Mandalorian (109)Full unit name: Mandalorian
Last updated: 09.01.2025 16:13:19
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Basic info
First appearance: Tales of the Jedi : The Sith War
Included into
Tales of the Jedi, Volume 2
Known Facts (47)
Mandalorian Wars (2) »
Battle of Cathar (3973BBY) (1) »
Esseles incident (14) »
Fallen Stars (18) »
Down the Hole (5) »
Pre-emptive Strike (7) »
The Mandalorians - known in Mando'a as the Mando'ade, or 'Children of Mandalore' - were a nomadic group of clan-based people consisting of members from multiple species and multiple genders, all bound by a common culture. In their early years, Mandalorian culture revolved around battle, with war being a source of honor and pride in their community. The leader of the Mandalorians was known as the Mand'alor, translating to 'Sole Ruler' and was rendered as 'Mandalore' in Basic. Throughout their history, the Mandalorians were frequently allied with the Sith, perhaps most notably the Sith Lord Exar Kun
Exar Kun
Major Characters
, and held a certain distrust and general dislike for the Jedi Order
Jedi Order
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
. However, they would not hesitate to cooperate with the Jedi if a partnership between the two groups was mutually beneficial. In later years, the Mandalorians moved away from their obsessively war-like and conqueror ways and instead, most became bounty hunters and mercenaries, selling their skills to various individuals and factions in the galaxy. However, the Mandalorian Protectors sided with the Alliance to Restore the Republic ever since about 3 ABY and even continued to serve the Alliance of Free Planets, the New Republic, and finally the Galactic Alliance.
During the times of Great Galactic War
Great Galactic War
Great Galactic War (3681BBY - 3653BBY)
it became known that at least one of the Mandalorian clans had been breding the vicious bomas
for centuries, and they were ready to share their knowledge with outsiders.


See also
Known subgroups, subsidiaries or members
Death Watch
Mandalorian Protectors
Related organizations
Terror Brigade
Related units, characters and other technologies
Boba Fett
Jango Fett
Sabine Wren
Rohlan Dyre
Mandalore the Indomitable
Mandalore the Ultimate
Canderous Ordo
Fenn Rau
Dala, Tobbi
Ketsu Onyo
Joy Rekkoff
Kad Solus
Shyla Varad
"Mad Akk" Geden
Basilisk War Droid
CBD-A02 Combat Battle Droid
REC-A01 Probe Droid
Known members
Duran Gorr
Fallen Stars (Commander)
Esseles incident
Down the Hole
Known sub-organizations
Clan Sharratt
Starships that were used by this organization
Plug-6 Dropship
Show All (2)DetailsFallen StarsPlug-6 Dropships (Pre-emptive Strike)
Vehicles, structures and fixed equipment used by this organization
Known sentient species
Battle of Cathar (3973BBY)
Known roles
Duran Gorr
Known weaponry & equipment
H1 Heavy Blaster
Esseles incident
ALT-25 Blaster Pistol (L12)
Show all (4)DetailsEsseles incidentFallen Stars (Mandalorian Healers)Down the HolePre-emptive Strike
L7 Rifle
Esseles incident
L7.1.2 Mandalorian Rifle
Fallen Stars (Mandalorian Plunderers)
EX Ammo
Wrist-mounted Flamer
Show all (2)DetailsEsseles incidentFallen Stars (Mandalorian Vindicators)
L1 Assault Cannon
Fallen Stars (Mandalorian Vindicators)
Grapple Gun
Fallen Stars (Mandalorian Destroyers)
L3 Electroblade
Show all (2)DetailsEsseles incidentFallen Stars (Mandalorian Destroyers)
Corrosive Grenade
Fallen Stars (Mandalorian Destroyers)
Thermal Grenade
Fallen Stars (Mandalorian Healers)
Plasma Probe
Esseles incident
Personal Energy Shield
Fallen Stars (Mandalorian Destroyers)
Holo Decoy
Fallen Stars (Mandalorian Vindicators)
Electrowave Generator
Fallen Stars (Mandalorian Destroyers)
Known armor & apparel
Mandalorian Armor A24.3
BH8 GE28 A24.3 Mandalorian Helmet
BH8.6 GE28 A24.3 Heavy Mandalorian Helmet
Complete list

Full unit name: Mandalorian Last updated: 09.01.2025 16:13:19