Raste (6)Full unit name: Raste
Last updated: 27.07.2024 15:45:54
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Known Facts (11)
Esseles incident (11) »
  • Was Communications Officer on Esseles during its departure from Carrick Station
  • Was Communications Officer on Esseles during its arrival to Coruscant
  • Was a member of Republic Navy
  • Wore Republic Officer Uniform A02.2
  • Used H2 Heavy Blaster
  • Used L3 Electroblade
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    First Officer Haken
    Come on, Tyrus! You can make it, sir, you can make it!
    Navigator Plex
    He's gone, sir. You're in charge now - what are our orders?
    First Officer Haken
    Your orders? Our weapons are out, shields are out, comms are out! There's nothing we can do!
    The path may not always be clear, but that doesn't mean there is no path.
    First Officer Haken
    Why is this Jedi standing on our bridge spouting nonsense? We're in a situation here! If you want to be useful, Jedi, then get out of here and stop interrupting us!
    It sounds like you guys could use a captain with some experience.
    First Officer Haken
    Who is this? Who do you think you are? Get out!
    Give us a sitrep, people - what have we got?
    First Officer Haken
    Is your hearing bad, soldier? Because I'm pretty sure I just went over that. We're in the middle of a situation here, the bridge is off-limits.
    Navigator Plex
    Sir, we need all the help we can get. If we don't keep it together here, we're finished.
    First Officer Haken
    Keep what together? The Imperials have us by the throat! We're as good as dead already.
    What's wrong with you? Are you really going to let your ship fall to the Imperials so easily?
    First Officer Haken
    That ship behind us is one of the biggest in the Imperial fleet. We didn't stand a chance. I just can't believe this is happening.
    Are the engines still working? Is there any chance we could run?
    Navigator Plex
    The engines are operational, but we're caught in a tractor beam. Impossible to run for it.
    Communication Officer Raste
    Sir! Incoming message - the Imperial ship is hailing us!
    First Officer Haken
    What? Oh. Well, put them on.
    Grand Moff Kilran
    Republic transport Esseles, this is Grand Moff Rycus Kilran. Your defenses are entirely disabled. Attempt no resistance.
    We're aware of our situation, Kilran. Just tell us why you're here.
    Grand Moff Kilran
    Come, now. I think it's obvious I'm not here for friendly diplomacy. Your ship is transporting a known anti-Imperial terrorist and seditionist: the so-called "Ambassador" Vyn Asara. I've come to collect her.
    First Officer Haken
    Who? We didn't take on any passengers by that name. I've never even heard of this person!
    Grand Moff Kilran
    Interesting. Lying or incompetent? No matter. My agents aboard your ship have confirmed the ambassador is there.
    What are you going to do about it, Kilran? You can't force us to hand this person over.
    Grand Moff Kilran
    I'm fairly confident that I can. Imperial soldiers are preparing to board your ship through its primary air lock. My agents will ensure that you do not interfere with them.
    If you attempt to stop my men from arresting Ambassador Asara, I will have every living thing aboard the Esseles killed.
    Hero of Tython
    Where is the primary air lock? We'll stop the Imperials as they try to board.
    Navigator Plex
    Weren't you listening? If we try to fight, they'll slaughter us! We have to cooperate!
    Let's not panic. We just figure out who this ambassador is and hand her over. No problem.
    First Officer Haken
    It won't matter. Kilran has us, now. He'll kill us all - he's famous for it. The only one he wants alive is the ambassador.
    If Kilran gets the ambassador while we're sitting in his sights, we're goners. Those soldiers have to be stopped before they can succeed.
    We'll show these Imperials the error of their ways.
    First Officer Haken
    It's very brave of you to volunteer. Listen- I'm sorry I lost it earlier. It means a lot to have your help right now. Thank you. I'm sure you're up to anything the Imps can throw at us.
    I'll have our security team meet you by the primary air lock. They haven't seen much action, but Commander Narlock knows his stuff. Good luck. We're all counting on you.
