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Mendi DianHuh, this is a surprise. Name's Mendi Dian. I'm with the Strategic Information Service. Gotta say, I never expected someone like you to get involved in something like this. Didn't think anyone else was looking into what's going on here. What's your interest in my case, if you don't mind me asking?MeteorYour case? You mean you're investigating the droid?Hero of TythonI sensed something unusual about all this. I appreciate you confirming it.Mendi DianYou're welcome, I guess? But if you think that little chat you had was unusual, just you wait.... You've spent five minutes with that little astromech. Believe me, you haven't seen anything yet.I haven't taken my eyes off that entire Fleet sector since that droid showed up. Who comes, who goes, who the thing actually has a conversation with... I don't miss any of it. So when that bucket of bolts starts handing out orders - and someone takes them - I feel the need to intervene.VoidhoundYou don't seem very enthusiastic about all this, considering how much effort you're putting in.MeteorWhy are you letting it continue to be such a nuisance? Get rid of it. This is a complete waste of SIS resources, if you ask me. This is a complete waste of SIS resources, if you ask me.Mendi DianI'm not disagreeing with you there. On the surface, this doesn't seem like anything to get worked up about. But someone's behind this, and I'm trying to get to the bottom of it. No matter how strange it is.I'm struggling to do even the bare minimum, surveillance-wise, on this droid. You keep doing what you're doing. Play along. Run any little errands the droid gives you. That'll give me time to catch up, start really digging into who's letting this misery-spouting astromech run wild on our fleet.MeteorWe'd be happy to assist you.Mendi DianLook, if you'd just- oh. Sorry. I usually have to do a lot more convincing before people get me the resources I need.I just thought you might like to know there's someone backing you up. When I've got something we can go on, I'll let you know.And look, I'm not the biggest fan of asking for help, and I'm not good at either. You're already doing something the droid asked. You're involved now. Whether you like it or not. |
- Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Meteor, Aric Jorgan
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Full unit name: Dian, Mendi Last updated: 12.02.2025 0:15:54