SWM Legacy of the Force |
SWM Legacy of the Force |
SWM Bounty Hunters |
SWM Bounty Hunters |
SWM Bounty Hunters |
SWM Bounty Hunters |
Mandalorian Gunslinger |
Mandalorian Trooper |
Jango Fett, Bounty Hunter |
Basilisk War Droid |
Mandalore The Indomitable |
Mandalorian Blademaster |
LOTF55 |
LOTF56 |
BH37 |
BH54 |
BH55 |
BH56 |
Gunslinger |
Tags (2)Jango Fett | Bounty Hunter |
Basilisk War Droid |
Tags (2)Mandalore the Indomitable | Taung |
SWM Bounty Hunters |
SWM Bounty Hunters |
SWM Bounty Hunters |
SWM Bounty Hunters |
SWM Knights of the Old Republic |
SWM Knights of the Old Republic |
Mandalorian Commander |
Mandalorian Soldier |
Mandalorian Supercommando |
Mandalorian Warrior |
Mandalore The Ultimate |
Mandalorian Captain |
BH57 |
BH58 |
BH59 |
BH60 |
Commando |
Tags (2)Mandalore the Ultimate | Taung |
SWM Knights of the Old Republic |
SWM Knights of the Old Republic |
SWM Knights of the Old Republic |
SWM Knights of the Old Republic |
SWM Jedi Academy |
SWM Dark Times |
Mandalorian Commando |
Mandalorian Marauder |
Mandalorian Quartermaster |
Mandalorian Scout |
Death Watch Raider |
Mandalorian Jedi Hunter |
JA37 |
DT40 |
Commando |
Quartermaster |
Death Watch |
Legacy of the Force |
The Clone Wars (2010-11) |
Legacy Collection : Comic Packs (2008) |
Legacy Collection : Comic Packs (2009-2010) |
X-Wing Miniatures Game |
X-Wing Miniatures Game SE |
Mandalorian Trooper |
Mandalorian Police Officer (CW.09) |
Legacy Collection : Comic Pack #7 : Princess Leia & Tobbi Dala |
Legacy Collection : Comic Pack #15 : Jarael & Rohlan Dyre |
Protectorate Starfighter Expansion Pack (SWX55) |
Fang Fighter Expansion Pack (SWZ17) |
97561 / 94736 |
87698 / 87504 |
91774 / 87504 |
SWX55 |
SWZ17 |
Tags (2)Leia Organa Solo | Dala, Tobbi |
Tags (3)Jarael | Arkanian Offshoot | Rohlan Dyre |
Tags (2)Fang Fighter | Mandalorian Protectors |
Tags (2)Fang Fighter | Mandalorian Protectors |
Codex : Persons of Note |
Codex : Species |
Codex : Datacrons |
Codex : Datacrons |
Codex : Lore |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
Syo Bakarn |
Cathar |
Galactic History 62 : The Great Sith War Ends |
Galactic History 81 : The Battle of Telos Four |
Jedi Civil War |
The Dune Sea, The Ten Thousand Grains (040) |
CODEX_PON_00012674 |
CODEX_SPECIES_00011763 |
CODEX_LORE_00013513 |
TATOO_00011583 |
Tags (7)Syo Bakarn | Jedi Council | Jedi Master | Jedi Order | Jedi Padawan | Republic Senate | Tython |
Tags (4)Cathar | Jedi Order | Republic Army | Cathar |
Tags (10)Exar Kun | Ulic Qel-Droma | Dxun | Jedi Order | Ossus | Brotherhood of the Sith | Onderon | Coruscant | The Outer Rim | Empress Teta System |
Tags (8)Meetra Surik | Jedi Order | Kreia | Telos IV | Nihilus | Ravager | Centurion-class Battlecruiser | Old Republic Military |
Tags (11)Star Forge | Jedi Order | Revan | Malak | The Outer Rim | Dark Lord of the Sith | Revanchists | Galactic Republic | Jedi Consular | Bastila Shan | Jedi Knight |
Tags (4)Tatooine | CBD-A02 Combat Battle Droid | Mandalorian | Mandalorian Armor A24.3 | BH8.6 GE28 A24.3 Heavy Mandalorian Helmet |
Sacking of Coruscant |
Battle of Cathar (3973BBY) |
Great Sith War (3996BBY) |
Events (2)Death of Jedi Council (3951BBY) | Battle of Telos IV (3951 BBY) |
Events (2)Jedi Civil War | Mandalorian Wars |
Pre-emptive Strike |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
The Dune Sea, The Ten Thousand Grains (050) |
The Dune Sea, The Ten Thousand Grains (060) |
The Dune Sea, The Ten Thousand Grains (070) |
The Dune Sea, The Ten Thousand Grains (090) |
The Dune Sea, The Ten Thousand Grains (100) |
