Rajivari's Legacy (35)Full unit name: Rajivari's Legacy
Last updated: 11.06.2024 0:30:42
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Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Relations: Tython
Events: Flesh Raider Uprising
Flesh Raider Uprising
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Known Facts (9)
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Master Par
    Wait. Where is Qyzen? It's been... how long was I working?
    I could go and find Qyzen, just to make sure he's alright.
    Master Par
    He mentioned the waterfall caves. Didn't he? If Qyzen has the last coordinate, you can triangulate the Fount of Rajivari.
    There's no time to waste, Padawan. Go. And may the Force be with you both.
  • Yuon Par, Barsen'thor
  • Qyzen Fess was held captive by Twi'lek Pilgrims
  • Barsen'thor killed a number of Twi'lek Pilgrims
  • Barsen'thor rescued Qyzen Fess
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Qyzen Fess
    Small hunter. Should not have come. Is only shame here, and death.
    Nalen Raloch. He tracked and... captured. Used pain. Demanded answers of your old thing, your Fount of Rajivari.
    Did Nalen hurt you? I can try to treat your injuries.
    Qyzen Fess
    Pain. What matter now? Was captured alive, small hunter. Is no greater dishonor. Means all my points forfeit. Lifetime's score, gone.
    Without score, I am nothing. Scorekeeper turns face away.
    You're still a person, Qyzen, whether you have a score or not.
    Qyzen Fess
    Small hunter. Do not understand.
    Yuon brought hope. She risked all to come, past Nalen's men; asked for last coordinate to Fount of Rajivari.
    Gave hope but... strangeness to see her. Yuon's scent, all changed. Perhaps because - was strangeness.
    Qyzen, Master Yuon has been at the Jedi Temple for hours. Nalen must have used some Force trick, to make you think he was Yuon.
    Qyzen Fess
    Trickery, on dishonor? Masking as Yuon? I will track and punish for this! Small hunter, Nalen has all coordinates. Fount of Rajivari is his to find.
    He can find it. Whether he can enter safely, without the clues I've gathered, is another matter.
    Qyzen Fess
    I will accompany, small hunter. To guide. And see Nalen Raloch dead. Points are lost. Scorekeeper will not see. But perhaps is some good I can do.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess
  • Barsen'thor's Followers killed a number of Flesh Raider Forces
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Guardian (vision)
    No further, seeker. You come here unpurified. It is an insult to Rajivari's memory. Rajivari's apprentices were flawed. But they walked the fire and were reborn.
    Only a personal sacrifice will show your strength and resolve, seeker. Will you be purified by flame?
    Qyzen Fess
    Purification. Chance to atone for losing score - I would do.
    If my followers are weak, I am nothing. Purify Qyzen.
    Guardian (vision)
    Powerful words. But self-sacrifice is the path of a fool. The Fount of Rajivari is not kind to intruders. Flee, or suffer.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Wounded Twi'lek (vision)
    You! So you... uhhh! You made it after all. I hoped your head would be Nalen's trophy by now. I came here to... prove myself. To Nalen. But the traps....
    It doesn't matter. You're the enemy; if I can still... hold a blade, I can stick you in the heart!
    No living creature's suffering can be ignored.
    Wounded Twi'lek (vision)
    Mercy leads to a spiral of destruction. You don't belong here. Your ignorance should devour you. But, all things in time.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Of course, here is the other. Seekers of forbidden knowledge always have their pursuers. If you came for Nalen Raloch, he has been and gone. So much is fleeting. But I remain. And I remain the man I was. Rajivari.
