Narlock's Security Team (5)Full unit name: Narlock's Security Team
Last updated: 24.12.2024 11:26:15
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Member of: Republic Navy
Republic Navy
Galactic Republic (GGW, CW and GW)
Known Facts (10)
Esseles incident (10) »
  • Dol Narlock used H3 Heavy Rifle
  • Narlock's Team Member 1 used H3 Heavy Rifle
  • Narlock's Team Member 2 used H3 Heavy Rifle
  • Narlock's Team Member 3 used H3 Heavy Rifle
  • Dol Narlock used L3 Electroblade
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Commander Narlock
    This is it, men. This is what you've been training for. The Imperials are coming, and we're not going to let them past, are we?
    Security Team Member 1
    Sir, no, sir!
    Commander Narlock
    We won't be fighting alone! We have some very experienced volunteers - the Imps will never know what hit them!
    Hero of Tython
    My lightsaber is at your service, Commander.
    Commander Narlock
    Do you hear that, men? Our friend here is going to chop through these Imps like nothing!
    The Force will guide us to victory.
    Commander Narlock
    The Force will be with us, men! We'll be unstoppable!
    Hope you're ready to see a real professional at work.
    Commander Narlock
    A professional! We've got nothing to worry about, men - we can't lose!
    Havoc Squad, reporting for duty!
    Commander Narlock
    Havoc Squad! The best in the Republic, and they're fighting by your side, men. We can't fail! We won't!
    The Imps will cut through any second now - we need to take up defensive positions. Move up, men! Get ready!
  • Meteor, Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Aric Jorgan, Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess
  • Killed a number of Imperial Boarding Troopers
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Commander Narlock
    Hah! Victory! We've done it, men, we've done it! The ship is saved!
    Vyn Asara
    I'm sorry, Commander, but that... that isn't the case.
    We defeated the entire boarding party - nobody could've slipped past us.
    Vyn Asara
    No, you're right - it's not you the Imperials slipped past.
    You're Ambassador Asara? That Imperial said that you're the one they were sent to capture.
    Vyn Asara
    Listen, that's not important right now - we have a serious problem. First Officer Haken walked us right into a trap. The attack on this air lock was a ruse.
    After Haken sent you here, Imperial commandos snuck aboard, they were led by a Mandalorian mercenary called "Ironfist." The Mandalorians work for the Empire - they're some of the best warriors in the galaxy. And Ironfist is one of the most famous.
    It gets worse, I'm afraid. Ironfist and his Imperial commandos stormed the bridge, and now the entire area is locked down tight. That's why I rushed to find you. We have to do something - we have to act fast.
    How did you learn about all of this?
    Vyn Asara
    I watched the whole thing happen on the security cams.
    Commander Narlock
    Look, what is this all about? Why are the Imperials so desperate to capture you?
    Vyn Asara
    Because of my work. I'm a Republic ambassador. I travel to Imperial-controlled planets and convince their governments to come over to our side.
    Turning potential enemies into friends spares us unnecessary conflicts.
    Vyn Asara
    Not all battles can be avoided, but diplomacy can gain us so much more than fighting.
    Talk about running dangerous cargo. Who gets you in and out of these places?
    Vyn Asara
    I slip in on passenger ships like this one and blend in. But we can talk about my work later.
    Commander Narlock
    We need to retake the bridge. The longer we leave the Imperials in control, the harder it will be to remove them.
    Vyn Asara
    I already told you, Ironfist has the bridge locked down. There's no way in or out.
    Commander Narlock
    A security lockdown... that is bad. Chief Engineer Salen might know of a workaround.
    Hopefully we can get to Salen before the Imperials. Do you know where he is?
    Dol Narlock
    He and his team will be down in the engineering section. I'm sure they'll be able to help us.
    Vyn Asara
    We'll need a diversion. If the Imperials notice the hatches to engineering opening, they'll flood the area with soldiers.
    Dol Narlock
    My men and I can handle that. Form up, men! We're going to go start some trouble!
    Let's get that bridge open!
    Dol Narlock
    We'll give those Imps something to think about, won't we, boys?
    Vyn Asara
    It's a lot to ask of you, I know. But we have to get the bridge open. I'll go along with Commander Narlock. Once you've cleared a path to engineering, I'll double-back and join up with you there. Good luck.
  • Meteor, Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Aric Jorgan, Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Vyn Asara
  • Killed a number of Mandalorian Warriors, Marksmen and Commandos
  • Served as Security on Esseles
A team of security guards under the command of Commander Narlock
Dol Narlock
(Mon Calamari)
Minor Characters (TOR)
, who assisted a group of Republic operatives
Republic Operatives
Temporary Unions
when Esseles
(Thranta-class Corvette)
Named Starships
was attacked
Esseles incident
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
by the Emperor's Glory
Emperor's Glory
(Harrower-class Dreadnought)
Named Starships
Along with Vyn Asara
Vyn Asara
Supporting Characters
, they provided a distraction while the operatives went to the engineering deck to find Chief Engineer Salen
Minor Characters (TOR)
and get his help in deactivating the bridge lockdown.
See also
Known members
Dol Narlock
Esseles incident (Commander)
Narlock's Team Member 1
Esseles incident
Narlock's Team Member 2
Esseles incident
Narlock's Team Member 3
Esseles incident
Known ships on which a members of this organization served or were a passengers
Known sentient species
Mon Calamari
Esseles incident (Commander)
Known roles
Dol Narlock
Known weaponry & equipment
H3 Heavy Rifle
Esseles incident
L3 Electroblade
Esseles incident
Complete list

Full unit name: Narlock's Security Team Last updated: 24.12.2024 11:26:15