Slave I (33)Full unit name: Slave I (Firespray-class Patrol Ship)
Last updated: 28.08.2024 19:32:22
Navigation (13)
Basic info
First appearance: Empire Strikes Back
Empire Strikes Back
Model: Firespray-class Patrol Ship
Firespray-class Patrol Ship
Starship Models
Relations: Boba Fett
Boba Fett
(Human (Clone))
Major Characters
, Jango Fett
Jango Fett
Major Characters
Known Facts (9)
Investigation on Kamino (3) »
Dogfight over Geonosis (3) »
Escape from Cloud City (3) »
Slave I was a modified prototype Firespray-31
Firespray-class Patrol Ship
Starship Models
patrol and attack craft used by famed bounty hunters Jango Fett
Jango Fett
Major Characters
and his cloned son, Boba Fett
Boba Fett
(Human (Clone))
Major Characters
. It was greatly modified with advanced weapons systems by both Fetts during their respective use. Originating from Oovo IV, the ship was stolen by Jango Fett, replacing his previous ship, Jaster's Legacy. After Jango's death on Geonosis
in 22 BBY, the ship was inherited by Boba Fett and used on several missions during and after the Clone Wars. Like all Firesprays, Slave I sat flat on its bottom surface when idle, although during flight the ship rotated 90 degrees to maneuver vertically. Boba later added a unique stabilization system which always kept the cockpit oriented "up". Slave I was a well-armed starship, and to keep it from becoming obsolete, it was endlessly modified. While under Jango Fett's ownership, its weaponry included two heavy twin blaster cannons, as well as two rapid firing laser cannons. Rounding out the ship's armament were two projectile launchers, each holding a magazine of three homing missiles or various other payloads, and a naval minelayer equipped with seismic charges. Slave I also possessed special dummy proton torpedoes mounted with homing beacons and S-thread trackers. By tagging a ship with one of these beacons, Fett could then utilize his contraband HoloNet transceiver to track ships through hyperspace. Most of these weapons were hidden beneath the hull - the armor plating would slide away during the ship's attacks. The ship was also outfitted with a sensor array that could detect minute changes in the ship's mass, which could be used to find homing beacons.


Known crew - characters
Boba Fett
Jango Fett
Known passengers
Boba Fett
Complete list

Full unit name: Slave I (Firespray-class Patrol Ship) Last updated: 28.08.2024 19:32:22