Elin Garza (10)Full unit name: Garza, Elin
Last updated: 12.06.2024 13:30:58
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Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Known Facts (27)
Hunt for Traitors (6) »
  • Held a rank of General in Republic Special Forces Division
  • Wore Republic Officer Uniform A02.1
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    General Garza contacted Taris local regimental commander, Colonel Gaff, to secure his support for Havoc Squad's mission, but didn't share the specifics of the mission.
  • Gaff (from Welcome Party)
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Elin Garza
    Come in, Lieutenant. This is General Garza. Do you copy?
    I read you loud and clear, General.
    Elin Garza
    I understand you've just landed on Taris. I've already contacted our local regimental commander, Colonel Gaff, to secure his support. Colonel Gaff doesn't know the specifics of your mission - only that he should assist you in every way possible. I'd like to keep it that way.
    I'll keep quiet on the details, General.
    Elin Garza
    That's for the best, Lieutenant.
    Do we know which of the Havoc traitors is hiding here?
    Elin Garza
    I'm afraid not. You'll have to depend on local intelligence gathering to determine your target's identity and location.
    Taris is a dangerous and untamed wasteland. A Sith attack several centuries ago leveled every standing structure and virtually eradicated the local population. Where cities once rivaled Coruscant, only swamps and ruins remain. Reclaiming and rebuilding the planet has become an important symbolic goal for the Senate.
    If there's any way I can aid in the reconstruction, I'll do it.
    Elin Garza
    Of course. Just don't lose sight of your primary objective.
    What else can you tell me?
    Elin Garza
    I see vague mention of infectious parasites - apparently, Colonel Gaff works hard to withhold negative information about the reconstruction.
    That's all I have for you, Lieutenant. Report in when your operation is complete.
    I'll contact you as soon as the job's done, General.
  • Meteor, Aric Jorgan (from Welcome Party)
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Elin Garza
    Ah. Greetings, Lieutenant. I understand congratulations are in order.
    Mission accomplished. Needles is neutralized, General.
    Elin Garza
    You've done very well. Needles was a brilliant man - taking him down was no small feat. I haven't informed Kardan yet, but I doubt he'll be upset. He and Needles never did see eye-to-eye. Purely different ideologies, those two. Kardan happy can be very useful to us. An angry Kardan means trouble, even while in custody. Try to remember that.
    Needles was insane - I doubt anyone saw eye-to-eye with him.
    Elin Garza
    And yet, Tavus never had any problems with Needles. Perhaps that should've been my first warning. And there's something else, Lieutenant. Tell me, what do you think of Sergeant Dorne?
    Sergeant Dorne helped me when no one else would, General.
    Elin Garza
    Yes, your reception on Taris wasn't ideal. I'm glad you managed to find the one useful officer in the entire outpost. I looked over her service record. Impressive stuff, I must say. Were you aware that Dorne served with the Imperial military for almost two years, Lieutenant?
    She told me she grew up in the Empire. A personality like hers is a pretty strong clue to her background.
    Elin Garza
    Yes, the accent is a dead giveaway. Pure Dromund Kaas. I suspect her life in the Empire involved no small amount of discipline. Sergeant Dorne earned more commendations in her two years of Imperial service than most soldiers earn in ten. Since joining the Republic, she's earned two Medals of Valor, both for rescuing wounded soldiers under fire in enemy territory. This woman has led an exceptional career.
    Someone with Sergeant Dorne's skills would make a great addition to my squad.
    Elin Garza
    I agree. Sergeant Dorne is Havoc Squad material, without question. The sergeant's loyalty to the Republic has been proven to my satisfaction. I want Dorne in Havoc Squad, Lieutenant. Her service record is unmatched, and her assistance to you on Taris was beyond commendable.
    Sergeant Dorne would make an excellent addition to Havoc Squad.
    Elin Garza
    It's settled, then. Congratulations, Lieutenant - you're halfway to a full squad. Havoc Squad needs a medical officer, and Dorne's firsthand experience with the Imperials is invaluable. I'll contact Colonel Gaff to notify him about the transfer. You should go and inform Sergeant Dorne yourself, Lieutenant. Contact me from your ship when you've finished. Garza out.