    You can't be alive. The Council struck you down thousands of years ago.
    When my body failed me, I refused to become one with the Force. How could I? The Jedi were still imperfect. Here, in my laboratory, I had refined certain... devices. I could give one chosen apprentice decades of experience in a day. An apprentice, to become worthy to carry my vision.
    So your wisdom and knowledge were preserved through you and these devices you created.
    I have waited, for new acolytes. I... believed Nalen Raloch was a suitable candidate.
    But... disappointment. Nalen walked through the traps instead of solving them. He suffered greatly. You, at least, survived with your mind intact. Nalen, alas, did not.
    Now Nalen is... changed.
    Can anything be done for Nalen?
    Possible, but doubtful.
    I... miscalculated. Nalen's mind wasn't equal to the wisdom he demanded. I have made... not a successor, but a monster.
    Nalen will not remake the Jedi; he wishes to destroy them and everything else on this world. Beginning with the great Forge, where lightsabers are made.
    In my time, it crafted our blades and scientific instruments. Now, lightsabers are created there. Without the Forge, the Jedi lose their martial power. You must stop Nalen before he destroys it.
    I thought you intended to destroy the Jedi. You attacked the Council.
    I sought to cleanse them, to begin anew. Nalen wants only ashes.
    That weapon won't suffice against Nalen. But you carry the hilt of the first blade - an old friend. A simple procedure would convert it to a working lightsaber hilt. And perhaps a crystal from the Forge caves to power it, given its age.
    I appreciate your guidance, Master Rajivari.
    Pass through the caves, and seek the Forge at the mountain's summit. Stop Nalen, this... abomination my knowledge has created.
    Master Rajivari, you've held on to this existence for thousands of years. Perhaps it's time for it to end.
    Ah, child. You see only what the Jedi are. But I saw what could have been. My colleagues wouldn't listen. I spoke of strength; they cowered. I spoke of a golden age; they chattered of overstepping ourselves. It will happen. Someday, the right acolyte will carry my vision.
    Those ideas drove you to betray the Council, your friends. And what about your apprentices?
    My... apprentices. Yes. Cahel - always wiser than his age. And Vadria, and Orth.
    It took many powerful Jedi to stop you, Master Rajivari. Those who survived were clearly worthy to survive any challenge.
    I remember that battle. My friends. My death. You speak of things I had long put aside.
    You were a great man once. You deserve more than this ruin and your memories. If you stay, you are no more than an echo of the past. But if you let go, you will always be a Jedi.
    I... gave my dream to Nalen Raloch. And I saw a horror. Perhaps... it was always so. Please. Stop him. Correct my last mistake. You must succeed. You are proof the Jedi did not lose their way after all.
  • Barsen'thor, Rajivari
This event took place on the planet Tython
during the Flesh Raider uprising
Flesh Raider Uprising
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
shortly before the end of the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
After returning
The Footsteps of the Fallen
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
from the ruins of Kaleth to the Temple and meeting with Jedi Master
Jedi Master
Yuon Par
Supporting Characters
, the Padawan
Major Characters
learned that Qyzen Fess
Qyzen Fess
Supporting Characters
, who was looking
Exploring the Waterfall Caves
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
for the last coordinate of the location of the Fount of Rajivari, hadn't yet returned. Master Par, worried that something might happen to Fess, asked her Padawan to find the Trandoshan
Sentient Species

