Satele Shan (14)Full unit name: Shan, Satele
Last updated: 18.06.2024 22:56:47
Navigation (4)
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic : Threat of Peace Act 1 : Treaty of Coruscant
The Old Republic : Threat of Peace Act 1 : Treaty of Coruscant
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Was born on: Brentaal IV
Brentaal IV
Family Relations
Descendant of: Bastila Shan
Bastila Shan
Major Characters
Known Facts (30)
Retaking Korriban (1) »
Battle of Alderaan (GGW) (2) »
Battle of Rhen Var (1) »
The Cold War (2) »
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Var Suthra
    No one saw this coming, Master Satele - not even the Jedi Council.
    Satele Shan
    We sensed it for weeks, General. If you'd told us of your secret project, we might have averted this disaster.
    Var Suthra
    Here they are - the heroes of Coruscant. Glad to have you back.
    Hero of Tython
    Coruscant is safe, but I had to destroy the Planet Prison and kill Tarnis.
    Satele Shan
    Yes, we've heard. We also know Tarnis was the son of Darth Angral. Darth Angral personally led the forces that sacked Coruscant in the last war.
    Var Suthra
    Republic comm channels are being flooded with threats from that maniac vowing revenge.
    Hero of Tython
    It seems the Empire has abandoned our treaty.
    Var Suthra
    The Empire has formally disavowed Darth Angral's actions, saying he's gone rogue. It's a lie, but the Senate refuses to authorize a military response.
    Satele Shan
    For good reason. Neither the Republic nor the Jedi are prepared for another war. We would lose.
    Var Suthra
    And if the enemy turns our weapons against us, billions will die. Tarnis transmitted details of all our top secret projects to his father. We traced that transmission to the planet Ord Mantell. Darth Angral must have a base there. I need you to find it.
    Hero of Tython
    If we catch him in his lair, we could end this crisis right now.
    Var Suthra
    I doubt Angral's on that world, but his spy network certainly is.
    Satele Shan
    Master Orgus senses greatness in you, and so do I. This mission is yours.
    Kira Carsen
    I'm going, too. Master Kiwiiks left me here to help.
    Satele Shan
    Agreed. Take Kira. Train and protect her like she's your own Padawan. Like you, she has great potential, but she needs guidance to unlock it.
    Hero of Tython
    It's an important responsibility I won't take lightly.
    Kira Carsen
    We'll get to know each other - it'll be nice.
    Satele Shan
    I must inform the Council of these developments. Travel safely, young Jedi. May the Force be with you.
  • Var Suthra, Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen (from Race to the Ruins)
  • Held a rank of Jedi Grand Master in Jedi Order
Rediscovering Tython (2) »
Attack of the Flesh Raiders (4) »
High-Tech Savages (4) »
Weapon of the Jedi (1) »
The Forge (4) »
  • Held a rank of Jedi Grand Master in Jedi Order
  • Used L1 Jedi Dual Lightsaber
  • Was a member of Jedi Council
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Master Syo Bakarn
    We've been waiting for you, Padawan. You've already met Master Jaric; this is Master Satele Shan.
    Grand Master Satele Shan
    I've been treating Nalen Raloch. The Pilgrims who carried him here told us of your battle. Remarkable.
    I would have brought a peaceful solution if I could. How bad are his injuries, Master Satele? I wasn't sure he would survive.
    Grand Master Satele Shan
    Peace is the ideal, Padawan, but there's no shame in defending yourself. He will survive, though it will be a long recovery.
    You've begun well, Padawan. How you proceed remains to be seen.
    Master Kaedan
    It seems we have much to learn about the villagers. Perhaps we should rethink our position....
    Master Yuon Par
    Enough, enough. Padawan- the Fount of Rajivari. You actually set foot there? Please, tell me everything!
    Master Rajivari himself spoke to me. What was left of him.
    Master Yuon Par
    You saw a Force apparition? Of Rajivari? This is extraordinary!
    Master Kaedan
    It seems you may have been right, Yuon. I... apologize. To you, and your Padawan.
    Grand Master Satele Shan
    No longer a Padawan. The Padawan carries a lightsaber and have proven themselves. I have only one last question before the training's complete.
    At the moment, Nalen Raloch is resting in a kolto tank. When he's well, what should become of him?
    Nalen proved he has great strength in the Force. Maybe he has a future with us.
    Grand Master Satele Shan
    And bring reconciliation between us and the villagers - a sound idea.