  • Aric Jorgan, Meteor (from A New Ally)
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    General Garza informed Colonel Gaff that Sergeant Dorne was reassigned to the Havoc Squad
  • Gaff
The Coruscant Assignment (5) »
  • Held a rank of General in Republic Special Forces Division
  • Wore Republic Officer Uniform A02.1
  • Was located on Coruscant
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Elin Garza
    Yes, Senator, that's exactly what I'm saying. I can assure you that I've seen no shred of proof supporting these rumors of a defection within SpecForce division.
    General, surely you understand, we need more than just your assurances in a matter of this-
    Elin Garza
    My assurances are what you're getting, Senator. They'll have to be enough. Now if you'll excuse me, I seem to have a guest.
    But Gen-
  • Arnus
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Elin Garza
    Impeccable timing, Lieutenant. I'm General Garza. It's good to finally meet you in person.
    It's an honor to be here, General.
    Elin Garza
    I have to congratulate you - surviving the ordeal on Ord Mantell took skill and courage. I'm impressed.
    Thank you, General.
    Elin Garza
    Sergeant Jorgan, I'm pleased to have you with us as well. General Vander holds you in very high regard.
    Aric Jorgan
    Thank you, sir. But General Vander has an odd way of showing his "regard."
    Elin Garza
    Vander did the best he could for you, Sergeant. And I'd say a position in the Republic's most decorated Special Forces squad is doing very well indeed.
    It's regrettable about Tavus and the others. I knew they were upset, but I never imagined they would be so foolish as to defect. Nevertheless, whatever your former squad-mates once were to us, they are now extremely dangerous enemies of the Republic.
    Protecting the Republic from its enemies is our duty.
    Elin Garza
    I'm glad I can depend on you to do what's necessary, Lieutenant.
    Aric Jorgan
    So, let's load up a strike shuttle and hunt Tavus and the rest of them down like the scum they are.
    Elin Garza
    I would very much like to give that order, Sergeant, but I'm afraid we've discovered some new information since you left Ord Mantell. Things would be bad enough if we only had Havoc to deal with, but- Havoc did not defect to the Empire alone. Our intelligence shows that hundreds of other Special Forces soldiers have followed Tavus and defected to the Empire. In short, Lieutenant, we have a catastrophe on our hands.
    I can't believe so many soldiers could abandon our cause.
    Elin Garza
    It's a dire situation. But we aren't out of options yet. We have one powerful asset that Tavus and his followers haven't planned for: you. Tavus believes you're dead on Ord Mantell, and that Havoc's defection is still a secret. Right now, Tavus will be securing his armament and supplies. We need to cut those supply lines while he isn't expecting it.
    Tavus is with the Empire, now. Wouldn't they keep him supplied?
    Elin Garza
    The Sith Empire welcomes our defectors, but they're not going to equip men whose loyalty isn't proven. Tavus will need other sources.
    In the past, when Havoc needed supplies outside of the normal Republic channels, they purchased the items from underworld groups here on Coruscant. I have units working to cut off these underworld sources, but two organizations are proving difficult: the Black Sun and the Migrant Merchants' Guild.
    Can these groups really stand against us?
    Elin Garza
    These aren't simple gangs, Lieutenant. They control large territories and extensive resources. This isn't law enforcement. I want these people shut down, eliminated. You'll begin with the Migrant Merchants' Guild. Our intelligence indicates that they're supplying Tavus with a full platoon of advanced war droids. Your mission, in the broad strokes, will be to locate the droid shipments going to Tavus and destroy them.
    What if we let the shipments go? Then we could follow them straight to Tavus.
    Elin Garza
    I can't risk the possibility that these items could fall into Tavus's hands.
    One of my people, Corporal Garrum, will meet you outside the Migrant Merchants' Guild's territory with the full operational details. These missions are critical, Lieutenant. Our future success or failure is contingent on how well-supplied Tavus and his followers are.
    After Ord Mantell, these thugs won't even be a challenge.
