Jyn Erso (9)Full unit name: Erso, Jyn
Last updated: 03.04.2023 0:00:23
Navigation (7)
Basic info
First appearance: Rogue One
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Died: Battle of Scarif
Battle of Scarif
Galactic Civil War
Events: Mission to Jedha
Mission to Jedha
Galactic Civil War
, Mission to Eadu
Mission to Eadu
Galactic Civil War
, Battle of Scarif
Battle of Scarif
Galactic Civil War
Known Facts (1)
Battle of Scarif (1) »
  • Died
Jyn Erso, known by the aliases Kestrel Dawn, Jyn Dawn, Liana Hallik, Tanith Ponta, Lyra Rallik, and Nari McVee, was a human female soldier and former criminal who became a pivotal member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic when she led Rogue One in stealing the Death Star
Death Star
Space Stations
plans during the Battle of Scarif
Battle of Scarif
Galactic Civil War
. She was the daughter of Lyra Erso, a devout member of the Church of the Force, and scientist Galen Erso, who was forced into helping the Galactic Empire build the Death Star. Erso's mother was killed when Director
Imperial Department of Military Research
Galactic Empire
Orson Krennic
Orson Krennic
Supporting Characters
, the commander of the Death Star project, kidnapped her father - who affectionately referred to his daughter as "Stardust." She was raised by resistance fighter Saw Gerrera
Saw Gerrera
Supporting Characters
and became a child soldier in his army
Saw Gerrera's Partisans
Planetary and Sector
After being abandoned by the Partisans, Erso spent several years on her own, committing a number of crimes in order to survive in a dangerous galaxy. In 0 BBY, she was recruited
Mission to Jedha
Galactic Civil War
by the Rebel Alliance to find Gerrera on Jedha, where he had information about Galen and the Death Star project. She found a holographic recording of her father who confirmed the existence of the Death Star and that the plans kept on Scarif
would reveal a fatal weakness he planted in its design. She attempted
Mission to Eadu
Galactic Civil War
to save her father on Eadu
, but he was killed. With little support from the Rebel Alliance, Jyn and Captain Cassian Andor
Cassian Andor
Major Characters
led a squad, Rogue One, to Scarif where they stole the plans from the Imperial security complex. She transmitted the plans to the Alliance Fleet that arrived in orbit, but the Death Star soon fired on Scarif in an attempt to eliminate the Rebel threat. Erso and Andor were the last surviving members of their squad, and they died when the blast reached the complex.
Erso was remembered fondly by the Rebel leader, Mon Mothma
Mon Mothma
Major Characters
, who believed that she would have become an even more extraordinary person had she survived. Her sacrifice was not in vain, however. The Rebel Alliance used the plans to discover the flaw Galen built into the battle station, and the weapon was destroyed by Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Major Characters
during the Battle of Yavin
Battle of Yavin
Galactic Civil War
, starting a chain reaction which would see the doom of the Empire.


See also
Complete list

Full unit name: Erso, Jyn Last updated: 03.04.2023 0:00:23