Ackbar (19)Full unit name: Ackbar
Last updated: 08.08.2024 23:25:54
Navigation (9)
Basic info
First appearance: Return of the Jedi
Return of the Jedi
Species: Mon Calamari
Mon Calamari
Sentient Species
Designed: B-Wing
Starfighter Models
Relations: Home One
Home One
(MC80 Mon Calamari Star Cruiser)
Named Starships
, Rebel Alliance Officer
Rebel Alliance Officer
(Rebel Alliance)
Rebel Alliance
Known Facts (2)
Rebel Briefing (ROTJ) (1) »
Battle over Endor (1) »
Gial Ackbar was a male Mon Calamari
Mon Calamari
Sentient Species
who became the foremost military commander of the Alliance to Restore the Republic and its successor government the New Republic. During the Clone Wars, he was in charge of the Mon Calamari Guard and fought in the battle that had secured Prince Lee-Char's way to the throne as King of Dac. Having previously been an Imperial slave to Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin
Wilhuff Tarkin
Major Characters
, he was freed by Captain Juno Eclipse
Juno Eclipse
Major Characters
and was recruited to join the Rebellion. Later, he fought alongside Renegade Squadron
Renegade Squadron
(Rebel Alliance Special Forces)
Rebel Alliance Army
and was once captured by bounty hunter Boba Fett
Boba Fett
(Human (Clone))
Major Characters
. During the Battle of Endor
Battle over Endor
(Endor Campaign)
Galactic Civil War
, later revealed to be a trap for him and the Alliance, he led Alliance naval forces against the Death Star II
Death Star 2
Space Stations
. He held the distinction of having been the Supreme Commander of the New Republic Defense Force for nearly two decades and defeating two Imperial Grand Admirals, Osvald Teshik and Peccati Syn, along with numerous other threats. He wrote the manual for the New Republic Fleet Academy, titled Fleet Tactics and Combat Methodology. After the Pellaeon–Gavrisom Treaty, Ackbar retired to a quiet life of writing his memoirs and advising. However, although old and infirm, he would plan the decisive Battle of Ebaq 9 that brought about the end of Tsavong Lah
Tsavong Lah
(Yuuzhan Vong)
Supporting Characters
and much of the Yuuzhan Vong
Yuuzhan Vong
Sentient Species
fleet. He would die of old age in 29 ABY and be remembered as a great military leader.


See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Rebel Alliance
Battle over Endor (Admiral, Operation Commander)
Known roles
Operation Commander
Rebel Alliance
Complete list

Full unit name: Ackbar Last updated: 08.08.2024 23:25:54