    Elin Garza
    Don't underestimate these people. There's a reason why they've been so successful up to now, and it isn't their charming personalities. I'll be observing your operations from here through your armor-cam. Good luck, Lieutenant - dismissed.
  • Aric Jorgan, Meteor
Destroying the War Droids (3) »
The Black Sun's Poison (2) »
The Senate Inquiry (2) »
More Old Friends (2) »
Assault on the Works (4) »
  • Held a rank of General in Republic Special Forces Division
  • Wore Republic Officer Uniform A02.1
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Elin Garza
    Good work, Lieutenant. My technicians are accessing the Justicars' files now. Patrol schedules, supply manifests, prisoner records- ah! Kardan, you... I think we've found what we were looking for, Lieutenant. You have a new target.
    Are you saying the old man isn't my objective anymore?
    Elin Garza
    Kardan is still an objective, but not your only objective. Kardan had the Justicars work with the Imperials to hijack and rebuild an abandoned Republic communications relay, down in an industrial area called the Works. Apparently, Tavus and his followers are using this relay to route all of their interplanetary communications. If we destroy it, the traitors will be completely cut off from one another.
    Nobody noticed the Imps taking control of this relay? Heads better roll for this.
    Elin Garza
    The relay was abandoned after it crashed down to the Works and went offline during the Imperial sack of Coruscant. According to their files, the Justicars found the relay on the surface several months ago and worked with the Imperials to rebuild it. I'm sending Sergeant Mathin to bring you the explosives you'll need to destroy the relay. He'll rendezvous with you shortly.
    I'll meet up with Sergeant Mathin ASAP.
    Elin Garza
    One last thing: Kardan didn't seem to mesh with the Imperials. I don't think he's as convinced of their supremacy as his proteges are. You're sure to find him guarding that comm relay. Kill him if you have to, Lieutenant, but try to persuade him to surrender peacefully first.
    What can I do to convince Kardan to come in?
    Elin Garza
    Kardan's only concern is the safety of the former Havoc members. He may not be loyal to us, but he isn't loyal to the Empire, either. Convince him that it's in the best interest of Tavus's and the others for him to surrender. That's the best way to sway him.
    Can't hurt to see if Kardan will listen to reason.
    Elin Garza
    I know Jek Kardan, Lieutenant. Convince him that surrendering is the only way that everyone comes out of this alive, and we'll have him. Now hurry and rendezvous with Sergeant Mathin. You'll need those explosives regardless of what happens with Kardan. Good luck. Garza out.
  • Meteor, Aric Jorgan
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Elin Garza
    Ah, the hero of the hour. I'm proud of you, Lieutenant. You've done well.
    Just doing my job.
    Elin Garza
    Jek Kardan walked up to the Senate tower's front door and surrendered himself in broad daylight. I never thought I'd see the day. Kardan's help will give us quite an edge against Tavus and the others. I'm glad you could change his mind.
    Do we have Kardan in a secure location?
    Elin Garza
    Shortly. First, we'll make sure he doesn't have any tricks up his sleeve. I haven't come this far by taking chances. Kardan will be kept in restraints, under heavy guard at all times. Trust me, this man is the last person I would underestimate.
    The Justicars' computer files included messages relayed between four locations. Our technicians are working to pinpoint those locations now. There can be no doubt that the messages will lead us to the other traitors. Thanks to your efforts, we'll be able to bring them all to justice very soon.
    What are my orders in the meantime?
    Elin Garza
    As it happens, we've already discovered the location of one of the Havoc traitors: Wraith.
    You remember Senator Krasul from your meeting with the Senate earlier? Wraith kidnapped him from his home just afterward. We've tracked them to a remote space station called Port Raga.
    Has Wraith made any demands? What's her objective?
    Elin Garza
    Our intelligence is very thin at the moment. No demands have been made as yet.
    How could Wraith manage to kidnap a Republic Senator?
    Elin Garza
    Wraith was chosen for Havoc Squad for a reason. Her skills are exceptional.
    One of our teams is already en route to Port Raga. They'll investigate the situation and give you a detailed report on arrival. You've already accomplished some amazing things, Lieutenant, but there's no time for a break yet. Whatever Wraith is planning, we cannot allow her to succeed. Understood?
