Eye of Terror (22)Full unit name: Eye of Terror (Oricon)
Last updated: 01.02.2025 21:15:07
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Happened during: Dread War
Dread War
Galactic War (3642BBY - 3636BBY)
Relations: Oricon
Known Facts (2)
It was one of the missions carried out by a group of Republic operatives
Republic Operatives
Temporary Unions
in 3638 BBY during the Dread War
Dread War
Galactic War (3642BBY - 3636BBY)
. Back at Team Oricon
Strike Team Oricon
Galactic Republic (GGW, CW and GW)
's camp, after first destroying
Haunted Paradise
(Dread War)
Galactic War (3642BBY - 3636BBY)
the Bothrium Beast
Bothrium Beast
and then killing
Seeds of Change
(Dread War)
Galactic War (3642BBY - 3636BBY)
the Corrupted Subteroth
, the operatives were given a new mission - retrieve the gate codes from the Dread Fortress's outer watchtower. Sergeant Trila
Tanye Trila
Minor Characters (TOR)
was sure that the watchtower was the link to the fortress and it was there that they could get the gate codes, and without the codes or heavy ordnance it would be impossible to get through the gate. At this point, Trila was attacked with fear by the Dread Master Tyrant
Minor Characters (TOR)
, but quickly recovered. DX-M2
(MAGTR-A01 Assassin Droid)
noted that the Dread Masters
Dread Masters
Dread Empire
used a combination of ancient Sith
Sentient Species
, Rakata, and Gree technology - computer access can prove to be difficult, they would need to retrive the core and bring it back to DX-M2 to decipher. The operatives assured Dee-Ex that they had dealt with ancient technology before and warned the team to be ready for the final assault upon their return.
They approached the watchtower and assessed the presence of the enemy - as expected, the tower was heavily guarded. They decided against the frontal assault and, using their advanced stealth generators, sneaked inside without a fight. Inside the tower, they used an ancient portal that teleported the operatives to the top of the tower. The area was guarded by Dread Guard
Dread Guard
Dread Empire
troopers and converts, accompanied by several Dread hounds
Tuk'ata (Sith Hound)
. Avoiding the fight, the operatives made their way through the open terrace and again entered the tower. They passed through the tower unnoticed and reached the Main Control Room.
In the Watchtower Central Control, the operatives found the central core computer, but it was protected by a defensive energy shield. After several mistakes, the operatives calculated the deactivation sequence and first disabled the primary defense grid. Once the grid was down, two tower defense droids
Dread Host Tower Droid
appeared and attacked the team. In the ensuing firefight, the operatives destroyed the droids. They then deactivated the internal defense grid and finally the core power grid, destroying four more droids in the process.
But before they could access the central console and remove the core, Dread Guard Commander Zaoron
Minor Characters (TOR)
rushed into the room, activated the manual override of the last defense grid, and decided to personally engage the intruders. Despite his fighting skills, Zaoron was quickly killed.
When the operatives finally gained access to the computer to retrieve the core, the holocron above the console activated, and the voices of the Dream Masters came from within.
"Once, we were mortals, and we dreamed of mortal things. Now we are beyond man, woman, or Sith" - said Bestia
Minor Characters (TOR)
and Raptus
Minor Characters (TOR)
added: "Once, we were six. On Darvannis, you bled and hollowed us, and we became five." Brontes
Minor Characters (TOR)
continued: "Once, we were conquerors, but now we have seen our true path. For this, we thank you."
"We don't want to fight you," - said Jedi Warrior - "I have enough blood on my hands to last a lifetime. We don't have to be at war."
"This conflict is futile," - said Jedi Consular - "You can't win against the Republic and the Empire. All you're doing is prolonging suffering. It doesn't have to be like this."
"We enact the cycle," - replied Tyrans.
"Dread Masters: You have committed crimes against sentient life and the Galactic Republic. I am asking you to stop the bloodshed and surrender!" - tried Trooper.
"Why?" - taunted Tyrans.
"Listen to me. You want your own territory - I get that. You want the Empire gone - I completely get that. We've got common ground here." - said Voidhound
Major Characters
"But you have nothing to offer," - replied Tyrans again.
One of the operatives shouted: "Come thank us in person. You'll get the same reply we gave your man on Darvannis."
Tyrans: "His death was our revelation."
Raptus: "Before our brother tasted oblivion, we had prepared to spread terror across the galaxy. We would build an endless dominion under our leadership."
Minor Characters (TOR)
: "Coruscant overgrown with our devices. Homes and families slick with blood. Billions overcome with fear and hatred."
Brontes: "That day will still come. But it will not end there."
Raptus: "We felt our brother's doom on Darvannis. We felt peace. When we have enslaved the galaxy, slaughter will follow."
Calphayus: "Birth. Pain. Fear. Death. The cycle of existence."
Bestia: "Oblivion will overtake all that is. At the end, we too will taste death's solace."
"You want to die?," - said one of the operatives - "You're doing all this so you can die and take the rest of the galaxy with you?"
"Yes," - answered Raptus simply.
"For generations, the Jedi Order has helped its members find peace. Let me help you, and no one has to die," - said one of the Jedi.
"Death is always the final step," - replied Tyrans.
"If you're looking for peace, murdering people won't help. I've fought long enough to know that," - said Voidhound.
"Then you have not seen the cycle's end," - answered Tyrans.
"You're suicidal murderers," - shouted one of the operatives and another one added - "Let me sum this up: You want to die, and you want to take the galaxy with you. It's crazy, but it doesn't change my plans."
"But now you die understanding," - started Tyrans.
"Coruscant and every other world will taste the depths of fear," - continued Brontes.
"Even now, our servants ready ships to leave Oricon and spread terror. You will try to stop them, too late - and you will despair." - said Raptus.
"When you realize that you are nothing, the darkness shall welcome you," - finished Bestia.
Then the Dread Masters were gone.
Perplexed and depressed, the operatives removed the core of the computer. One of the operatives contacted Sergeant Trila, saying that they soon would be back. When the operatives returned to the camp, Dee-Ex informed them that since the operatives had left, one Jedi Master
Jedi Order
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
and three soldiers had fallen into a coma due to the Dread Masters attack, and Sergeant Trila was hallucinating and threatening to shoot the soldiers, but later came into yourself. The operatives gave Dee-Ex the control core for decryption, and when Trila approached them, they informed them that the Dread Masters were preparing to send tech and bioweapons to population centers with the intention of destroying the galaxy.
See also
Related organizations
Strike Team OriconStructureCharactersTanye TrilaDX-M2DroidsMAGTR-A01 Assassin DroidDX-M2
Dread MastersStructureCharactersCalphayusRaptusBestiaBrontesTyrans
Dread GuardStructureCharactersZaoron
Galactic RepublicStructureOrganizationsRepublic Operatives
Republic OperativesStructureCharactersVoidhoundPart of / Served onGalactic Republic
Related units, characters and other technologies
VoidhoundMembershipRepublic Operatives
BestiaMembershipDread Masters
BrontesMembershipDread Masters
CalphayusMembershipDread Masters
RaptusMembershipDread Masters
Tanye TrilaMembershipStrike Team Oricon
TyransMembershipDread Masters
ZaoronMembershipDread Guard
DX-M2MembershipStrike Team Oricon
Greatmaw Hound
Dread Host Tower Droid
MAGTR-A01 Assassin DroidUsed by / onStrike Team OriconDX-M2
Complete list

Full unit name: Eye of Terror (Oricon) Last updated: 01.02.2025 21:15:07