Illusions (16)Full unit name: Illusions
Last updated: 23.07.2024 12:00:29
Navigation (2)
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Relations: Taris
Events: Hunt for Nok Drayen's Treasure
Hunt for Nok Drayen's Treasure
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Known Facts (15)
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Thorne called Ovold and said that Voidhound would come to pick up core samples, and sent a holo of the smuggler.
  • Beryl Thorne, Ovold
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    You're the captain, yeah? I'm Sergeant Klewer. Risha says "hello." I hear you two are in business together. I'm going to square you with Republic Customs. Agent Soganti is watching your every move, but I can fix that.
    I'm a law-abiding citizen. He doesn't scare me.
    Relax, Captain. I'm a friend. Your partner and me go way back. Don't underestimate Agent Soganti. The man never sleeps more than three hours a day. Risha expressed some concern you might not be able to leave Taris with what you came here for - not unless Republic Customs lays off. I can give you temporary diplomatic immunity. Republic Customs won't be allowed to search you or your starship.
    And what do you want from me?
    I'm looking for professional help dealing with some nasty scavengers. They're making a lot of trouble for our supply lines. I need you to convince the scavengers to relocate. When that's done, you'll be off Republic Customs' radar. It's a deal, yeah?
    Yes, it's a deal.
    The scavengers have been coming from these coordinates. They probably have a camp there. Make life extra unpleasant for them. When you get back, I'll have diplomatic credentials and the supplies you came for ready to go. Have fun out there, yeah?
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Klewer
  • Voidhound's Followers killed at least 15 Pirate Recruits and Watchmen
  • Voidhound's Followers destroyed ARB-4 Gunner Droids
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    We handled everything just like you wanted
    And Republic Customs thinks you have full diplomatic access to the planet. That'll keep the heat off you. Here are the supplies Beryl Thorne needs delivered. Take them to the camp at these coordinates. They're for an engineer named Ovold. Good luck out there, Captain. Try not to get dead.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Klewer
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Shhh... hold still. Big hungry beastie out there is watching us, about eight hundred meters away. These Baktoid X-1 combat-goggles show me everything. I never take them off. Have to keep up my visual scanning for the beasties.
    You never take those things off?
    Thought I lost them, once. Bonded them to my skull with industrial adhesive. Now I'm always ready.
    What kind of beast is out there?
    Not sure. Lots of carnivores here. That one ran off, but it'll be back. And I'll still be watching.
    I'm Ovold, core-drilling engineer. Beryl sent a holo, told me you were coming. It's about time. Scavengers raided the equipment stores three times last week. Took some good gear with them. Didn't get my goggles, though.
    Who are these scavengers?
    Pirates, grave robbers, general scum of the galaxy. All looking to make credits off whatever they can steal.
    Beryl said you have something for me to take back.
    I used to, until the scavengers raided the camp. The scavengers ran off with those planetary core samples you came to get for Beryl. She can't finish her contract without them. Need you to get them back. They took the core-driller, too. Got a new one on order, but it'll be a few months.
    What would scavengers want with core samples?
    They were grabbing everything in sight. They probably thought the pod was something valuable. Way I hear it, scavengers are pretty well organized. Got themselves a regular fortress. Real death trap.
    If I had a credit for every death trap I've escaped, I wouldn't need this job.
    I know what you mean. You're looking for a cargo pod marked "Taris core samples." Should be easy to pick out from everything else the scavengers stole. Speaking of which, I'll pay extra for snatching the rest of my stolen gear. Need it to finish my work. Good luck out there...
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Ovold
  • Voidhound's Followers killed a number of Pirate Muscles, Sentinels and Gunslingers
  • Voidhound's Followers destroyed a number of Pirate Stalker Droids
  • Voidhound's Followers killed at least 25 Pirate Ransackers and Trackers
  • Voidhound's Followers destroyed a number of N777 Hauler Droids
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Why'd you have to go and kill everybody? Some of those guys were alright.
    I'm here for the planetary core samples. Hand them over.
    "Planetary core samples"... right. You work for Beryl Thorne, don't you? That's what I used to do. The name's Tyrodall. I was helping Beryl smuggle artifacts off Taris disguised as core samples. Thought we'd get rich. Turns out, Beryl's a soft touch. Instead of selling what we smuggle on the Imperial market, Beryl gives relics to descendants of Taris survivors for a tiny "finder's fee." Ridiculous. It's dangerous work, and we should be earning a killing.