The Dune Sea, The Ten Thousand Grains (110) |
TATOO_00011584 |
TATOO_00011585 |
TATOO_00011586 |
TATOO_00011588 |
TATOO_00011589 |
TATOO_00011590 |
Tags (5)Tatooine | Mandalorian | ALT-25 Blaster Pistol (L12) | BH8.6 GE28 A24.3 Heavy Mandalorian Helmet | BH8 GE28 A24.3 Mandalorian Helmet | Mandalorian Armor A24.3 |
Tags (6)Tatooine | CBD-A02 Combat Battle Droid | Ghost Cell | Mandalorian | Mandalorian Armor A24.3 | BH8.6 GE28 A24.3 Heavy Mandalorian Helmet | BH8 GE28 A24.3 Mandalorian Helmet |
Tags (4)Tatooine | REC-A01 Probe Droid | Mandalorian | BH8.6 GE28 A24.3 Heavy Mandalorian Helmet | Mandalorian Armor A24.3 |
Tags (5)Tatooine | Plug-6 Dropship | CBD-A02 Combat Battle Droid | Mandalorian | Mandalorian Armor A24.3 | BH8 GE28 A24.3 Mandalorian Helmet |
Tags (5)Tatooine | REC-A01 Probe Droid | CBD-A02 Combat Battle Droid | Plug-6 Dropship | Mandalorian | Mandalorian Armor A24.3 |
Tags (5)Tatooine | Ghost Cell | Mandalorian | Mandalorian Armor A24.3 | BH8 GE28 A24.3 Mandalorian Helmet | BH8.6 GE28 A24.3 Heavy Mandalorian Helmet |
Pre-emptive Strike |
Pre-emptive Strike |
Pre-emptive Strike |
Pre-emptive Strike |
Pre-emptive Strike |
Pre-emptive Strike |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
The Dune Sea, The Ten Thousand Grains (130) |
The Dune Sea, The Ten Thousand Grains (140) |
Anchorhead (014) |
Anchorhead (015) |
Anchorhead (016) |
Anchorhead (017) |
TATOO_00011592 |
TATOO_00011593 |
TATOO_00011507 |
TATOO_00011508 |
TATOO_00011509 |
TATOO_00011510 |
Tags (4)Tatooine | REC-A01 Probe Droid | Plug-6 Dropship | Mandalorian | Republic Operatives |
Tags (4)Tatooine | Plug-6 Dropship | Mandalorian | Mandalorian Armor A24.3 | BH8.6 GE28 A24.3 Heavy Mandalorian Helmet |
Tatooine | Mandalorian |
Tatooine | Mandalorian |
Tatooine | Mandalorian |
Tatooine | Mandalorian |
Pre-emptive Strike |
Pre-emptive Strike |
Down the Hole |
Down the Hole |
Down the Hole |
Down the Hole |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
Anchorhead (018) |
Anchorhead (019) |
Anchorhead (020) |
Anchorhead (021) |
Anchorhead (022) |
Junland, Dreviad Wastes (002) |
TATOO_00011511 |
TATOO_00011512 |
TATOO_00011513 |
TATOO_00011514 |
TATOO_00011515 |
TATOO_00011373 |
Tags (2)Tatooine | Rhigoth | Mandalorian |
Tags (2)Tatooine | Rhigoth | Mandalorian |
Tags (5)Tatooine | Rhigoth | Mandalorian | ALT-25 Blaster Pistol (L12) | Mandalorian Armor A24.3 | BH8 GE28 A24.3 Mandalorian Helmet |
Tags (2)Tatooine | Mandalorian | ALT-25 Blaster Pistol (L12) |
Tags (3)Tatooine | Rhigoth | ALT-25 Blaster Pistol (L12) |
Tags (2)Tatooine | Dewback | Mandalorian |
Down the Hole |
Down the Hole |
Down the Hole |
Down the Hole |
Down the Hole |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
Junland, Dreviad Wastes (003) |
Junland, Dreviad Wastes (004) |
Junland, Dreviad Wastes (005) |
Junland, Suns' Rise Ridge (004) |
The Sinking City | Crash Site (010) |
The Sinking City | Crash Site (020) |
TATOO_00011374 |
TATOO_00011375 |
TATOO_00011376 |
TATOO_00011405 |
TARISR_00013307 |
TARISR_00013308 |
Tatooine | Mandalorian |
Tags (2)Tatooine | Dewback | Mandalorian |
Tatooine | Mandalorian |
Tags (3)Tatooine | Small Multi-Turret | Solar Tracker | Mandalorian |
Taris | Mandalorian |
Tags (4)Taris | Mandalorian | Hovercart | Forklift-Dozer | Heavy Construction Crane |
Fallen Stars |
Fallen Stars |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
The Sinking City | Crash Site (030) |
The Sinking City | Crash Site (040) |
The Sinking City | Crash Site (050) |
The Sinking City | Crash Site (060) |
The Sinking City | Crash Site (070) |
