Rajivari (7)Full unit name: Rajivari
Last updated: 11.06.2024 0:30:42
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Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Was killed by: Jedi Council
Jedi Council
Jedi Order
(Rajivari's Coup
Rajivari's Coup
Pre-Republic Era (before 25000BBY)
Known Facts (7)
Rajivari's Coup (3) »
Raloch's Journey (2) »
Rajivari's Legacy (2) »
  • Was a member of Force Spirit
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Of course, here is the other. Seekers of forbidden knowledge always have their pursuers. If you came for Nalen Raloch, he has been and gone. So much is fleeting. But I remain. And I remain the man I was. Rajivari.
    You can't be alive. The Council struck you down thousands of years ago.
    When my body failed me, I refused to become one with the Force. How could I? The Jedi were still imperfect. Here, in my laboratory, I had refined certain... devices. I could give one chosen apprentice decades of experience in a day. An apprentice, to become worthy to carry my vision.
    So your wisdom and knowledge were preserved through you and these devices you created.
    I have waited, for new acolytes. I... believed Nalen Raloch was a suitable candidate.
    But... disappointment. Nalen walked through the traps instead of solving them. He suffered greatly. You, at least, survived with your mind intact. Nalen, alas, did not.
    Now Nalen is... changed.
    Can anything be done for Nalen?
    Possible, but doubtful.
    I... miscalculated. Nalen's mind wasn't equal to the wisdom he demanded. I have made... not a successor, but a monster.
    Nalen will not remake the Jedi; he wishes to destroy them and everything else on this world. Beginning with the great Forge, where lightsabers are made.
    In my time, it crafted our blades and scientific instruments. Now, lightsabers are created there. Without the Forge, the Jedi lose their martial power. You must stop Nalen before he destroys it.
    I thought you intended to destroy the Jedi. You attacked the Council.
    I sought to cleanse them, to begin anew. Nalen wants only ashes.
    That weapon won't suffice against Nalen. But you carry the hilt of the first blade - an old friend. A simple procedure would convert it to a working lightsaber hilt. And perhaps a crystal from the Forge caves to power it, given its age.
    I appreciate your guidance, Master Rajivari.
    Pass through the caves, and seek the Forge at the mountain's summit. Stop Nalen, this... abomination my knowledge has created.
    Master Rajivari, you've held on to this existence for thousands of years. Perhaps it's time for it to end.
    Ah, child. You see only what the Jedi are. But I saw what could have been. My colleagues wouldn't listen. I spoke of strength; they cowered. I spoke of a golden age; they chattered of overstepping ourselves. It will happen. Someday, the right acolyte will carry my vision.
    Those ideas drove you to betray the Council, your friends. And what about your apprentices?
    My... apprentices. Yes. Cahel - always wiser than his age. And Vadria, and Orth.
    It took many powerful Jedi to stop you, Master Rajivari. Those who survived were clearly worthy to survive any challenge.
    I remember that battle. My friends. My death. You speak of things I had long put aside.
    You were a great man once. You deserve more than this ruin and your memories. If you stay, you are no more than an echo of the past. But if you let go, you will always be a Jedi.
    I... gave my dream to Nalen Raloch. And I saw a horror. Perhaps... it was always so. Please. Stop him. Correct my last mistake. You must succeed. You are proof the Jedi did not lose their way after all.
  • Barsen'thor
Rajivari was a male human Jedi Master
Jedi Master
who was among the founding members of the Jedi Order
Jedi Order
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
Eventually he fallen to the dark side and turned against
Rajivari's Coup
Pre-Republic Era (before 25000BBY)
the order he helped to create, seeing that the direction taken by the Order was mediocre, overly cautious, and passive.
At some point, Rajivari acquired the hilt of the First Blade hidden in Kaleth and engraved it with a keys and clues of how to find the place where he planned to keep the archives of his knowledge, and then returned it to where it had been kept.
After he secretly assembled an army of followers who were ready to wage a war against the Jedi, he tried to murder his fellow Council members, but failed and was killed. Some of his allies have vanished, leaving behind only their feral Flesh Raider servants, but his most loyal followers
Rajivari's Followers
Planetary and Sector
have retreated to the fortress of Kaleth, refusing to surrender. The Jedi Order laid siege
Siege of Kaleth
(Rajivari's Coup)
Pre-Republic Era (before 25000BBY)
to the fortress and eventually prevailed, wiping out all of Rajivari's followers.
After his death, he did not become one with the Force, but continued his existence in the form of a Force spirit, feeling that he could not leave go while the Jedi were still imperfect. He had created a great archive of his knowledge and teachings, which he imagined during his lifetime, calling it the Fount of Rajivari. He hid his archive in the fortress of Kaleth on the planet Tython
, hoping that the Order would not find it. There, for thousands of years, he waited for an apprentice worthy of embodying his vision.
Following the Great Galactic War
Great Galactic War
Great Galactic War (3681BBY - 3653BBY)
and the resurgence of the Sith Empire, a hologram of Master Rajivari was discovered on Tython when the Order relocated
Resettling Tython
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
from Coruscant
. When the Flesh Raiders
Flesh Raider
Sentient Species
Attack of the Flesh Raiders
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
the Jedi training outpost in the Gnarls where the hologram was located, the Jedi succeded in saving all the holograms but one - Rajivari's, as it had already been stolen
The Path of a Jedi
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
by Nalen Raloch
Nalen Raloch
Supporting Characters
, a member of the Twi'lek Pilgrims
Twi'lek Pilgrims
Planetary and Sector

Master Rajivari's surviving ideas had been the subject of much debate by Jedi scholars, and the records left by his apprentices give new insight into Rajivari's philosophy. His second principle, "all life is a battle, even to the last breath" appeared to be an extreme interpretation of the natural survival instincts all beings share. The seventh principle, "to sacrifice strength is the act of a fool" was a clear attempt to break from Jedi teachings, which view self-sacrifice, especially in the service of others, as one of the noblest actions a Jedi can take.
Rajivari's fifth principle, "mercy creates a spiral of destruction," was the most controversial. Jedi were encouraged to take the merciful path wherever possible. However, it could be argued that if a Jedi shows mercy to those who don't comprehend it - such as violent predators - this might cause greater harm in the future.


See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Rajivari's Followers
Force Spirit
Known as one of the founders of the following organizations
Jedi Order
All characters this character met
Nalen Raloch
Orth Quane
Vadria Tallion
Cahel Tse
Complete list

Full unit name: Rajivari Last updated: 11.06.2024 0:30:42