Ossus (5)Full unit name: Ossus
Last updated: 29.07.2024 15:56:22
Basic info
First appearance: Tales of the Jedi : The Freedon Nadd Uprising
Included into
Tales of the Jedi, Volume 2
Was located on: Perlemian Trade Route
Perlemian Trade Route
Hyperspace Routes
Ossus, known as Idux while under the control of Xim's empire
Xim's Empire
Planetary and Sector
, was the third planet in the Adega system in the Auril sector. The planet was known to the galaxy since before 25,000 BBY. During the Force Wars
Force Wars (25793-25783BBY)
Pre-Republic Era (before 25000BBY)
the followers of the light side of the Force moved there from the planet Tython
and established a Jedi Academy, starting to call themselves the Jedi Order
Jedi Order
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
. This world would also become a place of great importance to the Jedi, as the site where they stored the sum of their knowledge, though such attentions came at a price. When the Jedi Knight
Jedi Knight
Exar Kun
Exar Kun
Major Characters
turned to the dark side and became the Dark Lord of the Sith, catapulting the galaxy into the Great Sith War
Great Sith War (3996BBY)
Old Republic Era
, he attacked Ossus, desiring Sith secrets hidden by the Jedi. During the events this action incited, the Cron Cluster was detonated, spreading a shockwave around the galaxy. Originally a rich, lush world, Ossus was ravaged into an arid and toxic planet when the wave struck the planet.
Certain individuals survived the blast, including several Jedi.
Over the passing generations, these people would become more feral, forgetting their heritage and the Force while regarding their abilities from it as magical. They became the Ysanna, Ossus's only native sentience. They, along with the planet, lived in peace with the rest of the galaxy through the Clone Wars between the Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems, when Ossus primarily became a planet of archaeological importance to the Jedi. Once the Galactic Empire rose to replace the Republic, such studies into the past of the Jedi were halted, however.
After the eventual fall of that government as well, and the rise of the New Republic, Ossus saw major use during a time of war, for the first time since the Sith War, during the Yuuzhan Vong War of 25 ABY. It was studied by the Yuuzhan Vong
Yuuzhan Vong
Sentient Species
, extra-galactic invaders who wished to conquer the galaxy, while they searched for a way to gain the upper hand against their primary enemies, the Jedi and New Republic, who in turn used it as a rally point for assaults against the Vong. Ossus regained its standing with the Jedi, revived as the New Jedi Order
New Jedi Order
New Republic
, following the war. Jedi Grand Master
Jedi Grand Master
Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Major Characters
reopened the Academy there and made it the headquarters of their organization, though he later returned that distinction to the Jedi Temple on the galactic capital of Coruscant
In an attempt to allow the Yuuzhan Vong to redeem themselves a century later, Skywalker's descendant, Kol Skywalker
Kol Skywalker
Major Characters
, founded the Ossus Project, an initiative to use Vong terraforming to restore the surface of Ossus. Due to Sith sabotage, the project failed and infected many individuals with organic parasites. The devastating effects the parasites had on people prompted the Fel Empire to call for an end to the project, which the Jedi would not allow. When the Galactic Alliance defended the Vong at the request of the Jedi, the Empire declared war against their loose rival, crippling and defeating them in 130 ABY. The Jedi moved their headquarters to Ossus once again after Coruscant was ceded to the Empire and Sith. However, two days later, the Sith attacked
Massacre at Ossus
Legacy Era
the Ossus Academy, killing half the Jedi inside and beginning the galaxy's third Jedi Purge.


See also
Related events
Massacre at Ossus
Complete list

Full unit name: Ossus Last updated: 29.07.2024 15:56:22