Nelex (5)Full unit name: Nelex
Last updated: 11.07.2024 13:44:08
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Known Facts (22)
The Expedition (6) »
  • Held a rank of Captain and was Commander in Taris Expeditionary Forces
  • Wore Republic Trooper Armor A03.1
  • Used H2 Heavy Blaster
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    This is crazy. We'd have noticed any unusual activity from Master Tykan, but the Council says we- Ah, here they are. I'm Captain Nelex, Republic Expeditionary Forces.
    I haven't encountered the Expeditionary Forces before. What are your duties on Taris?
    We scout the area, monitor pollution and handle the local wildlife - emphasis on "wild" - with Master Tykan's help. My men will be glad there's another Jedi around, Master Tykan's been a big help.
    Aris Vauranelle
    This has to be a mix-up. My Master is a renowned Kaleesh scout, a truly gifted pathfinder. I- oops, Padawan Aris Vauranelle, at your service.
    You seem quite certain that the Council's mistaken.
    Aris Vauranelle
    No, no, I'd never question the Council. But my Master's just not sick.
    I have to see your Master, Aris. If he's ill, only the Force can heal him.
    Aris Vauranelle
    But that's what we don't understand. Master Tykan isn't ill at all.
    She's right. When the Council called, Master Tykan had just left with a research expedition. If he's gone rogue, it's news to us.
    You should have brought them back the second the Council called you.
    Look, the Council's on Tython, but I see Tykan everyday. Who would you believe?
    Aris Vauranelle
    Regardless, I'm sure Master Tykan will want to meet you. I'll try and reach him.
    Captain! Captain Nelex! We need backup! They're gone, sir, they're all gone! Captain! Can you read me?
    What the-? That's the expedition guardsman - Sergeant Valoy! Where's Tykan?
    Aris Vauranelle
    There must have been an accident. Those ruins are always shifting.
    If Master Tykan's not answering, something must have gone badly wrong.
    I'll get a rescue team scrambled - no, damn, I'll never get them out there in time!
    Take a deep breath, Captain. I'll get those men back safely.
    Yes. Right. Thank you. Meantime, I'll put a team together. Here, take a copy of the expedition's map to guide you. Watch yourself - there's more than pollution in those swamps.
    Aris Vauranelle
    Master Tykan's out in them, too. I hope the Force is watching you both, for Taris's sake.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Aris Vauranelle
  • Valoy (from The Expedition (prologue))
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Doctor Edaine informed Nelex of what happened to the expedition.
  • Edaine
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Jedi, we just got a call from the expedition. They said you helped them out, but the rest sounds crazy. Tykan attacking them, a couple of survivors? From a twelve-man team? Tell me that's wrong!
    Unfortunately, most of the expedition is dead. And Master Tykan is responsible. He lured the expedition into a trap, set a fire nearby and ran off.
    Aris Vauranelle
    No! What if he was trying to lead them to safety? They ignored him and wandered off!
    It's only natural to defend your Master, Aris, but a Jedi seeks the truth in all matters. You have my sympathies, Aris. I watched my own Master suffer like this.
    I want him found - found and brought to justice, even if I have to drag him back myself!
    Aris Vauranelle
    No, please! None of this is his fault!
    Master Tykan needs help. The survivors said he was headed to the Junction.
    Damn him. The Junction's a gas trap full of civilian workers! Keep your eyes open. Tykan used the Junction in his restoration effort. There might be a clue to stopping him there.
    Aris Vauranelle
    Please don't hurt Master Tykan. He's the only one who could save Taris. And... I need him, to explain all this to me.
  • Aris Vauranelle, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess
The Junction (4) »
Rakghoul Invasion (7) »
  • Held a rank of Captain and was Commander in Taris Expeditionary Forces
  • Wore Republic Trooper Armor A03.1
  • Used H2 Heavy Blaster
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Come in, Jedi! Do you read me?
    Good to hear from you, Captain. I might have a lead on Master Tykan.
    Belay that! We've got bigger problems! The base is under attack! Tykan got the jump on us! We need you back here ASAP, we've got-
    Qyzen Fess
    Scorekeeper calls us through the soft one, Herald. Many points ahead, I think.
    I need you to watch my back. Tykan's volatile in the extreme.
    Qyzen Fess
    Kaleesh is great hunter. But his points are not earned well. We must stop this, Herald.
    Good. I like to keep your Scorekeeper busy.
    Qyzen Fess
    You are truly her Herald. Let us honor her in battle.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess
  • Was wounded by Rakghoul
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Captain Nelex? What happened here?
    Should have known you'd... make it past those things. Tunnels... Tykan must have found rakghoul tunnels under the base. He set those things on my men and... the little Padawan! Aris-Tykan took her! Those things... were swarming all over us! One minute she was helping, the next she was gone!
    Don't worry. Aris is a Padawan, she can defend herself.
    Against a Jedi Master? He's... so far gone. What if he hurts her? Tykan could be anywhere. He knows this planet like the back of his hand.
    All these people, dead... forget a trial! I want Tykan's head for this!
