Duel in Palpatine's office (9)Full unit name: Duel in Palpatine's office (ROTS)
Last updated: 12.08.2023 13:32:18
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Basic info
First appearance: Revenge of the Sith
Revenge of the Sith
Relations: Coruscant
Known Facts (4)
The duel was a confrontation that took place in the Supreme Chancellor's Suite of the Galactic Senate in 19 BBY. It began after Jedi
Jedi Order
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
Knight Anakin Skywalker
Anakin Skywalker
Major Characters
informed Master Mace Windu
Mace Windu
Major Characters
that Supreme Chancellor Palpatine
Major Characters
had revealed his identity as a Sith Lord to him. Windu then gathered a team of Jedi Masters consisting of Kit Fisto
Kit Fisto
Supporting Characters
, Agen Kolar
Agen Kolar
Supporting Characters
, and Saesee Tiin
Saesee Tiin
Supporting Characters
, and attempted to arrest Palpatine in his own Suite. Palpatine was initially polite to the group, but when they insisted on taking him into custody, he dropped his facade, activated his lightsaber, and lunged at them in a violent fury. All but Windu and Fisto quickly fell to the Dark Lord of the Sith and the three masters of the Force clashed. Palpatine eliminated Fisto as Skywalker was arriving. Windu alone cornered Darth Sidious, Palpatine's true identity, as Skywalker arrived in the room.
Skywalker pleaded with Windu not to kill the Chancellor. Sidious fired a volley of Force lightning at the Jedi Master, who deflected it back at him. The electric currents flowing through Sidious exposed the almost reptilian features of his true form. After the lightning faded, Windu raised his blade to strike a killing blow and Skywalker panicked, cutting off Windu's sword hand with his lightsaber. The writhing Sidious then blasted Windu with another torrent of lightning and sent him through the window - to his death - into the streets of Galactic City
. Skywalker was ashamed of his participation in Windu's murder and knew that the Jedi would never allow him to remain with the Order; out of options, Skywalker knelt before Darth Sidious and was dubbed his apprentice, Darth Vader
Darth Vader
Major Characters


See also
Related organizations
Jedi Order
Members (5)
Related units, characters and technologies
Anakin Skywalker
Mace Windu
Kit Fisto
Agen Kolar
Saesee Tiin
Complete list

Full unit name: Duel in Palpatine's office (ROTS) Last updated: 12.08.2023 13:32:18