    Master Syo Bakarn
    We judge you ready to accept your place as a Jedi. Yuon, if you would?
    Master Yuon Par
    Before this Council, I take from you the title of Padawan. I name you a full Jedi of our order. Honor the past. Work... for the future. May the Force be always with you. You've... done so well, my student. I'm....
    Master Yuon?
    Master Syo Bakarn
    Come away. Yuon? Can you hear me?
  • Syo Bakarn, Jaric Kaedan, Yuon Par, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess
Bringing Down the Hammer (Republic) (5) »
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Hero of Tython
    Hammer Station is destroyed, Master Satele.
    Satele Shan
    The people of Saleucami and the other conquered worlds send their gratitude. The enemy has retreated to their home system. The Hegemony is no longer a threat. This is a time to heal our losses.
    Those conquered worlds will need help rebuilding.
    Satele Shan
    Relief ships are already en route with food and medicine.
    Thanks to you, we know how Hammer Station survived destruction. Years ago, its autopilot was set to fly the station into a nearby star. According to the data you recovered, a mechanical failure cut the station's engines just short of its final destination. Advozsec salvagers discovered it several months ago.
    The salvagers towed Hammer Station back to Hegemony space and gave its government the weapon they'd always wanted.
    Satele Shan
    In the end, the responsibility lies with the Republic. We should never have built such a terrible weapon.
    Didn't anyone from the Republic bother to make sure that the station was destroyed?
    Satele Shan
    The failure occurred beyond our sensor readings. It took years for Hammer Station to drift where the Advozsec salvagers could detect it. The Senate Security Committee will decide what to do about this incident - but in my experience, truth is always best. Regardless, your valiant efforts will be remembered. Take care - and may the Force be with you.
  • Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Hero of Tython, T7-O1
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Satele Shan
    This is Republic Emergency Response Corps secure holofrequency "polaris." A crisis on the Outer Rim requires immediate intervention. The Advozse Hegemony have obtained a Republic battle station and are using it for acts of aggressive expansion, conquering entire star systems. I am Satele Shan, Grand Master of the Jedi Council. I coordinate with the Republic Emergency Response Corps during military crises.
    How did Advozsec "obtain" our battle station? Did someone leave it unlocked with the keys inside?
    I've never heard of this group. What are they after?
    Satele Shan
    They're a xenophobic political faction seeking to expand. Until now, they've been a containable threat.
    Does this emergency take precedence over my and Barsen'thor's main assignments, Master?
    Satele Shan
    The Hegemony must be stopped immediately. Millions of innocent lives are at stake.
    No offense, but this sounds like Jedi work to me.
    Satele Shan
    Defending the helpless from tyranny is the work of all Republic citizens.
    During the last war, Republic scientists developed a mobile battle station code-named "Hammer." It bombarded planetary surfaces using asteroids as weapons. Hammer Station was indiscriminately destructive. The project was canceled and its prototype ordered destroyed. We don't know how the Advosze Hegemony now possess it.
    We'll solve that mystery later. The point is, that station could level whole cities.
    Satele Shan
    The planet Skine resisted the Hegemony's demands to surrender. Hammer Station reduced its capital city to ashes two hours ago.
    Maybe our friends figured out how to construct their own Hammer Station?
    Satele Shan
    They lack the resources to build anything of that magnitude.
    Why do I get the feeling we're about to add "battle station demolitionist" to our resumes?
    Satele Shan
    A direct fleet assault would be suicide. Shields are useless against asteroid strikes. The station can target and destroy large vessels easily. But an assault shuttle could evade the asteroids and deliver a commando team to destroy Hammer Station from the inside. We just need volunteers.
    Hero of Tython
    This is what I trained for. We'll bring down that station, whatever it takes.
    Satele Shan
    Be careful. The Jedi Order cannot afford to lose you.
    Violence is not my way, Master, but destroying that station appears to be our best hope for peace.
    Satele Shan
    The Force is strong in you. Let it guide you to victory.
    You came to the right soldier. I specialize in storming enemy fortresses.
    Satele Shan
    All I ask is that you come back in one piece.
    I'll do it on one condition: If I die, you build a statue in my honor. Something really impressive - and expensive.
    Satele Shan
    Agreed - but I hope we never have need to fulfill that bargain.
    And what happens to that commando team when the station blows up - posthumous medals?
    Satele Shan
    Overloading Hammer Station's primary weapon will take time. The boarding party can flee before its detonation.
