Shadows (18)Full unit name: Shadows
Last updated: 09.08.2024 22:41:50
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Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Relations: Coruscant
Events: The Threat of the Dark Plague
The Threat of the Dark Plague
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Known Facts (8)
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Attros Finn
    That must have been awful. To fight your own Master... I don't know what came over her. One minute she was placid, and then....
    Qyzen Fess
    Is fight for life. Call for help.
    Attros Finn
    It's more imperative than ever that we find the Noetikons. Do you have any leads on the third?
    I need the Noetikon of Secrets. And both the Gand and Black Sun gave me a name: a Justicar called Lars Baddeg.
    Attros Finn
    The Justicars are self-appointed lawmen that police the lower city. Republic security was stretched thin after the attack, so the Justicars took over. Lars Baddeg is one of their leaders, near the top of the Republic's wanted list.
    Thanks for the warning.
    Attros Finn
    Lars Baddeg is known to hole up in the central tower area. Do be careful. I'll take care of Yuon while you're gone.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Attros Finn
  • Barsen'thor's Followers killed a number of Justicar Riflemen, Snipers and Overseers
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Lars Baddeg
    You've got guts, Jedi. Walking into my base. Stealing two of my Noetikons.
    There are three Noetikons, Baddeg. I know you have the last one.
    Lars Baddeg
    They're bargaining chips. My bargaining chips. You've messed everything up. They said I could rule the Justicar territory if I got them the Noetikons. Just one left, and it's theirs.
    Who are you talking about?
    Doesn't matter. This is my only chance.
    Whoever "they" are, if you give me the Noetikon, I'll make sure they don't hurt you.
    Lars Baddeg
    Like you can help me.
    Qyzen Fess
    Is fool's way to rely on others for strength.
    Lars Baddeg
    Agh. I already lost two Noetikons--I'm a dead man anyway. Here. Take it. This whole thing was a mistake from the start.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Lars Baddeg
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Master of Questions
    Oh thank goodness! A visitor! It gets so lonely in here sometimes. I would offer you a drink- but I ran out millennia ago, by my record. But we could play a game instead.
    You don't look like a Jedi Master. What's going on?
    Master of Questions
    Well, I'm not a Jedi Master, which would explain your first statement, and as for the second - it's hard to say.
    What is this place?
    Master of Questions
    Now, that is a good question, but a difficult one. I'm guessing you activated what looked like some sort of ancient device - a holocron, maybe - and something went wrong. You zigged where you should have zagged, and you ended up here.
    I was trying to access the Noetikon of Secrets.
    Master of Questions
    Hmm... nope, can't say that name means a thing to me. But whatever it is, you won't be able to access it in here. And there's only one way out.
    Well, I suppose I could let you go. But you'd have to play a game with me, first - a game of questions. Answer right, you're free. Answer wrong, and your strength becomes a permanent part of this place.
    I don't like the sound of that... but I guess I have no choice.
    Master of Questions
    Now you're beginning to understand!
    Master of Questions
    Okay. The first question: How do you catch an answer?
    You lure it out with a question.
    Master of Questions
    Too obvious I suppose. It's no fun when you get the answer right. Next question: What does the wise person know?
    The wise person does not know, but seeks knowledge, always.
    Master of Questions
    Another right answer! You are so dull. Last question: Soon this place will be overrun with enemies. What will you do?
    None of this is real - these enemies will not harm me.
    Master of Questions
    Wrong answer. You are overwhelmed and trampled underfoot. You perish....
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Master of Questions
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Lars Baddeg
    I promised, sir. The Jedi won't be a problem anymore. Now your master won't mind about those other Noetikons, right?
    Mysterious Sith
    He might not, only it seems your plan was a failure.
    Lars Baddeg
    What the-? B- but look! Jedi's weaker, it did work!
    Qyzen Fess
    Pain is nothing. We still stand.
    Mysterious Sith
    I would've preferred if our little trap had killed you. Not that it mattered - the Noetikons are nothing on their own anyway. They wouldn't have stopped me or my master.
    Are you the one who's making Yuon ill?
    Mysterious Sith
    Yuon? Is that her name? Her weak mind already bows to my master, just as you all will. It's too late for your Master. She crumbles as we speak.
