KCPD-A01 Assassin Droid (19)Full unit name: KCPD-A01 Assassin Droid
Last updated: 27.06.2024 22:01:58
Navigation (4)
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Known Facts (34)
Takeover of the Old Galactic Market (1) »
Mantellian Separatist Crisis (1) »
Destroying the War Droids (3) »
Stolen Secrets (4) »
The Senator's Stolen Goods (3) »
Identity Crisis (6) »
Meltdown (5) »
Enemies of the Republic (3) »
Super Reactor (8) »
See also
Known sub-models or named units
JT-65 Salvage Droid
SatCom Elite Droid 04-A
Known users
Migrant Merchants' Guild
Rendia Freight
Known weaponry & equipment
SSK Heavy Blaster (L9)
L10 Blaster
H3 Heavy Rifle
L2 Rifle
L6.1.3 Rifle
L3.1.3 Sniper Rifle
Multiple Launch Missile System
Retractable Blades
L3 Electroblade
Cryo Grenade
Plasma Probe
Repair Probe
Shield Probe
Electrowave Generator
Complete list

Full unit name: KCPD-A01 Assassin Droid Last updated: 27.06.2024 22:01:58