Elom (1)Full unit name: Elom
Last updated: 10.08.2024 11:27:26
Basic info
First appearance: Return of the Jedi
Return of the Jedi
Known Facts (1)
Battle at the Sarlacc's Pit (1) »
Eloms were short, stocky, bipedal sentients, with a thick pelt of oily, dark fur, native to the frigid and mineral-rich desert planet of Elom, located in the Borderland Regions. The primitive species had extremely tough skin, several layers of fat, and their hands and feet were coated by thick calluses. As a result of living in dark caves, where the only light was created by phosphorescent crystals, Eloms had exceptional eyesight, though they could not tolerate bright light. Rarely leaving their underground habitats, Eloms were pacifistic and peaceful herbivores, despite their savage and fearsome appearance. Although they were highly ambitious and intelligent, Eloms were often manipulated into becoming involved with illegal activities, due to their underestimation of the capacity for wrongdoing exhibited by other species. With an average lifespan similar to Humans, Eloms remained undiscovered for thousands of years by Galactic Republic scouts, although the species they shared the planet with, the tall humanoid Elomin, had made contact with the scouts long before they had even discovered the Eloms.


Known members
Tanus Spijek
Known for being a members of the following organizations
Jabba's Organization
Complete list

Full unit name: Elom Last updated: 10.08.2024 11:27:26