Endor Strike Team (11)Full unit name: Endor Strike Team
Last updated: 23.08.2024 13:55:49
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Basic info
First appearance: Return of the Jedi
Return of the Jedi
Member of: Rebel Alliance
Rebel Alliance
Rebel Alliance
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Rebel Alliance Army
(Rebel Alliance)
Rebel Alliance Army
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Rebel Alliance Special Forces
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Rebel Alliance Army
Known Facts (2)
Battle of Endor (2) »
Endor strike team was a temporary unit of Rebel Alliance commando troops that was assembled just prior the battle of Endor.
With the discovery that the second Death Star
Death Star 2
Space Stations
was protected by an energy shield generated from the forest moon of Endor
, Alliance High Command realized that they needed a highly skilled strike team to penetrate the Imperial defenses and neutralize the facility. General Crix Madine
Crix Madine
Supporting Characters
devised a plan to insert a commando force
Rebel Alliance Special Forces
(Rebel Alliance Army)
Rebel Alliance Army
onto Endor using a stolen Imperial shuttle, Tydirium
(Lambda-class Shuttle)
Named Starships
, and destroy the Imperial base on the surface.
Han Solo
Han Solo
Major Characters
, who had recently signed on to the Alliance permanently and been given a commission as a General, volunteered to lead the strike team. Tasked with assembling the team, Solo turned to the survivors of Echo Base. Solo contacted Major Bren Derlin
Bren Derlin
Supporting Characters
, and the strike team was assembled in virtually no time. Each member of the team was a volunteer, eager and willing to accept the dangerous assignment to strike a blow against the Empire. The team was created with flexibility in mind; each commando brought something unique to the mix, with a diverse array of specialties. With the defeat at Hoth still fresh in their minds, these commandos were ready and eager for revenge.
The commandos were to be aided in their mission by Imperial defector General Brenn Tantor, who would be coordinating their mission using a stolen Battlefield Holographic Control Interface on board the Tydirium. Lastly, a command crew was required for the shuttle. During the briefing
Rebel Briefing (ROTJ)
(Endor Campaign)
Galactic Civil War
on Home One
Home One
(MC80 Mon Calamari Star Cruiser)
Named Starships
, Commander Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Major Characters
, Princess Leia Organa
Leia Organa Solo
Major Characters
, and Chewbacca
Major Characters
all volunteered for the strike team.
After landing on Endor, the commandos were separated from General Solo when he took the command crew off to search for Princess Leia, who had become separated from the team. Major Derlin, the planet-level unit commander, had instructions to proceed directly to the shield generator and rendezvous with Solo and the others at 0300. The team dodged Imperial patrols, then stopped to make camp as night fell. Shortly after starting their first sleeping shift, the camp sensors picked up an AT-ST
Ground Vehicle
moving in on their position. Derlin had Corporal Beezer jam its transmissions so it couldn't call for help, then Lieutenant Greeve took out both of the scout walker's searchlights. Finally, Corporal Delevar used the Caspel launcher to pop a smoke canister through one of the viewports in the head, forcing the crew to abandon the vehicle. Forcing the pilot to make check-in calls to explain its absence, the team was able to keep their rendezvous with General Solo without alerting Imperial forces.
The commandos were able to penetrate the bunker, but fell into a trap devised by the Emperor himself. Surrounded by Imperial troops, the commandos were saved by the Ewok
Sentient Species
tribe from Bright Tree Village. Alongside their new allies, the commandos fought a savage battle in the forest until General Solo was able to secure the bunker, plant munitions, and destroy the shield generator.


See also
Known members
Show all (2)DetailsArrival at Endor (ROTJ)Battle of Endor
Luke Skywalker
Arrival at Endor (ROTJ)
Han Solo
Show all (2)DetailsArrival at Endor (ROTJ) (General, Commander)Battle of Endor
Leia Organa Solo
Show all (2)DetailsArrival at Endor (ROTJ)Battle of Endor
Bren Derlin
Show all (2)DetailsArrival at Endor (ROTJ)Battle of Endor
Judder Page
Show all (2)DetailsArrival at Endor (ROTJ)Battle of Endor
Show all (2)DetailsArrival at Endor (ROTJ)Battle of Endor
Nik Sant
Show all (2)DetailsArrival at Endor (ROTJ)Battle of Endor
Show all (2)DetailsArrival at Endor (ROTJ)Battle of Endor
Show all (2)DetailsArrival at Endor (ROTJ)Battle of Endor
Droid models that were used by this organization
3PO-series Protocol Droid
Show all (2)DetailsArrival at Endor (ROTJ)Battle of Endor
R2-series Astromech Droid
Show all (2)DetailsArrival at Endor (ROTJ)Battle of Endor
Known sentient species
Show all (2)DetailsArrival at Endor (ROTJ)Battle of Endor
Show all (2)DetailsArrival at Endor (ROTJ)Battle of Endor
Known ranks
Han Solo
Known roles
Han Solo
Complete list

Full unit name: Endor Strike Team Last updated: 23.08.2024 13:55:49