    There's an Imperial market on Taris?
    No, but high-ups in Imperial space pay big credits for Taris artifacts. They're status symbols. I let Beryl think rakghouls killed me and went into business with the scavengers. They had a bright idea to increase profits. Why sell a relic to the Imperials once when we can sell it a dozen times? These droids are making copies of the relics. And that's just the beginning. I'm working out deals with wealthy collectors all over the galaxy.
    These droids can forge counterfeits?
    They can recreate a relic down to the last detail. The copies are flawless.
    You'll get yourself killed crossing the Empire.
    By the time my buyers figure things out, I'll be far, far away from Imperial space. Let's be smart about this. I'll give you a hefty payout and a cargo pod of counterfeit relics if you keep my operation quiet. You go home richer, Beryl gets some "relics" to give away and I stay in business. What do you say?
    I think she deserves better than to be cheated by you.
    Oh, well. Guess we finish this the hard way. Droids! Code black!
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Tyrodall
  • Voidhound's Followers destroyed 2 Guard Droids
  • Voidhound's Followers killed Tyrodall
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Hey, you got all the gear those scavengers stole. Turnabout's fair play, right? Got those core samples, too. That'll make Beryl a happy lady. You should go see her right away. Tell Beryl I said hello, huh?
    These aren't core samples, Ovold - and you know it.
    Sure they are. That's the cargo pod I put them in. Don't tell me those scavengers dumped them out?
    The cargo pod is full of Taris relics.
    I wouldn't say that too loud if I was you. It's illegal to run contraband on Taris.
    I'm not here to bust you.
    I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just an honest engineer earning a living out here.
    Tyrodall said differently. Remember him?
    Tyrodall? He's dead. Got eaten by rakghouls. Wouldn't have happened if he had goggles like mine.
    Those relics didn't get in there by themselves, Ovold.
    Is this some kind of practical joke or something? That cargo pod had core samples inside before the scavengers stole it! If the pod has something else in it now, it's got nothing to do with me.
    Huh, you're a pretty good liar - I think it's the goggles.
    That's what the guys at the sabacc table used to say, before they stopped letting me play with them. Have a real nice day, Captain.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Ovold
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Beryl Thorne
    I can count the number of times I've been truly impressed in my life on one hand, Captain. Congratulations. You walking in with those core samples just got added to the list. Argo, take this cargo pod and stow it with the others.
    Argo (AR-G0)
    When will we finally leave this accursed swamp? The humidity makes my joints rust....
    If I'm gonna be smuggling relics, I expect to be well paid.
    Beryl Thorne
    Smuggling relics? But I'd never do anything against the- heh, even I don't believe that one. How'd you find out what I'm really up to? What happened with the scavengers?
    Turns out, Tyrodall faked his death by rakghouls and joined the scavengers. He told me everything.
    Beryl Thorne
    I never liked that guy. Where's he now?
    He's fertilizing this beautiful swamp.
    Beryl Thorne
    Stupid Devaronian. He probably drew first. Sorry I didn't keep things on the up-and-up, but you're working with Risha. I've got trust issues there. I don't want these relics decorating some fat Senator's bedroom. They're going to the descendents of Taris survivors, where they belong.
    You've got a real heart of gold, don't you?
    Beryl Thorne
    There's more to life than profit. If people understood that, the galaxy would be a better place.
    Fine by me.
    Beryl Thorne
    Oh. Well... I'm glad you feel that way. Admit it - you had fun. Hey, look at that - the Republic just updated my contract log as "complete." And right on time, my spaceport friend granted me access to the Republic sensor array. Let's find us a vault.
    Tell me about this mysterious friend of yours.
    Beryl Thorne
    A lonely technician with a boring job. Didn't take much to wrap him around my finger. Hmm... sensors are picking up the vault's unique radiation signature. That's good. A-ha, there it is! Oh... your vault is in Zone Zero. That's bad.
    Zone Zero?
    Beryl Thorne
    Zone Zero is no-man's-land. When the Republic first got here, it sent a bunch of surveyors to map the region. One surveyor made it back alive. Said the place is overrun with things worse than rakghouls. Nobody goes there.
    If that's where the vault is, that's where I'm going.
