The wrist-mounted flamer - also called a flamethrower gauntlet - was a miniature flame projector used during Great Galactic War and beyond. A corded fuel line connected to a backpack canister which held enough fuel for several minutes of operation.The flame projector shot a jet of ignited liquid that had a short range but inflicted great damage and could set targets on fire. They were useful in close-quarters combat and attacks on caves and bunkers. They were also effective in boarding operations.For all their power, flame projectors had a key weakness. Because they employed volatile chemicals under pressure, the weapon could sometimes explode if damaged.Flamethrowers were extremely useful against lightsaber wielders as the flame could not be blocked by a blade. A skilled enough Force wielder could use the Force to shield themselves from the flames, but this took considerable effort and uncommon strength in the Force.Many Mandalorians