Winborn (3)Full unit name: Winborn
Last updated: 24.09.2024 20:29:54
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Known Facts (5)
Crisis in Galactic City (5) »
  • Used L4 Blaster
  • Used L3 Electroblade
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Cut power to the whole blasted planet if you have to! We can't let those crazies take over the network!
    Captain Winborn? Senator Kayl said you need backup. What's the situation? Captain Winborn? Senator Kayl said you need backup. What's the situation?
    We're getting cut to pieces down here. We're not trained to fight an army of killers. These gangsters are smart - organized. Clearly trained offworld. They'll kill thousands. Might even destroy the Senate tower.
    Pull your men back, Captain. Let us handle the criminals.
    It's not that simple. They came here with a plan.
    Hero of Tython
    The Senate tower is nowhere near this sector.
    The scum found themselves a way around that little detail.
    The gangsters brought slicers to access every network node in the sector. They're trying to take over the automated speeder flight paths. They'll cause thousands of mid-air collisions. It'll rain debris on the Senate tower like a meteor storm. No telling how many will die.
    Gangsters need a motive. They're criminals, not terrorists. They wouldn't do this unless they stood to gain something.
    Let's ask them - after we crush their army.
    Hero of Tython
    Send a man to warn the Senators. They need to find shelter.
    I sent word right before you got here, but there isn't enough time to save everyone. We have to stop this here.
    The gangsters have armed patrols guarding the network access points. We need to push them back and manually lock down the terminals.
    Get enough terminals, and we might just pull this off. My men will back you up. Good luck in there.
  • Meteor, Voidhound, Aric Jorgan, Corso Riggs, Hero of Tython, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, T7-O1
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    My men can't believe you took on all those gangsters--and lived. You're a blasted hero, you know that?
    With the network terminals locked down, the speeder traffic is secure. Now all that's left is pushing out those gangsters for good.
    There was some kind of encrypted message on the network. Looks like a recording.
    Let me see that... hmm... it's an old Migrant Merchants' Guild code. Think I can decrypt it.... Here we go.
    Prakath (RECORDING)
    You accepted our friendship, Senator Kayl--and credits. It's time you paid us back. All we want are the housing projects you promised our people. Now.
    Vanara Kayl (RECORDING)
    Your people will have to wait their turn like everyone else. I owe you nothing. If you continue pushing me, I'll destroy you all.
    Senator Kayl and the Migrant Merchants' Guild are at war? That's what this was all about?
    I can't believe Senator Kayl would deal with gangsters. Could that message be forged?
    The call was placed directly to her office.
    Should've known Senator Kayl was too good to be true. She's an even bigger crook than I thought.
    Doesn't make sense. There's gotta be an explanation.
    Vanara Kayl (RECORDING)
    Your extortion attempt has failed. My people are pushing back your little army as we speak. It's over.
    Prakath (RECORDING)
    Nobody breaks a deal with us, Senator. We'll have what we want, one way or another.
    This is way above my pay grade. I'm not destroying the reputation of Coruscant's most popular politician. Take the recording. I don't want it.
    Hero of Tython
    When you wear that uniform, you're upholding the Republic's ideals: freedom, integrity and honesty.
    There's nobody more qualified to handle this than you, Jedi. I know you'll find the truth.
    A security captain who gives away evidence to complete strangers? How did you get this job?
    I follow my conscience. Whatever's happening, there's a reasonable explanation.
    Senator Kayl has done great things for Coruscant. She's a good woman. Give her a chance. My men and I will stay down here. You should go back to the Senate tower.
  • Meteor, Voidhound, Aric Jorgan, Corso Riggs, Hero of Tython, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, T7-O1
  • Wore CSF Uniform
"This is way above my pay grade. I'm not destroying the reputation of Coruscant's most popular politician. Take the recording. I don't want it."
- Captain Winborn to Republic operatives

Winborn was a human male who lived on Coruscant
and served as police officer with the Coruscant Security Force
Coruscant Security Force
Planetary and Sector
. He held the rank of captain during the Cold War and served as the Security Chief under the command of Coruscant's senator Vanara Kayl
Vanara Kayl
Minor Characters (TOR)
Around 3643 BBY, Winborn led an attack on the Migrant Merchants' Guild
Migrant Merchants' Guild
Planetary and Sector
criminal gang who had taken control of the Old Galactic Market sector. At the time of the attack, the Guild was initiating a terrorist plot by attempting to hack into Coruscant's secure skylane infrastructure in order to disrupt it and cause thousands of speeders to fall on the Senate
Republic Senate
Galactic Republic
Building. Senator Kayl sent a team of Republic operatives to assist Winborn in stopping the terrorist attack.
While fighting Guild members and securing the skylane speeder access points, the operatives discovered a recording of Senator Kayl making a deal with the Guild for money to aid her election campaign. When the deal fell through, Kayl had ordered the CSF to evict the Guild which had led to them planning the terrorist attack. Winborn asked that the operatives to confront the Senator as he did not want to be responsible for the end of her career. The operatives did so and Senator Kayl agreed to inform the Galactic Senate of the deal, after which, she resigned.


See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Coruscant Security Force
Crisis in Galactic City (Captain)
Known weaponry & equipment
L4 Blaster
Crisis in Galactic City
L3 Electroblade
Crisis in Galactic City
Known armor & apparel
CSF Uniform
All characters this character met
Crisis in Galactic City
Hero of Tython
Crisis in Galactic City
Crisis in Galactic City
Crisis in Galactic City
Qyzen Fess
Crisis in Galactic City
Aric Jorgan
Crisis in Galactic City
Corso Riggs
Crisis in Galactic City
Crisis in Galactic City
Complete list

Full unit name: Winborn Last updated: 24.09.2024 20:29:54