    Beryl Thorne
    You'll need serious hardware to crack that vault. Risha's good at getting into places she isn't supposed to. Maybe talk to her. Here's your fee for helping complete my contract. We're even now. Good luck, Captain.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Beryl Thorne, Argo (AR-G0)
This event took place during the Taris Resettlement Initiative
Taris Resettlement Initiative
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
on the planet Taris
Having completed
Early Warning
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
their first shipment for Beryl Thorne
Beryl Thorne
Minor Characters (TOR)
, Voidhound
Major Characters
and Riggs
Corso Riggs
Supporting Characters
traveled to a Republic
Galactic Republic
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
outpost in the Sinking City region to pick up supplies for their second shipment.
Minor Characters (TOR)
, the base's quartermaster
, told the duo that Risha
Risha Drayen
Supporting Characters
had asked him to deal with Agent
Minor Characters (TOR)
, who could stop the Voidhound from leaving Taris with what they came for. Klewer said that he could provide temporary diplomatic immunity for Voidhound, which would prevent Customs
Republic Customs Office
Galactic Republic (GGW, CW and GW)
from searching the smugglers' ship
Voidhound's XS Freighter
(XS Stock Light Freighter)
Named Starships
, but in exchange he asked the duo to deal with a group of scavengers
Death's Claw
Planetary and Sector
who were jeopardizing Republic supply convoys in the region.

He promised to find out where the supplies were while Voidhound dealt with the scavengers, giving the duo the coordinates to the supposed location of the scavenger camp in the ancient medical district. The duo went to the northern part of the Sinking City region, where the Death's Claw pirates had set up camp overlooking the main road running through the area. Fighting their way through the camp, Voidhound and Riggs killed numerous pirates and destroyed five weapons caches to ensure that the pirates would not recover anytime soon.

Upon returning to Aurek Base, the duo met again with Sergeant Klewer, who gave them supplies and coordinates to where they would be delivered, and confirmed that the smuggler now had temporary diplomatic immunity. The duo traveled to the Brell Sediment region and found an engineer named Ovold
Minor Characters (TOR)
near Draay Outpost. Ovold told them that the core samples were stolen by pirates along with important equipment, and he directed the duo to the pirate base in the Rasaaran storage facility. He also offered a bonus if the stolen equipment was returned to him.

The duo traveled to the ChemWorks region and recovered Ovold's stolen equipment while fending off constant pirate attacks. After searching the facility for core samples, the duo descended to the subfloor level, where they again had to fight the pirates and their droids. They finally found a lone Devaranian
Sentient Species
and a pair of droids
PD-A01 Assassin Droid
Old Republic Assassin Droid classes
, and it was revealed that the Devaronian was actually Tyrodall
Minor Characters (TOR)
, who had faked his death
Relic Hunters
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
and began collaborating with the pirates. He said that his droids could copy
relics so he could sell counterfeits several times to different customers. He offered Voidhound several relics to keep his business secret, but Voidhound refused the Devaronian's offer, leading to a shootout that killed Tyrodall and his droid bodyguards. Taking the core samples with them, the duo returned to Ovold and interrogated him about the relics, but Ovold was adamant and would not admit that he had anything to do with it.

The duo returned to the Olaris spaceport and confronted Beryl about her side business. At first she tried to refuse, but after Voidhound mentioned Tyrodall's confession, she relented. Voidhound decided not to turn her fellow smuggler over to Customs, considering her good intentions and the fact that she was the only person who could help them find the vault. Beryl said that she had already gained access to the sensors, and after a few minutes the coordinates were on her datapad
DP1 Datapad
. Unfortunately for Voidhound, the vault was located deep inside the so-called "Zone Zero" - the ruins of an ancient Transport Station 5, densely populated by rakghouls
. The duo collected their fee for helping Beryl fulfill her contract and left.
