevin Mercenary |
2068 : Smugglers and Spies : Mercenary Contacts |
UID00005796 |
0554 |
0765 |
1003 |
2068 |
Tags (2)Bith | Twi'lek |
Advozse |
Chevin |