    This isn't Tykan's doing. Not really. He's very sick.
    Now you're making excuses? How can I be calm when my men are- They came here to help this planet. They- And Aris was-
    Wait. The tunnels are still open. You have to seal the tunnel entrances before those things come back. Please, check the base and seal those tunnels. Or the wounded are just... food for the rakghouls.
    Those people are in good hands. See to your injuries, I'll take care of everything.
    Thanks... and hurry.
  • Qyzen Fess, Barsen'thor
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Thanks. Now we can treat the wounded without rakghouls pouring in. But Tykan's long gone. Aris, that poor kid... he dragged her out there with him.
    We may be able to find them. The Force is with us. The Junction's security chief gave me this. Can your computers decrypt this datapad?
    What's this? Infrastructure data? Maybe we can corner Tykan after all.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess
Super Reactor (5) »
  • Held a rank of Captain and was Commander in Taris Expeditionary Forces
  • Wore Republic Trooper Armor A03.1
  • Used H2 Heavy Blaster
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Damn. These records have those rakghoul tunnels all plotted out. Tykan knew exactly how to hit us.
    Qyzen Fess
    Is wise to know the territory before hunt begins.
    And--looks like one of Taris's super-reactors is still operational. It's damaged, leaking toxic waste into the ecosystem. From these readouts, it would only take a little push to send the reactor into total meltdown. And Tykan copied every file on its processes.
    If the super-reactor went into meltdown, what kind of damage could it cause? Please tell me this super-reactor is a thousand kilometers out in the middle of nowhere.
    Sorry. But it's in the middle of reclaimed territory. If the reactor blows, we're looking at a chemical detonation that could take out the Republic's entire occupied area on Taris. Tykan's access code is all over these records. This isn't some vendetta, Jedi, this is genocide!
    Master Tykan's actions are an affront to the Force. He has to be stopped.
    Stopped? If you get the chance, take him down! Here's the super-reactor's coordinates. Please, let me know once you've handled Tykan - my men deserve to be told. And remember, Tykan's still holding his Padawan hostage. Watch your back.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    I was watching the reactor readouts. We live to fight another day, thanks to you. So, is Tykan dead?
    Jedi aren't murderers. Master Tykan has been freed from his illness. I've ensured Master Tykan won't hurt anyone else. He's on his way back to Tython.
    What? Are you sick in the head, too? How could you let him go after what he did?
    Only a living man can truly atone for what he's done. Don't Republic soldiers swear to defend the innocent? Tykan is a victim, as much as your men were.
    Oh great, Jedi wisdom. The difference being, Tykan's still breathing. I got Aris's checkpoint signal. You're careful about keeping your own people alive, I see.
    Oh. While you were gone, Master Syo Bakarn contacted me. He's waiting to hear from you.
    I'll contact him at once. Keep up the good work, Captain.
    Don't take your eye off Tykan. You let him live, you're responsible for whatever he does next.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess
Nelex was a male human who held the rank of captain
and served as commander
of the Taris Expeditionary Forces
Taris Expeditionary Forces
(Republic Army)
Galactic Republic (GGW, CW and GW)
during the Republic
Galactic Republic
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
's initiative to resettle
Taris Resettlement Initiative
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
the planet
Nelex worked closely with Jedi Master
Jedi Master
Cin Tykan
Cin Tykan
Minor Characters (TOR)
and his Padawan
Jedi Padawan
Aris Vauranelle
Aris Vauranelle
Minor Characters (TOR)
When Master Tykan went on a routine research expedition
The Expedition (prologue)
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
to measure pollution levels, the Jedi Consular
Major Characters
arrived at the Expeditionary Force's headquarters and inquired about Tykan's whereabouts, stating that the Jedi Master was unwell. Both Nelex and Tykan's Padawan were surprised to hear this, but it soon became apparent
The Expedition
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
that Tykan was indeed unwell and dangerous. Enraged that Tykan had caused the death of many of his men, Nelex insisted that the Consular kill the Jedi Master.
When Tykan raided
Rakghoul Invasion
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
the Expeditionary Force headquarters and kidnapped his Padawan, Nelex held the line and fought off the rakghouls with his men, but was unable to stop Tykan. When Barsen'thor returned
Super Reactor
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
and reported that Tykan had been cured and was on his way to rehabilitation, Nelex was furious that the Jedi always protected their own and did not consider the justice that the dead deserved.


See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Republic Army
Taris Expeditionary Forces
Known roles
Taris Expeditionary Forces
Known weaponry & equipment
H2 Heavy Blaster
Known armor & apparel
Republic Trooper Armor A03.1
All characters this character met
Show all (3)DetailsThe ExpeditionRakghoul InvasionSuper Reactor
Qyzen Fess
Show all (3)DetailsThe ExpeditionRakghoul InvasionSuper Reactor
The Expedition
The Junction
The Junction
The Expedition
Aris Vauranelle
The Expedition
Complete list

Full unit name: Nelex Last updated: 11.07.2024 13:44:08