The Jedi traveled to the waterfall cave in search of the Trandoshan, encountering inside a band of hostile Twi'leks Pilgrims
Twi'lek Pilgrims
Planetary and Sector
, loyal to Raloch. Defeating them, the Padawan found Fess and freed him from a cage, learning that he had deciphered the last coordinate. The Trandoshan explained that Raloch had tracked and captured him, questioning him about the location of the Fount. After he had refused to tell anything to Raloch, he had been visited by Master Par, who had asked for the final coordinate and had behaved very strangely. Confused, Fess had nevertheless told Par what he had discovered. However, the Padawan realized that since the real Par had been at the Jedi Temple all that time, the image Fess had seen must have a been a Force trick employed by Raloch. With the knowledge of the final coordinate gained from Fess, he was able to triangulate the location of the Fount, which turned out to be an ancient acropolis inside the ruins of an ancient city.

Distraught at being captured alive, which was considered the greatest of humiliations in his religion and had resulted in him losing all of his Jagganath points, Fess decided to accompany
Barsen'thor's Followers
Temporary Unions
the Padawan in the search for Raloch, hoping to reclaim some of the honor he had lost.

After leaving the cave where Fess had been held, they met with another Padawan
Hero of Tython
Major Characters
, who headed
Weapon of the Jedi
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
to the Forge. Togheter
Tython Jedi Duo
Temporary Unions
they made their way through the ruins of the ancient city, fighting off
Clear Out the Forge
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Flesh Raider forces.

After defeating a large number of Force-wielding Flesh Raider High Shamans inside the acropolis, the Padawan and Fess faced the traps the map had mentioned. A series of visions manifested before the aspiring Jedi, presenting challenges associated with Rajivari's philosophies. The Jedi and Fess were able to endure all the trials - mental or otherwise - while remaining true to their beliefs, and finally reached the Fount of Rajivari. To the pair's surprise, they discovered that the spirit
Force Spirit
of Rajivari himself inhabited the Fount. Rajivari's stubbornness had allowed him to cheat death and to remain as a ghost inside his laboratory, where he had been waiting for a new apprentice who would bring his vision of the Jedi Order to life.

Rajivari informed the Padawan that Raloch had already visited
Raloch's Journey
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
the Fount and had left after learning from him. According to Rajivari, Raloch was greatly changed by the power he had discovered within the Fount, however, and was seeking to destroy the Jedi Order completely, starting with the Forge, an ancient machines used to make lightsabers. Rajivari realized the mistake he had made by teaching Raloch, explaining that the destruction of the Order was never his goal - he merely intended to rebuild it. The spirit of the Jedi Master asked the Padawan to stop Raloch. In order to do so, Rajivari advised the Padawan to find a lightsaber crystal inside the caves leading to the Forge and then use that crystal to power the hilt of the First Blade, allowing him to create a fully functional lightsaber at the Forge. Rajivari then became one with the Force, while the Padawan and Fess departed toward the Forge.
See also
Related organizations
Jedi OrderStructureCharactersJedi Master Yuon Par (Jedi Consular)Jedi Padawan Barsen'thorRanksJedi MasterYuon ParJedi PadawanBarsen'thorRolesJedi ConsularJedi Master Yuon ParWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsTraining SaberBarsen'thorH4 Jedi LightsaberYuon Par
Flesh Raider ForcesStructureSentient speciesFlesh RaiderWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL1 BlasterFire Bomb
Twi'lek PilgrimsWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL2 BlasterL3 Electroblade
Barsen'thor's FollowersStructureCharactersBarsen'thor (Leader)Qyzen Fess (joined)RolesLeaderBarsen'thorWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL4 ElectrobladeQyzen FessTraining SaberBarsen'thor
Force SpiritStructureCharactersRajivari
Related units, characters and other technologies
Barsen'thorMembershipBarsen'thor's FollowersLeaderJedi OrderJedi Padawan Barsen'thorWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsTraining SaberRelationsYuon Par (Master)
Qyzen FessMembershipBarsen'thor's FollowersjoinedWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL4 Electroblade
Yuon ParMembershipJedi OrderJedi Master Yuon Par (Jedi Consular)Weapons and EquipmentWeaponsH4 Jedi LightsaberRelationsBarsen'thor (Apprentice)
RajivariMembershipForce Spirit
Flesh RaiderWere among members ofFlesh Raider Forces
Jedi PadawanMembershipJedi OrderBarsen'thor
Jedi MasterMembershipJedi OrderYuon Par
LeaderMembershipBarsen'thor's FollowersBarsen'thor
Jedi ConsularMembershipJedi OrderJedi Master Yuon Par
Complete list

Full unit name: Rajivari's Legacy Last updated: 11.06.2024 0:30:42