    Destroying the station is your main objective, but we need to know how the Hegemony obtained it. Any data you recover could prove useful. Hammer Station has just entered orbit above Saleucami and demanded its surrender. Your assault shuttle is standing by. May the Force be with you.
  • Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Hero of Tython, T7-O1
  • Held a rank of Jedi Grand Master in Jedi Order
  • Was a member of Jedi Council
  • Used L1 Jedi Dual Lightsaber
Ancient Secrets (4) »
  • Held a rank of Jedi Grand Master in Jedi Order
  • Was a member of Jedi Council
  • Used L1 Jedi Dual Lightsaber
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Satele Shan
    Ah, you're here. Thank you for contacting us so quickly. We're sorry to have to pull you away from Yuon.
    Jaric Kaedan
    We wouldn't have called you here if it wasn't urgent. First, tell us what you've learned about Yuon's illness.
    It's a plague created by a Sith named Terrak Morrhage. I've shielded Yuon from its effects, but the only cure is to stop the person who's controlling it. Here's what we know....
    Jaric Kaedan
    Interesting. And... worrying. We've started to receive disturbing communications from other Masters. We fear Yuon's illness is not an isolated case.
    Are you sure it's the same illness?
    Jaric Kaedan
    We admit the connection seemed tenuous - but the Masters each repeat the same phrase: "the darkness is coming."
    The illness was created by Terrak Morrhage, but a different Sith is using it now. I don't know his name, but I fought his apprentice in the temple.
    Syo Bakarn
    Yes. It's imperative that we find this Sith before the illness spreads further.
    Qyzen Fess
    Hunting one who struck Yuon down. Is noble goal, Herald.
    Syo Bakarn
    Unfortunately, we have no leads. We can only hope that tracking down and shielding the victims will help lead us to this Sith.
    Yuon seemed to remember someone controlling her mind--but she couldn't give any details.
    Satele Shan
    The small number of victims suggests that this Sith needs some sort of contact with his victims to control them. We hesitate to ask any more sacrifice of you - you've already done so much. But with the terminal in the temple destroyed, you are the only one capable of shielding the afflicted Masters and stopping this Sith, whoever he is.
    I will do whatever I can.
    Satele Shan
    We all have faith in you. But if the Sith who's controlling these Masters is drawing strength from them as well as turning them....
    Syo Bakarn
    Then it is imperative that the Masters are freed from his control as quickly as possible.
    Jaric Kaedan
    You'll need to be able to move freely around the galaxy. To that end, we've prepared a ship for you in the spaceport.
    Thank you, Masters. I will use it well. Where am I going?
    Jaric Kaedan
    The missing Masters were last heard from on Taris and Nar Shaddaa. Find them, and break the plaguemaster's hold on them.
    Satele Shan
    Say your goodbyes to Yuon. But time is of the essence. Good luck.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Syo Bakarn, Jaric Kaedan
Satele Shan was a Force-sensitive human female who served as the Jedi Order
Jedi Order
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
's Grand Master
Jedi Grand Master
during the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
and the Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire.
She was born on the Core World of Brentaal Four
Brentaal IV
and was descended from legendary Jedi Bastila Shan
Bastila Shan
Major Characters
. Both a gifted warrior and wise teacher, Satele was personally responsible for rediscovering Tython
and its hyperspace route. Ever since, she had devoted herself to the Jedi resettlement of Tython and the revitalization of the order.
Satele fought on the front lines of several major battles of the Great Galactic War
Great Galactic War
Great Galactic War (3681BBY - 3653BBY)
, including the battles of Alderaan
Battle of Alderaan (GGW)
Great Galactic War (3681BBY - 3653BBY)
and Rhen Var
Battle of Rhen Var
Great Galactic War (3681BBY - 3653BBY)
- and was present as a Padawan
Jedi Padawan
during the Imperial retaking
Retaking Korriban
Great Galactic War (3681BBY - 3653BBY)
of Korriban
. She was greatly respected by certain members of the Republic military, and her advice was often sought by the Supreme Chancellor
Supreme Chancellor
Galactic Republic


See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Jedi Council
Jedi Order
Ranks - show all (3)RanksJedi PadawanJedi KnightJedi Grand Master
Known weaponry & equipment
L1 Jedi Dual Lightsaber
All characters this character met
Hero of Tython
Kira Carsen
Qyzen Fess
Aric Jorgan
Yuon Par
Corso Riggs
Syo Bakarn
Jaric Kaedan
Var Suthra
Complete list

Full unit name: Shan, Satele Last updated: 18.06.2024 22:56:47