    Who's your master, Sith?
    Mysterious Sith
    My master is the downfall of the Jedi Order. Baddeg, what are you waiting for? Earn my master's forgiveness - kill this wretch.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Lars Baddeg, Mysterious Sith
  • Barsen'thor's Followers killed Lars Baddeg
  • Barsen'thor's Followers acquired Noetikon of Secrets[TEXT_DATA_FO_S], containing
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Jesper Altax
    Be careful where you walk, Jedi. The path of the dark side intersects with that of the light at many crossroads. This is the Noetikon of Secrets. We are the Masters who have seen the darkness and turned back to the light.
    The other two Noetikons told me you might know something about a Jedi plague. But I'm surprised the order would preserve such dangerous secrets.
    Bastila Shan
    Do not be. Having succumbed to the lure of the dark side, we have greater respect for its pull. We would not claim to be immune, but we have come out stronger for our trials.
    But also, we are only imprints, programs with traces of personality. Neither dark nor light have any sway over us now.
    Bastila Shan
    If the Noetikon of Science and the Noetikon of Light had no answers, what makes you think we can help? We are neither doctors nor healers.
    Patience, Bastila. What she means, Jedi, is that for you to consult us, this illness must be remarkable indeed.
    Bastila Shan
    Yes, I'm sorry. Tell us what you know about this illness, and we will see what we can find.
    There's this one phrase.... Yuon keeps repeating the words, "the darkness is coming."
    It started back on Tython, but we didn't know Yuon was ill until she collapsed.
    Jesper Altax
    You were right to consult us. It was only those things eliminated by the other Noetikons that put us on track....
    It's an illness the Jedi have seen before, one created by an ancient Sith named Terrak Morrhage. He used it to turn Jedi to the dark side by the hundreds and leech their strength from them. In this way, he waged war on the Jedi.
    But Yuon's the only one who's fallen ill.
    According to the records, Morrhage's plague spread gradually as well.
    How was he defeated?
    A Jedi healer, whose sacrifice, unlike his name, has not been forgotten, developed a shielding technique to release Morrhage's hold on his victims.
    Bastila Shan
    One by one, the healer cut Morrhage off from his army, the source of his strength.
    Jesper Altax
    Each time he used the technique, however, it cost him some of his own strength.
    By the time the battle was won, the healer was weakened beyond the point of recovery. He sacrificed his life to save the Jedi Order.
    Is it possible for someone to learn this technique?
    Jesper Altax
    The ritual is recorded in an ancient terminal in the Jedi Temple. Learning it will require the combined knowledge of all the Noetikons. If you are thinking of learning the technique, Jedi, I would caution you - powers such as these weigh heavily on those who wield them.
    Bastila Shan
    But it seems your Master doesn't have time for caution. For your Master to survive, you must go to the Jedi Temple and learn the ritual as soon as possible.
    I will go there as soon as possible.
    Then we will do our best to help you learn the technique. Take all three Noetikons to the terminal in the temple and activate them. We will teach you what you must know. Later, others may learn the technique as well - but for now, time is of the essence.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Bastila Shan, Jesper Altax, Chamma
This event took place shortly before the end of the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
on the planet Coruscant
After Barsen'thor and Fess defeated
The Coming Darkness
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
ill Jedi Master
Jedi Master
Yuon Par
Yuon Par
Supporting Characters
and left her in Finn
Attros Finn
Minor Characters (TOR)
's care, they embarked on the search for the final Noetikon
. The two had learned
The Flow of Goods
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
from one of Maer
Minor Characters (TOR)
's patients, Curt Willham
Curt Willham
Minor Characters (TOR)
, that Lars Baddeg
Lars Baddeg
Minor Characters (TOR)
was a member of the Justicars' Brigade
Justicars' Brigade
Planetary and Sector
, that was involved in smuggling Jedi artifacts offworld. Following that lead, they traveled to the Operations Base deep within the Justicar territory and, fighting their way through Justicars, located Baddeg, who revealed that he was working for someone else; the contractor had promised Baddeg more power in exchange for the Noetikons. Seemingly giving up on his cause when confronted, Baddeg told Barsen'thor to simply take the final Noetikon.
