Basic info
First appearance: Return of the JediReturn of the Jedi(MOVIE) |
Known Facts (2)
Arrival of Luke Skywalker (2) »
Rancors were large carnivorous reptomammals native to the planet of Dathomir. They were usually born brown, but in special circumstances, such as the mutant rancor, jungle rancor, and the bull rancor, their color may have differed. Although found on other worlds such as Lehon - where they were brought by crashed starships - Ottethan, Carida, Corulag, and Felucia, those from Dathomir were said to be stronger and more intelligent than others. They had been used for many things, ranging from mounts for the Witches of Dathomir, to pets for crime lords such as Jabba the Hutt | Jabba the Hutt(Hutt)CharacterMajor Characters | , to being a source of food, and as a means of entertainment by dropping someone into its pit. Vonnda Ra of the Nightsisters | NightsisterSentient Species | used a stuffed rancor head as a chair. In her youth as a Jedi trainee, Hapan | Hapes ConsortiumOrganizationPlanetary and Sector | Queen Mother Tenel Ka Djo used two trophy rancor teeth for handles to create both her first lightsaber and second lightsaber. Rancors were also the source of the delicacy (or at least an edible meal) known as raw rancor-beast liver.During the Galactic Civil War an Imperial recon teams have been trying to upgrade their natural warfare by collecting rancor eggs on the Dathomir, while Rebels have been trying both to disrupt Imperial activity and gain funding for their cause by selling the eggs to Hutts | HuttSentient Species | .Read more... |
See also |
Known specimen
Lucky |
Complete list
Full unit name: Rancor (Creature) Last updated: 25.09.2024 23:50:11