  • Meteor, Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Aric Jorgan, Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Haken, Plex, Rycus Kilran
  • Communications Officer Raste was captured by Mandalorian Boarders and Privateers
  • Was rescued by Republic Operatives
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Vyn Asara
    First Officer Haken, do you have any spare shuttles in the hangar bay?
    Spare shuttles? Yes, we do, but I don't-
    Vyn Asara
    Then that's our only chance. You have to board Grand Moff Kilran's ship and disable the tractor beam so that we can all escape.
    Why not? We've been fighting insane odds all along. No sense stopping now.
    I'm in. A bit of fancy flying followed by some daring heroics? You've come to the right person.
    Vyn Asara
    I knew we could count on you.
    I've been aboard warships like Kilran's. The tractor beam controls should be easy to find, if you know where you're going.
    Ambassador, you're familiar with the layout, perhaps you should go along to help get the tractor beam shut down.
    Vyn Asara
    Hmm. We need every advantage we can get.
    Sounds like a plan. It will be good to have you along, Ambassador.
    Vyn Asara
    I'll do my best to help in any way I can.
    Dol Narlock
    Ambassador, before you go - take a spare uniform. We wouldn't want any Imperials to recognize you.
    Vyn Asara
    Good thinking, Commander - thank you. Now let's get moving.
    Good luck out there. We're all counting on you.
  • Meteor, Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Aric Jorgan, Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Plex, Vyn Asara, Dol Narlock, Haken
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Everyone's aboard, Plex! Get us out of here, now! We're safe! You did it - you did what no one else could have done. You've saved us all. We owe you our lives... every one of us. So, on behalf of the passengers and crew of the Republic transport Esseles, thank you.
    You're welcome. It's been an honor to help and protect you all.
    If you hadn't been here, we'd all have been doomed. We can't thank you enough.
    I took up a collection from everyone on the ship - hopefully, these credits will help you save other people in need, the same way you've saved us.
    Hero of Tython
    Please - keep your credits. I'm sure you all need them more than we.
    That's extremely gracious of you. Thank you very much.
    Ambassador Asara, it's... it's a relief to see that you made it back to us safely as well.
    Vyn Asara
    Really? I imagine it comes as a bit of a surprise to see me here at all, Haken.
    I- I don't know what you mean. Of course I'm glad to see you. Why would you think differently?
    You offered us a reward to leave her on the Grand Moff's ship, Haken.
    You must have misunderstood me. I would never... I wouldn't do something like that.
    Vyn Asara
    Thank you for telling me the truth and for everything else you've done here. The Republic needs heroes like you now more than ever.
    I should warn you, though. Grand Moff Kilran is never going to forget what we've done. He'll stop at nothing to get his revenge.
    Thanks for the warning. Sounds like we'd better keep our guard up from now on.
    Vyn Asara
    That would be wise. There's nothing Kilran isn't capable of.
    Anyway, enough of that. I'd say it's about time we all relaxed a bit and enjoyed the rest of our trip. Thanks again - and good luck in the future.
  • Meteor, Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Aric Jorgan, Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Plex, Vyn Asara, Haken, Dol Narlock


See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Republic Navy
Esseles incident
Known roles
Communications Officer
Known for serving on the following ships
Communications Officer
Known weaponry & equipment
H2 Heavy Blaster
L3 Electroblade
Known armor & apparel
Republic Officer Uniform A02.2
All characters this character met
Esseles incident
Hero of Tython
Esseles incident
Esseles incident
Esseles incident
Vyn Asara
Esseles incident
Qyzen Fess
Esseles incident
Aric Jorgan
Esseles incident
Rycus Kilran
Esseles incident
Corso Riggs
Esseles incident
Esseles incident
Dol Narlock
Esseles incident
Esseles incident
Esseles incident
Complete list

Full unit name: Raste Last updated: 27.07.2024 15:45:54