Nalen RalochYou make a lot of noise. I come for a Flesh Raider, I find a Jedi Padawan. I come to listen. To think, among the dead. To fight for my people. Why have you come?Barsen'thorMy Master sent me, to bring Rajivari's holoprojector back to the temple. The villagers said you'd taken this holoprojector, and told me where to find you.Nalen RalochI'm called Nalen Raloch. The others in the village spin tales of their "legendary protector." They don't understand. Are the Flesh Raiders destroyed? No. My people aren't safe until my learning's complete.Tython's relics still have lessons. I listen. I can... do things I never imagined possible. I will be the defender my people deserve.Barsen'thorPerhaps your studies are making you into something else.Nalen RalochJedi condemn what they can't control.Barsen'thorOnce you become this great defender, what's the next step?Nalen RalochWe make Tython ours. No Jedi. No Republic. Our world to plow, and harvest, and defend. We hunt the Flesh Raiders to extinction, and laugh.Barsen'thorHelp Kalikori village if you wish, but Rajivari's holoprojector wasn't yours to take.Nalen RalochTython is our home, too. We'll use whatever we find to defend ourselves; you Jedi don't have a say. But you're not a concern. Only the Flesh Raiders matter. Rajivari's hologram showed me how to punish them.The Flesh Raiders will come. But not leave. A merciful death, compared to what my people have suffered.Barsen'thorWhat crimes have I committed that deserve being buried alive?Nalen RalochThere are hidden wonders, Jedi, and my journey has just begun. Now run. Or die.
Nalen Raloch instructed Allia and two other Pilgrims to wait for Barsen'thor in a cave and get the First Blade, because he had to find the Fount of Rajivari to be able to defend the village of Kalikori.
Raloch tortured Fess for information about the location of the Fount of Rajivari, but was unsuccessful.Finally, using the Force mind trick, Raloch impersonated Master Par and Fess, deceived into believing she came to rescue him, revealed the last coordinate to Raloch.
Nalen RalochFitting that it's you, armed with the last lightsaber this Forge will ever make.Look at them! Another Jedi to nod, and preach, and do nothing while the Flesh Raiders ravage our home!I know Rajivari's secrets. Horrors that the Jedi - this Jedi! - have been chasing. And only I can protect us, our families and our future!Barsen'thorNalen, your power is destroying you. But it isn't too late to save yourself.Whatever future you'd create for Kalikori village would be tainted by what you've become.AlliaNalen, this Kedi done alright by us. You keep saying the Jedi are the enemy, but this on is not. This is... you're going too far. How is this protecting us?KethMaybe we don't have all the facts. But what Nalen's been saying - something's not right.Nalen RalochI did this for all of you! If you can't see the danger, I'll show you myself!Barsen'thorListen to your people. This is not what they want.Nalen RalochIt'll make sense when you're dead.Qyzen FessDoes not fight alone. This is fight of honor - you owe blood, dark thing.
Nalen RalochI'd forgotten... the smell of my own blood. I... I yield.KethBut Nalen, he... he's never been beaten. What... what are you going to do with him?AlliaPlease - you're not going to kill him?Barsen'thorI won't kill him. He can go to the Jedi Temple until his fate is decided.KethBut we still lose him. The village needs Nalen's help. How are we going to keep it together?Barsen'thorIf you need me, I'll do whatever I can.KethThank you. We'll remember.AlliaWe can carry Nalen to the temple, Master Jedi. He still belongs to us.
"We make Tython ours. No Jedi. No Republic. Our world to plow, and harvest, and defend."-- Nalen to the Jedi Padawan Nalen Raloch was a Force-sensitive male Twi'lek
. Being a community's dueling champion for nine years straight, he was revered by the rest of the Pilgrims as a great hero - once he single-handedly rescued an entire scouting party from Flesh Raiders. He was in charge of planning the defenses of Kalikori village and protected the villagers when they went out foraging.Obsessed with the safety of his fellow Pilgrims and wanting to protect them from Flesh Raiders
an ancient holocron from the Gnarls, hoping that the knowledge it contained would help help him to master his powers. The holocron belonged to the long-dead Jedi Master Rajivari
, who had fallen to the dark side. Without worrying about the origin of the teachings he received from the hologram, Raloch felt that he was becoming powerful in order to become the true protector of his people. The hologram revealed to him that he needed to find the First Blade, which would point to the location of the Fount of Rajivari - an ancient knowledge database compiled by Rajivari himself - and that this knowledge would help him to become powerful beyond imagination.As a test of his new strength, he wanted to lure as many Flesh raiders into the cave as possible and use the Force to bring the cave down on them. His plan was interrupted by the Padawan
Raloch in a search of missing holocron and came to his camp. Raloch managed to escape the cave, collapsing it as he went, but leaving the holocron behind.Consumed by his obsession with Rajivari's lore, Raloch rarely visited the village, barely eating or sleeping. When he learned that Barsen'thor had already found the First Blade in the ruins of the ancient city of Kaleth, he secretly sent Allia
and two other pilgrims to retrieve the blade from the Jedi. Allia and others agreed, and not only because he was their hero, but mainly because he began to scare them, they saw that he was changing and something terrible was happening to him. Although they succeeded in ambushing
the Jedi as planned, they failed to obtain the blade, because the Padawan talked them out of it, almost convincing them that Raloch was going insane. Furious, Nalen sent a holographic recording to the Jedi Temple. He hinted that he knew other ways to find Rajivari's archive and threatened to kill the Padawan if he tried to stop him.When Qyzen Fess
the last coordinate, Raloch, leading a group of loyal followers, attacked and captured him. At first, Raloch tortured Fess for information about the location of the Fount of Rajivari, but to no avail. Finally, using the Force mind trick, Nalen impersonated Master Par and Fess, deceived into believing it was his friend, revealed the last coordinate to him.Raloch then went to the Fount, leaving Fess in the custody of his followers inside the waterfall cave.He reached the ruined acropolis deep in the ruins of the Forge and descended underground. But he did not know about the traps set by the Rajivari on the way through the acropolis, and did not know how to avoid them. He suffered greatly, both physically and mentally, but was able to go through all the traps and find the archive. Inside the archive, he met the ghost
of Rajivari, who for many thousands of years had been waiting there for an apprentice worthy to carry his vision. Rajivari initially thought that Nalen was a suitable candidate, but was disappointed when he learned that Nalen went through the traps instead of solving them and suffered greatly. But despite this, Rajivari decided to transfer his knowledge to Raloh and, using a special device that he had refined over the years, he transferred decades of his experience in an instant. But Nalen did not want to remake the Jedi Order
in accordance with the principles of the ancient Jedi Master, he wanted to destroy the Order and everything else on Tython so that his fellow pilgrims would be left alone. He planned to destroy the ancient forges where lightsabers were made. Leaving Rajivari behind, Raloh went in search of the forges that were located somewhere on the other side of the mountain range. On the way to the Forge, Raloch met up with Allia and Keth
, and the three of them began searching. It took them longer than they expected, but they finally found one of the forges. Unfortunately for them, Barsen'thor and Qyzen Fess arrived
there first and were ready to confront them.Raloch's companions hesitated to follow their leader's plan of destroying the Forge, although Raloch tried to convince them that what he was doing was right. Ultimately, Allia and Keth decided to stay out of the fight as Raloch attacked the Padawan. The Jedi defeated the fallen Twi'lek but spared his life, instead instructing him to go to the Jedi Temple, where his fate would be decided and Allia and Keth took the wounded Raloch away.Later, Raloch underwent kolto treatment at the Jedi Temple.