The Sinking City | Crash Site (080) |
TARISR_00013309 |
TARISR_00013310 |
TARISR_00013311 |
TARISR_00013312 |
TARISR_00013313 |
TARISR_00013314 |
Tags (3)Taris | Hovercart | Mandalorian | Plug-6 Dropship |
Tags (4)Taris | Mandalorian | Mandalorian Armor A24.3 | BH8.6 GE28 A24.3 Heavy Mandalorian Helmet | L1 Assault Cannon |
Tags (4)Taris | Mandalorian | Mandalorian Armor A24.3 | BH8 GE28 A24.3 Mandalorian Helmet | L7.1.2 Mandalorian Rifle |
Tags (5)Taris | Mandalorian Armor A24.3 | Mandalorian | L3 Electroblade | L7.1.2 Mandalorian Rifle | BH8 GE28 A24.3 Mandalorian Helmet |
Tags (5)Taris | Mandalorian Armor A24.3 | Mandalorian | BH8.6 GE28 A24.3 Heavy Mandalorian Helmet | BH8 GE28 A24.3 Mandalorian Helmet | L1 Assault Cannon |
Tags (3)Taris | Mandalorian Armor A24.3 | Mandalorian | Escape T-Pod |
Fallen Stars |
Fallen Stars |
Fallen Stars |
Fallen Stars |
Fallen Stars |
Fallen Stars |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Missions |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
The Sinking City | Crash Site (090) |
The Sinking City | Crash Site (100) |
The Sinking City | Crash Site (110) |
Boma Breeding |
Esseles | Port Hangar Deck (010) |
Esseles | Port Hangar Deck (020) |
TARISR_00013315 |
TARISR_00013316 |
TARISR_00013317 |
MISS_00012800 |
FP_00012068 |
FP_00012069 |
Tags (5)Taris | Mandalorian Armor A24.3 | Forklift-Dozer | Mandalorian | BH8 GE28 A24.3 Mandalorian Helmet | L3 Electroblade |
Tags (6)Taris | Plug-6 Dropship | L3 Electroblade | L7.1.2 Mandalorian Rifle | Mandalorian Armor A24.3 | Duran Gorr |
Tags (4)Taris | L3 Electroblade | Mandalorian Armor A24.3 | Duran Gorr |
Boma |
Esseles | Mandalorian |
Tags (2)Esseles | Mandalorian | L3 Electroblade |
Fallen Stars |
Fallen Stars |
Fallen Stars |
Esseles incident |
Esseles incident |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
Esseles | Port Hangar Deck (030) |
Esseles | Port Hangar Deck (040) |
Esseles | Port Hangar Deck (050) |
Esseles | Port Hangar Deck (060) |
Esseles | Port Hangar Deck (070) |
Esseles | Port Hangar Deck (080) |
FP_00012070 |
FP_00012071 |
FP_00012072 |
FP_00012073 |
FP_00012074 |
FP_00012075 |
Esseles | Mandalorian |
Tags (5)Esseles | Mandalorian | Binary Load Lifter | PT-7 Starfighter | Imperial Transport (Sith Empire) | L3 Electroblade |
Tags (4)Esseles | PT-7 Starfighter | Imperial Transport (Sith Empire) | Binary Load Lifter | Mandalorian |
Esseles | Mandalorian |
Tags (2)Esseles | Mandalorian | ALT-25 Blaster Pistol (L12) |
Tags (2)Esseles | PT-7 Starfighter | Mandalorian |
Esseles incident |
Esseles incident |
Esseles incident |
Esseles incident |
Esseles incident |
Esseles incident |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
Esseles | Port Hangar Deck (090) |
Esseles | Port Hangar Deck (100) |
Esseles | Port Hangar Deck (110) |
Esseles | Command Deck | Bridge (0150) |
Esseles | Command Deck | Bridge (0160) |
Esseles | Command Deck | Bridge (0170) |
FP_00012076 |
FP_00012766 |
FP_00012767 |
FP_00012078 |
FP_00012079 |
FP_00012080 |
Tags (3)Esseles | PT-7 Starfighter | Imperial Transport (Sith Empire) | Mandalorian |
Mandalorian | ALT-25 Blaster Pistol (L12) |
Mandalorian | L7 Rifle |
Tags (4)Esseles | Haken | Raste | Republic Navy | Mandalorian |
Tags (4)Esseles | Mandalorian | Haken | Republic Navy | L7 Rifle |
Tags (6)Esseles | Republic Navy | Meteor | Aric Jorgan | Republic Operatives | Ironfist | Mandalorian |
Esseles incident |
Esseles incident |
Esseles incident |
Esseles incident |
Esseles incident |
Esseles incident |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
