"The short version is we have Flesh Raiders invading the training grounds, and a group of Padawans without combat skills is trapped in the hills."- Jedi Master RelnexThis event took place on the planet Tython | TythonPlanet | during the Flesh Raider uprising | Flesh Raider UprisingEventCold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY) | .When two apprentices | Tython Jedi DuoOrganizationTemporary Unions | arrived to the Gnarls training outpost during the attack of the Flesh Raiders | Attack of the Flesh RaidersEventCold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY) | , Jedi Master.jpg) | Jedi MasterMiscellaneousRanks | Relnex | Relnex(Human)CharacterMinor Characters (TOR) | asked them to find a group of Padawans | Jedi PadawanMiscellaneousRanks | he had lost contact with when the attack began. The Padawans went into the wilderness to complete their Jedi Trials, but he was concerned that they were not sufficiently trained to combat the Flesh Raiders | Flesh Raider ForcesOrganizationPlanetary and Sector | alone. The apprentices agreed to help, and Relnex gave them a beacon they needed to activate so the Jedi could dispatch an evac shuttle as fast as they could. The apprentices acknowledged the order and went in search of the Padawans.While searching through the Gnarls, the apprentices found a cage with a dead Padawan, captured by the Flesh Raiders. The apprentices searched the area and found several more cages with the Padawans who were still alive and locked inside, and, killing Flesh Raiders who guarded them, freed the Padawans.The apprentices finally located the trio of Padawans they were sent after - Avitla | Avitla(Human)CharacterMinor Characters (TOR) | , Mennaus | Mennaus(Zabrak)CharacterMinor Characters (TOR) | and Jerridan | Jerridan(Human)CharacterMinor Characters (TOR) | . A freshly killed flesh raider lay nearby, Jerridan also lay on the ground, wounded. The three of them were in the middle of a heated discussion, Avitla seeking revenge on the raiders, while Mennaus stressed the Jedi philosophy warning against passion and aggression, but agreed to stay with Jerridan alone if she was determined to press on. Glad to see fellow Padawans, they explained that they were in the Gnarls seeking knowledge of the Jedi Code to complete the trials when the attack began. They tried to run, but eventually ran right into one of the raiders. The raider was surprised and this helped them to kill him, but Jerridan was severely wounded during the fight.Avitla asked them to join forces, avenge Jerridan and complete the trials, but the duo refused and, after giving them a signal beacon, insisted they use it to alert the Jedi to their location. Avitla reluctantly agreed, and the duo headed back to the outpost.Back at the outpost, the duo reported their deeds to Master Relnex, who thanked them and assured them that a rescue speeder had been dispatched to the location of the beacon. |
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