Nalen Raloch (10)Full unit name: Raloch, Nalen
Last updated: 02.02.2025 19:31:03
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Species: Twi'lek
Sentient Species
Gender: Male
Known Facts (15)
Pilgrims (2) »
  • Used L3 Electroblade
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Nalen Raloch
    You make a lot of noise. I come for a Flesh Raider, I find a Jedi Padawan. I come to listen. To think, among the dead. To fight for my people. Why have you come?
    My Master sent me, to bring Rajivari's holoprojector back to the temple. The villagers said you'd taken this holoprojector, and told me where to find you.
    Nalen Raloch
    I'm called Nalen Raloch. The others in the village spin tales of their "legendary protector." They don't understand. Are the Flesh Raiders destroyed? No. My people aren't safe until my learning's complete.
    Tython's relics still have lessons. I listen. I can... do things I never imagined possible. I will be the defender my people deserve.
    Perhaps your studies are making you into something else.
    Nalen Raloch
    Jedi condemn what they can't control.
    Once you become this great defender, what's the next step?
    Nalen Raloch
    We make Tython ours. No Jedi. No Republic. Our world to plow, and harvest, and defend. We hunt the Flesh Raiders to extinction, and laugh.
    Help Kalikori village if you wish, but Rajivari's holoprojector wasn't yours to take.
    Nalen Raloch
    Tython is our home, too. We'll use whatever we find to defend ourselves; you Jedi don't have a say. But you're not a concern. Only the Flesh Raiders matter. Rajivari's hologram showed me how to punish them.
    The Flesh Raiders will come. But not leave. A merciful death, compared to what my people have suffered.
    What crimes have I committed that deserve being buried alive?
    Nalen Raloch
    There are hidden wonders, Jedi, and my journey has just begun. Now run. Or die.
  • Barsen'thor
Hunter's Eye (3) »
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Nalen Raloch instructed Allia and two other Pilgrims to wait for Barsen'thor in a cave and get the First Blade, because he had to find the Fount of Rajivari to be able to defend the village of Kalikori.
  • Allia
  • Killed a number of Flesh Raider Forces
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Allia informed Raloch that they had failed to retrieve the First Blade, which angered Raloch greatly.
  • Allia
Exploring the Waterfall Caves (1) »
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Raloch tortured Fess for information about the location of the Fount of Rajivari, but was unsuccessful.
    Finally, using the Force mind trick, Raloch impersonated Master Par and Fess, deceived into believing she came to rescue him, revealed the last coordinate to Raloch.
  • Qyzen Fess
Raloch's Journey (3) »
The Forge (6) »
  • Used L3 Electroblade
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Nalen Raloch
    Fitting that it's you, armed with the last lightsaber this Forge will ever make.
    Look at them! Another Jedi to nod, and preach, and do nothing while the Flesh Raiders ravage our home!
    I know Rajivari's secrets. Horrors that the Jedi - this Jedi! - have been chasing. And only I can protect us, our families and our future!
    Nalen, your power is destroying you. But it isn't too late to save yourself.
    Whatever future you'd create for Kalikori village would be tainted by what you've become.
    Nalen, this Kedi done alright by us. You keep saying the Jedi are the enemy, but this on is not. This is... you're going too far. How is this protecting us?
    Maybe we don't have all the facts. But what Nalen's been saying - something's not right.
    Nalen Raloch
    I did this for all of you! If you can't see the danger, I'll show you myself!
    Listen to your people. This is not what they want.
    Nalen Raloch
    It'll make sense when you're dead.
    Qyzen Fess
    Does not fight alone. This is fight of honor - you owe blood, dark thing.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Allia, Keth
  • Nalen Raloch fought and was defeated by Barsen'thor's Followers
  • Was wounded by Barsen'thor's Followers
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Nalen Raloch
    I'd forgotten... the smell of my own blood. I... I yield.
    But Nalen, he... he's never been beaten. What... what are you going to do with him?
    Please - you're not going to kill him?
    I won't kill him. He can go to the Jedi Temple until his fate is decided.
    But we still lose him. The village needs Nalen's help. How are we going to keep it together?
    If you need me, I'll do whatever I can.
    Thank you. We'll remember.
    We can carry Nalen to the temple, Master Jedi. He still belongs to us.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Allia, Keth
  • Was given medical treatment by Jedi Order


See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Twi'lek Pilgrims
Show all (6)DetailsThe Path of a JediPilgrimsHunter's EyeExploring the Waterfall CavesRaloch's JourneyThe Forge
Known weaponry & equipment
L3 Electroblade
Show all (3)DetailsPilgrimsRaloch's JourneyThe Forge
All characters this character met
Show all (2)DetailsPilgrimsThe Forge
Qyzen Fess
Show all (2)DetailsExploring the Waterfall CavesThe Forge
Raloch's Journey
Show all (3)DetailsHunter's EyeRaloch's JourneyThe Forge
Show all (2)DetailsRaloch's JourneyThe Forge
Complete list

Full unit name: Raloch, Nalen Last updated: 02.02.2025 19:31:03