Heerimus (3)Full unit name: Heerimus
Last updated: 26.06.2024 0:27:21
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Known Facts (3)
The Senator's Stolen Goods (3) »
  • Was a member of Republic Senate
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Senator Doli-bur Barc instructed his assistant Heerimus to find someone who would track down and return the stolen shipment of slave collars.
  • Doli-bur Barc
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    I greet you on behalf of the great and noble Senator Doli-bur Barc. I have the honor of being his senior page.
    The Senator sent me as his representative, though he'd prefer to be here himself. He loves to walk among his people
    If your Senator wanted to be here, he'd be here.
    Oh, he does. He stopped here on his way to the spaceport last year. He even waved at some of his admirers.
    Today, the Senator sent me to find brave and loyal citizens to help with a security crisis. It involves his work to restore the Republic to glory by re-establishing our technological superiority.
    Hero of Tython
    We should strive for balance, not domination.
    Exactly, and Senator Barc's bold vision is to see the balance returned.
    That's all very nice, but what's the crisis?
    I was just getting to that.
    Recently, the Senator arranged to acquire a shipment of computer chips - advanced hardware that could create whole new industries for the Republic.
    Unfortunately, the shipment was hijacked by the Migrant Merchants' Guild. Now, Republic security is afraid to take on the guild's thugs.
    You're looking for outside help?
    Exactly. The Senator says this issue is really over security's head anyways.
    Recovering the shipment of chips from the guild would be a great service to Senator Barc and the Republic.
    Is Senator Barc paying for this?
    Yes, of course, your fee. In his generosity, the Senator has promised to personally reward anyone who helps.
    To find out where the guild has hidden the Senator's shipment, you'll have to speak with Security Captain Denal-zon - he ran the investigation. Then return the shipment to Senator Barc's office in the Senate tower. I'm sure he'll want to thank you personally.
  • Meteor, Voidhound, Aric Jorgan, Corso Riggs, Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess
"The Senator sent me as his representative, though he'd prefer to be here himself. He loves to walk among his people."

Heerimus was a male human who served to Senator
Republic Senate
Galactic Republic
Doli-bur Barc
Doli-bur Barc
Minor Characters (TOR)
as a senior page during the Cold War with the Sith Empire. His job was to interact with the Coruscant Security Force
Coruscant Security Force
Planetary and Sector
and other groups on Coruscant
on behalf of the Senator. When a shipment destined for Barc's offices was hijacked, Heerimus was tasked with finding a person who could bolster the search for the missing goods. Heerimus was able to recruit a group of Republic operatives
Republic Operatives
Temporary Unions
to help, but although they found
The Senator's Stolen Goods
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
a stolen shipment that contained illegal computer chips used to manufacture slave collars, they brought the chips to CSF instead of the senator.


See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Republic Senate
All characters this character met
The Senator's Stolen Goods
Hero of Tython
The Senator's Stolen Goods
The Senator's Stolen Goods
The Senator's Stolen Goods
Qyzen Fess
The Senator's Stolen Goods
Aric Jorgan
The Senator's Stolen Goods
Corso Riggs
The Senator's Stolen Goods
Doli-bur Barc
The Senator's Stolen Goods
The Senator's Stolen Goods
Complete list

Full unit name: Heerimus Last updated: 26.06.2024 0:27:21