However, the Noetikon turned out to be a Sith Holocron
Trapped Sith Holocron
Sith Holocrons
; once it was activated, the Jedi and Fess appeared in a room filled with white light and were confronted by an entity calling herself the Master of Questions
Master of Questions
Minor Characters (TOR)
. The Master of Questions agreed to let the Jedi go, provided he answered three questions correctly. However, an incorrect answer would lead to the Jedi being trapped inside forever.
The Consular answered the questions correctly and was able to escape from Baddeg's trap, witnessing him talking to a Sith
Mysterious Sith
Minor Characters (TOR)
, who revealed that he was merely a servant of another Master. However, once the Sith saw the Consular and Fess unscathed, he instructed Baddeg to kill them. The Justicar tried to follow the command, but the pair defeated him and retrieved the real Noetikon of Secrets
Noetikon of Secrets
The Noetikon's gatekeepers were named Jesper Altax
Jesper Altax
Minor Characters (TOR)
, Bastila Shan
Bastila Shan
Major Characters
and Chamma
Minor Characters (TOR)
, who possessed information about the sickness. They informed the Consular about a past Sith Lord
Sith Lord
named Terrak Morrhage
Terrak Morrhage
Supporting Characters
, who had created an illness called the Dark Plague
The Dark Plague
Viruses, poisons, diseases and bioweapons
that afflicted the minds of Jedi. Morrhage used the plague to control the minds of his victims, turning them to the dark side by the hundreds and using the afflicted Jedi to fight the Order. Morrhage was only stopped when a Jedi healer developed a shielding technique, which he used to sever the affected Jedi from Morrhage, one by one. The repeated usage of the technique drained the healer's powers and ultimately killed him. The Consular realized that the only way to save Master Par was to learn the technique by combining all three Noetikons at the Jedi Archives inside the ravaged Jedi Temple.
See also
Related organizations
Sith OrderStructureCharactersMysterious Sith (Sith Warrior)RolesSith WarriorMysterious Sith
Jedi OrderStructureCharactersJedi Knight Barsen'thor (Jedi Consular)Attros FinnSentient speciesMirialanAttros FinnRanksJedi KnightBarsen'thorRolesJedi ConsularJedi Knight Barsen'thorWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL1 LightsaberAttros Finn
Justicars' BrigadeStructureCharactersLars BaddegWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL4 RifleJusticar Riflemen and OverseersH3 Heavy Sniper RifleJusticar SnipersL3 ElectrobladeLars BaddegArmorJusticars' Heavy ArmorVarious membersLars Baddeg
Barsen'thor's FollowersStructureCharactersBarsen'thorQyzen FessSentient speciesTrandoshanQyzen FessWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL4 ElectrobladeQyzen Fess
Related advanced technologies
Noetikon of SecretsStructureCharactersBastila Shan (consciousness)Jesper Altax (consciousness)Chamma (consciousness)
Trapped Sith HolocronStructureCharactersMaster of Questions (consciousness)
Related units, characters and other technologies
Barsen'thorMembershipJedi OrderJedi Knight Barsen'thor (Jedi Consular)Barsen'thor's FollowersWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsBarsen'thor's Lightsaber
Bastila ShanMembershipNoetikon of Secretsconsciousness
Qyzen FessMembershipBarsen'thor's FollowersWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL4 Electroblade
Jesper AltaxMembershipNoetikon of Secretsconsciousness
Lars BaddegMembershipJusticars' BrigadeWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL3 ElectrobladeArmorJusticars' Heavy Armor
ChammaMembershipNoetikon of Secretsconsciousness
Attros FinnMembershipJedi OrderWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL1 Lightsaber
Master of QuestionsMembershipTrapped Sith Holocronconsciousness
Mysterious SithMembershipSith OrderSith Warrior
MirialanWere among members ofJedi OrderAttros Finn
TrandoshanWere among members ofBarsen'thor's FollowersQyzen Fess
Jedi KnightMembershipJedi OrderBarsen'thor
Jedi ConsularMembershipJedi OrderJedi Knight Barsen'thor
Sith WarriorMembershipSith OrderMysterious Sith
Complete list

Full unit name: Shadows Last updated: 09.08.2024 22:41:50