Naga Sadow was a master Sith alchemist and Dark Lord of the Sith | Dark Lord of the SithMiscellaneousRanks | who, in 5000 BBY, took the Sith Empire | Old Sith EmpireOrganizationGalaxy-Wide Organizations | to the brink of galactic domination in the Great Hyperspace War | Great Hyperspace WarEventOld Republic Era | . A half-breed Sith | SithSentient Species | from Ziost | ZiostPlanet | , Sadow ruled over a secret citadel on the moon Khar Shian, where he became one of the most powerful Sith magicians of his time. A member of the ten-member Sith Council under Dark Lord of the Sith | Dark Lord of the SithMiscellaneousRanks | Marka Ragnos | Marka Ragnos(Sith)CharacterSupporting Characters | ' reign, Sadow's preached an expansionist philosophy put him at odds with much of the isolated Empire's establishment. Sadow was considered a major candidate for Dark Lord after Ragnos' death, leading him into a power struggle with conservative rival Ludo Kressh | Ludo Kressh(Sith)CharacterSupporting Characters | that only ended with the surprise arrival of two explorers | ExplorerMiscellaneousRoles | from the far-off Republic | Galactic RepublicOrganizationGalaxy-Wide Organizations | . Sadow saw opportunity in the the two explorers - siblings Gav | Gav Daragon(Human)CharacterSupporting Characters | and Jori Daragon | Jori Daragon(Human)CharacterSupporting Characters | - and used the suspicion and fear raised by their arrival to foment war with the Republic. Along the way, Sadow shattered Kressh's forces at Khar Delba, leaving no challengers to his authority. With Kressh seemingly out of the picture, Sadow gathered together all the Sith Lords.jpg) | Sith LordMiscellaneousRanks | and built a formidable military force to conquer the Republic, while also taking Gav Daragon as his Sith apprentice. When the time was right, Sadow and his forces launched a massive surprise attack on the Republic, a many-pronged strike aimed at conquering the important Koros system while seizing the Republic capital of Coruscant. For his part, Sadow stayed isolated in his Sith meditation sphere | Naga Sadow's Sith Meditation SphereStarshipNamed Starships | , augmenting his forces with illusory beasts and ships.Sadow's efforts initially met with great success, and he was on the cusp of victory when events turned against him. Gav Daragon turned coat once back home and attacked Sadow in his meditation sphere, breaking his concentration and dissipating his illusions. His momentum halted, Sadow killed Daragon and fled home, only to find a still-alive Ludo Kressh waiting for him with his own army. Sadow managed to deal his rival a final defeat before immediately being forced into battle again with a pursuing Republic force. Seeing he could not win, Sadow escaped with a daring run through the twin stars of the Denarii Nova, and making his way to the uninhabited moon of Yavin 4. Sadow practiced his alchemy alone there for decades, building massive temple complexes, before voluntarily placing himself in suspended animation. He was awoken some 600 years later by a fallen Jedi named Freedon Nadd | Freedon Nadd(Human)CharacterSupporting Characters | , who learned the former Dark Lord of the Sith's secrets before killing him.Read more... |
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