Esseles | Command Deck | Bridge (0180) |
Esseles | Command Deck | Bridge (0190) |
Esseles | Command Deck | Bridge (0195) |
Ketsu Onyo (Unique) |
Bounty Hunter | Firespray-class Patrol Craft |
Concord Dawn Ace | Protectorate Starfighter |
FP_00012081 |
FP_00012082 |
FP_00012761 |
UID00008643 |
UID00000815 |
UID00008651 |
Tags (2)Esseles | Ironfist |
Tags (3)Esseles | Ironfist | H1 Heavy Blaster |
Tags (13)Plex | Haken | Raste | Republic Navy | Probe Droid | H1 Heavy Blaster | Ironfist | Mandalorian | T7-O1 | T7-series Astromech Droid | Republic Operatives | REP-A01 Assault Droid | Esseles | Thranta-class Corvette |
Tags (2)Ketsu Onyo | Bounty Hunter |
Firespray-class Patrol Ship |
Tags (3)Fang Fighter | Mandalorian Protectors | Skull Squadron |
Esseles incident |
Esseles incident |
Esseles incident |
As per 1st edition card this ship belongs to Mandalorian mercenary |
Concord Dawn Veteran | Protectorate Starfighter |
Fenn Rau | Protectorate Starfighter (Unique) |
Fenn Rau, Skull Leader | Fang Fighter (Unique) |
Joy Rekkoff, Skull Squadron Ace | Fang Fighter (Unique) |
Kad Solus | Protectorate Starfighter (Unique) |
Kad Solus, Skilled Commando | Fang Fighter (Unique) |
UID00008652 |
UID00008648 |
UID00000824 |
UID00000827 |
UID00008650 |
UID00000828 |
Tags (4)Fang Fighter | Joy Rekkoff | Mandalorian Protectors | Skull Squadron |
Tags (4)Fang Fighter | Fenn Rau | Mandalorian Protectors | Skull Squadron |
Tags (4)Fang Fighter | Fenn Rau | Skull Squadron | Mandalorian Protectors |
Tags (4)Fang Fighter | Joy Rekkoff | Mandalorian Protectors | Skull Squadron |
Tags (3)Fang Fighter | Kad Solus | Mandalorian Protectors |
Tags (4)Fang Fighter | Kad Solus | Mandalorian Protectors | Commando |
relations are based on 2nd edition card |
In 2nd edition this art is used for Kad Solus. |
In 2nd edition this art is used for Fenn Rau while Rau's art is used for Kad. |
[Original art] |
[Original art] |
Mandalorian Mercenary | Firespray-31 |
Old Teroch | Protectorate Starfighter (Unique) |
Old Teroch, Mandalorian Mentor | Fang Fighter (Unique) |
Skull Squadron Pilot | Fang Fighter |
Zealous Recruit | Fang Fighter |
Zealous Recruit | Protectorate Starfighter |
UID00005002 |
UID00008649 |
UID00000826 |
UID00000829 |
UID00000830 |
UID00008653 |
Tags (2)Firespray-class Patrol Ship | Mercenary |
Tags (2)Fang Fighter | Teroch |
Tags (2)Fang Fighter | Teroch |
Tags (3)Fang Fighter | Skull Squadron | Mandalorian Protectors |
Tags (3)Fang Fighter | Mandalorian Protectors | Recruit |
Tags (3)Fang Fighter | Mandalorian Protectors | Recruit |
[Original art] |
[Original art] |
Imperial Assault Miniature Game : Miniatures |
Fearless |
Fearlessness |
Concord Dawn Protector : Protectorate Starfighter |
Ketsu Onyo | Shadow Caster (Unique) |
Shyla Varad, Daughter of Mandalore (SWI32) |
Bladestorm (Shyla Varad) |
UID00000832 |
UID00008655 |
UID00008654 |
UID00009021 |
SWI32 |
UID00008880 |
Tags (2)Fang Fighter | Mandalorian Protectors |
Ketsu Onyo |
Shyla Varad |
Tags (2)Shyla Varad | Stormtrooper Corps |
[Original art] |
Concentrated Fire (Trooper) |
Flurry of Blades (Royal Guard Champion) |
Extra Armor |
Prey on the Weak |
Shyla Varad |
Shyla Varad, Daughter of Mandalore |
UID00009387 |
UID00005087 |
UID00010448 |
UID00008243 |
UID00008837 |
UID00008843 |
Tags (2)Mandalore the Indomitable | Taung |
Tags (2)Stormtrooper Corps | Rebel Alliance Special Forces |
Tags (2)Sabine Wren | Stormtrooper Corps |
Shyla Varad |
Shyla Varad |
[Original art] |
Born From Death : Mandalore - Facility (Shyla Varad) |
UID00008848 |
Shyla Varad |