BMF-GNK-A01 Droid (28)Full unit name: BMF-GNK-A01 Droid
Last updated: 26.07.2024 18:05:36
Navigation (4)
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Known Facts (26)
The Cold War (2) »
Takeover of the Old Galactic Market (1) »
Esseles incident (3) »
Crisis in Galactic City (3) »
The Freightskippers (3) »
Trouble in Deed (4) »
Race the Devil (1) »
Recruitment into Coruscant Aegis (1) »
Operation Midnight Freedom (1) »
Beryl's Bargain (1) »
Mission to the ChemWorks Factory (5) »
The Vault (1) »
See also
Known sub-models or named units
ISS-994 Prototype Power Droid
Known users
Black Sun
Justicars' Brigade
Migrant Merchants' Guild
Known for traveling on the following ships as passengers
Voidhound's XS Freighter
Known weaponry & equipment
H1 Heavy Blaster
L4 Rifle
Wrist-mounted Flamer
L1 Assault Cannon
Grapple Gun
H2 Heavy Electroblade
L3 Electroblade
Corrosive Grenade
Personal Energy Shield
Electrowave Generator
Complete list

Full unit name: BMF-GNK-A01 Droid Last updated: 26.07.2024 18:05:36