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Known Facts (3)
Battle of Yavin (3) »
- Served as Pilot on TIE Fighter (Black 2)
- Interacted with (dialog)
Dialog transcript |
Darth VaderSeveral fighters have broken off the main group. Come with me! |
- Darth Vader, Backstabber
- "Mauler" Mithel died when TIE Fighter (Black 2Crew "Mauler" Mithel) was destroyed
"Mauler" Mithel, designated DS-61-2, was a male human TIE pilot | Imperial Starfighter Corps(Imperial Navy)OrganizationGalactic Empire Navy | specially trained to be Darth Vader | Darth Vader(Human)CharacterMajor Characters | 's left wingman as a member of Vader's Black Squadron.jpg) | Black SquadronOrganizationGalactic Empire Navy | .In his youth, Mithel honed his skills poaching Bothan sky dragons in his father's T-16 skyhopper | Incom T-16 SkyhopperGround VehicleVehicles | . Mauler had a son named Rejlii Mithel | Rejlii Mithel(Human)CharacterMinor Characters | , who became a tractor beam operator on the Chimaera.jpg) | Chimaera(Imperial-class Star Destroyer)StarshipNamed Starships | . He kept a holo of Rejlii on the control yoke of his TIE fighter. He had achieved twenty-seven Rebel kills prior to the Battle of Yavin, and he marked them by flames painted on the hull of his fighter. In addition, alongside Vader himself and fellow co-pilot "Backstabber | Backstabber(Human)CharacterMinor Characters | ", he had been infamously involved in various assaults on Ralltiir and Mon Calamari.jpg) | Dac (Mon Calamari)Planet | , which increased Black Squadron's reputation as the Empire | Galactic EmpireOrganizationGalaxy-Wide Organizations | 's most feared squadron.He flew the TIE starfighter | TIE FighterStarshipStarfighter Models | designated Black 2 during the Battle of Yavin | Battle of YavinEventGalactic Civil War | . Mithel's fighter was with Vader's TIE Advanced x1 | TIE Advanced x1StarshipStarfighter Models | when the Millennium Falcon.jpg) | Millennium Falcon(YT-1300 Light Freighter)StarshipNamed Starships | entered the battle. When Vader's right wingman was killed, Mithel panicked and tried to avoid the freighter's laser fire, only to collide with Vader's TIE Advanced. Vader was sent spinning into deep space, while Mithel was killed when his fighter impacted against the trench wall and exploded.Read more... |
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Full unit name: Mithel 'Mauler' Last updated: 24.12.2024 15:42:13