Relnex (3)Full unit name: Relnex
Last updated: 11.06.2024 0:30:42
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Known Facts (4)
Early Lessons (4) »
  • Held a rank of Jedi Master in Jedi Order
  • Used L3 Lightsaber
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Padawans, come here quickly. The training grounds are not safe today.
    Hero of Tython
    I got a basic briefing from Knight Weller, but I'd like a full report before going in. I'm combat trained and ready to help.
    Tell us what's going on, we may be able to assist.
    You're Master Yuon's Padawan, yes? Then you both have got combat training... okay, maybe you can help.
    The Flesh Raiders moved into the training grounds organized and ready, attempting to isolate various groups of Padawans.
    They are a savage people who occasionally raid the local settlements and devour those they kidnap. Before today, we thought they didn't understand technology, but they're packing blasters and vibroblades and turning them on Padawans who aren't trained to defend themselves. There's a group of students in the hills we lost track of. They're not combat trained.
    Hero of Tython
    Don't worry, those Padawans will get home safe. I promise.
    Just let us know what's required. We are here to help.
    I've got a beacon here. If you can find the Padawans and set the beacon, we'll send an evac shuttle fast as we can. A group of Jedi from the temple is headed this way but maybe not fast enough. May the Force be with you.
  • Hero of Tython, Barsen'thor
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Master Relnex
    The beacon worked and a rescue speeder is on its way. You really came through for those Padawans.
    Jedi Duo
    One of them was injured - you need to send a medic with the rescue team.
    Master Relnex
    Standard procedure. They're in good hands.
    Jedi Duo
    And there were Flesh Raiders at every turn - we are sure many of them are still out there.
    Master Relnex
    Don't worry, we've got experienced Jedi on the way.
    You probably want to get back to your trials. Again, thank you and may the Force be with you.
  • Hero of Tython, Barsen'thor
Relnex was a Force-sensitive male human Jedi Master
Jedi Master
who served the Jedi Order
Jedi Order
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
and the Galactic Republic during the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Following the Great Galactic War
Great Galactic War
Great Galactic War (3681BBY - 3653BBY)
, Master Relnex returned to the ancestral Jedi homeworld Tython
with the rest of the Order and helped rebuild during the Cold War. Stationed at the training ground in the Gnarls, Master Relnex fought against the native Flesh Raiders as they made aggressive attacks
Flesh Raider Uprising
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
on the Order's territories.


See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Jedi Order
Jedi Master
Known weaponry & equipment
L3 Lightsaber
All characters this character met
Hero of Tython
Complete list

Full unit name: Relnex Last updated: 11.06.2024 0:30:42