    What about transport, General?
    Elin Garza
    Havoc Squad requires its own starship for operational flexibility. A ship has already been transferred to your command - it's waiting at the spaceport now.
    I appreciate it, General.
    Elin Garza
    Put it to good use, Lieutenant. Fly to Port Raga and meet with the advance team immediately. Your orders are to rescue Senator Krasul and capture or eliminate Wraith at all costs. Good luck, Lieutenant. Dismissed.
    Aric Jorgan
    Let's get out there and take down some traitors.
  • Meteor, Aric Jorgan
Public Relations (3) »
  • Held a rank of General in Republic Special Forces Division
  • Wore Republic Officer Uniform A02.1
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Elin Garza
    Ah, Lieutenant. I was just speaking with Sergeant Jaxo. Congratulations. Saving Senator Krasul will certainly help our affairs with the Senate. We needed someone to owe us a favor - well done.
    Thank you, General.
    Elin Garza
    You've accomplished something very important - something beyond even your assignment to hunt down Tavus and the other traitors.
    You're in the field, Lieutenant... you see how far the Empire is reaching. A full attack isn't far off, now. To keep the Empire's forces at bay, we need the Senate's support. We need allies.
    I'm glad I could help out the cause.
    Elin Garza
    Yes, you've done quite well in that regard.
    One thing, Lieutenant, I was disappointed to learn of Wraith's escape. She's capable of causing great turmoil.
    Catching Wraith would have meant leaving Krasul to die.
    Elin Garza
    Then you probably made the best choice. The Senator is certainly more useful alive than dead.
    Now - our technicians have decoded the first two sets of data from the Coruscant relay. Your first two targets are on Taris and Nar Shaddaa.
    Can you tell me anything beyond the destinations?
    Elin Garza
    Not at this time, I'm afraid. I'll try to collect more intelligence and give you a fuller briefing when you arrive at each location.
    Good luck. Garza out.
  • Meteor
"We are heartless so that the people of the Republic don't have to be, Lieutenant. So that the Republic does not become the Empire. Always remember that."
- General Garza to Meteor after Havoc squad disobeyed her direct order to kill several people without proving them guilty.

Elin Garza was a human female General
and the head of the Republic Special Forces Division
Republic Special Forces Division
(Republic Army)
Galactic Republic (GGW, CW and GW)
during the Great Galactic War
Great Galactic War
Great Galactic War (3681BBY - 3653BBY)
, the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
, and beyond. During that period, she directed special operations from her office in the Senate Tower on Coruscant

In the first part of the Cold War, Galactic Republic she ordered to the Havoc Squad
Havoc Squad
(Republic Special Forces Division)
Galactic Republic (GGW, CW and GW)
to conduct a ill-fated mission
Mission to Ando Prime
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
on Ando Prime
Ando Prime
to cut off a Imperial offensive. She considered this mission to be crucial, and that for fear of Sith spies, she could not inform the Senate
Republic Senate
Galactic Republic
of it. Unfortunately, the squad encountered more enemy soldiers
Imperial Army (Sith Empire)
Reconstituted Sith Empire
than expected and were forced to call for extraction. But before she could get a rescue operation going, the Republic Senate
Republic Senate
Galactic Republic
discovered the mission and shut it down. The Senators considered this a violation of the Treaty of Coruscant, and they would not allow her to risk re-igniting war with the Empire.
The squad was left stranded in enemy territory with no support, though they managed to return to the Republic. However, the incident left a dark scar on the team, with many of its members believing that they were betrayed by the Galactic Republic. Commander Jek Kardan
Jek Kardan
Minor Characters (TOR)
immediately resigned and his squadmates, under the leadership of Kardan's disciple, Harron Tavus
Harron Tavus
Supporting Characters
, considered not only resigning, but defecting to the Sith, which they eventually did
The Separatists' Stronghold
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)


See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Republic Army
Republic Special Forces Division
Known armor & apparel
Republic Officer Uniform A02.1
All characters this character met
Aric Jorgan
Complete list

Full unit name: Garza, Elin Last updated: 12.06.2024 13:30:58