Soontir Fel was considered among the best starfighter pilots in the galaxy, becoming an Imperial hero, but his journey to those heights was anything but easy. Born on the planet Corellia | CorelliaPlanet | to a farming family, Fel developed his piloting skills over the fields before gaining entrance to the Imperial Academy and beginning a career as a TIE fighter pilot | Imperial Starfighter Corps(Imperial Navy)OrganizationGalactic Empire Navy | . He served dutifully, demonstrating a strong sense of responsibility for his men. After a series of events out of his control tarnished his career, Fel was exiled to the lackluster 181st Imperial Fighter Wing | 181st Imperial Fighter WingOrganizationGalactic Empire Navy | , which he revived, eventually gaining its command and the title of Baron of the Empire, winning Fel a reputation as the Empire's most deadly pilot and the 181st as its most elite starfighter unit. During that time, Fel met and married the famous actress Wynssa Starflare | Syal Antilles Fel(Human)CharacterSupporting Characters | , who he discovered was actually the sister of Rebel ace | Alliance Starfighter Corps(Rebel Alliance Navy)OrganizationRebel Alliance Navy | Wedge Antilles | Wedge Antilles(Human)CharacterMajor Characters | .When Director of Imperial Intelligence | Imperial IntelligenceOrganizationGalactic Empire | Ysanne Isard | Ysanne Isard(Human)CharacterMajor Characters | sent Fel and his men to die at Brentaal IV for her own political gain, Fel was captured and defected to the New Republic, tired of the growing corruption after Palpatine | Palpatine(Human)CharacterMajor Characters | 's death. He joined his brother-in-law Antilles in Rogue Squadron | Rogue SquadronOrganizationRebel Alliance Navy | , serving the New Republic faithfully, but shortly thereafter Fel was recaptured by Isard and sent to Grand Admiral Thrawn | Thrawn(Chiss)CharacterMajor Characters | 's base on Nirauan. There, Thrawn showed Fel the myriad threats awaiting the galaxy in the Unknown Regions, and Fel agreed to serve in Thrawn's Empire of the Hand, fighting against warlords and would-be invaders beyond the knowledge of galactic civilization.There Fel raised a family, surrounded by hardship, before once again making contact with the galaxy at large during the hoax proclaiming Thrawn's return. When the Yuuzhan Vong War broke out, Fel sent his son Jagged and a handful of Empire of the Hand forces to the New Republic's aid. During the course of the war, the Empire of the Hand was dissolved, with Fel joining the Chiss Ascendancy and becoming a senior officer in the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet. A failed guarantee of parole on Jagged's part during the Dark Nest Crisis bankrupted and dishonored the Fels, but their difficulties would not last forever - Jagged was able to restore the family's honor in one final act before taking the reins of the Imperial Remnant, which was revived with Jagged and his descendants ruling as Emperors.Read more... |
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