See also
Related organizations
Republic ArmyStructureCharactersSergeant Klewer (Quartermaster of Waypoint Station Aurek)Sentient speciesNeimoidianSergeant Klewer (Quartermaster of Waypoint Station Aurek)RanksSergeantKlewer (Waypoint Station Aurek)RolesQuartermasterSergeant Klewer (Waypoint Station Aurek)Part of / Served onGalactic RepublicWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH3 Heavy RifleKlewerArmorRepublic Trooper Armor A03.1Klewer
Galactic RepublicStructureOrganizationsRepublic Army
Death's ClawStructureDroidsSREC-A01 Assassin DroidARB-4 Gunner DroidsROGUE-A01 Assassin DroidStalker DroidsMNG-A01 Assassin DroidN777 Hauler DroidsPD-A01 Assassin DroidGuard Droids (2) (Guard and Forger)Ground vehiclesHovercartBinary Load LifterSpeeder Bike v02Heavy Construction CraneRanksRecruitRolesGuardVarious membersGuard Droids (2)ForgerGuard Droids (2)Part of / Served onPirateWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL4 BlasterPirate Watchmen - L4.1.2 BlastersPirate Stalker Droids - L4.1.2 BlastersPirate Gunslingers - L4.1.2 BlastersL2 RifleGuard Droids - L2.1.4 Rifles, AMM: EX Ammo and HI/RAIL AmmoL5M RifleARB-4 Gunner Droids - L5.1.3 RiflesN777 Hauler Droids - L5.1.3 Rifles, UPG: AP Powercell, AMM: IN Ammo and HI/RAIL AmmoPirate Trackers - L5.1.3 RiflesWrist-mounted LauncherPirate Trackers, AMM: Toxic Dart and Sleep DartGuard Droids, AMM: Electro DartWrist-mounted FlamerARB-4 Gunner Droids, AMM: AM FuelN777 Hauler DroidsWrist-mounted Spray GunN777 Hauler Droids, AMM: Carbonite AuraWrist BlasterGuard DroidsL4.1.3 Assault CannonPirate SentinelsL3 ElectrobladePirate RecruitsPirate MusclesPirate RansackersTriple-bladed Energy KnifePirate TrackersGas GrenadePirate GunslingersPersonal Energy ShieldARB-4 Gunner DroidsN777 Hauler DroidsHolo DecoyARB-4 Gunner DroidsElectrowave GeneratorPirate RansackersGuard DroidsHS1 Handheld ScannerGuard DroidsArmorDeath's Claw Armor A19.3RelationsWorked in partnership with Tyrodall
PirateStructureOrganizationsDeath's Claw
SmugglerStructureCharactersBeryl ThorneVoidhoundTyrodallSentient speciesDevaronianTyrodallWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsSSK Heavy Blaster (L9)TyrodallTriple-bladed Energy KnifeTyrodallDP1 DatapadBeryl ThorneArmorStealth Field GeneratorTyrodall
Voidhound's FollowersStructureCharactersVoidhound (Leader)Corso RiggsRolesLeaderVoidhound
Related units, characters and other technologies
VoidhoundMembershipVoidhound's FollowersLeaderSmuggler
Corso RiggsMembershipVoidhound's Followers
Argo (AR-G0)RelationsWorked as an aide for Beryl Thorne
KlewerMembershipRepublic ArmySergeant Klewer (Quartermaster of Waypoint Station Aurek)Weapons and EquipmentWeaponsH3 Heavy RifleArmorRepublic Trooper Armor A03.1
OvoldDetailsRolesEngineerWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsSSK Heavy Blaster (L9)ArmorX-1 Combat GogglesRelationsWorked for Beryl Thorne as Scavenger
Beryl ThorneMembershipSmugglerWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsDP1 DatapadRelationsWorked for Taris Resettlement Authority as SupplierEmployed Argo (AR-G0) as an aideEmployed Ovold as Scavenger
TyrodallMembershipSmugglerWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsSSK Heavy Blaster (L9)Triple-bladed Energy KnifeArmorStealth Field GeneratorRelationsWorked in partnership with Death's Claw
MNG-A01 Assassin DroidUsed by / onDeath's ClawN777 Hauler DroidsWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL5M RifleN777 Hauler Droids - L5.1.3 Rifles, UPG: AP Powercell, AMM: IN Ammo and HI/RAIL AmmoWrist-mounted FlamerN777 Hauler DroidsWrist-mounted Spray GunN777 Hauler Droids, AMM: Carbonite AuraPersonal Energy ShieldN777 Hauler Droids
PD-A01 Assassin DroidUsed by / onDeath's ClawGuard Droids (2) (Guard and Forger)Weapons and EquipmentWeaponsL2 RifleGuard Droids - L2.1.4 Rifles, AMM: EX Ammo and HI/RAIL AmmoWrist-mounted LauncherGuard Droids, AMM: Electro DartWrist BlasterGuard DroidsElectrowave GeneratorGuard DroidsHS1 Handheld ScannerGuard Droids
ROGUE-A01 Assassin DroidUsed by / onDeath's ClawStalker DroidsWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL4 BlasterPirate Stalker Droids - L4.1.2 Blasters
SREC-A01 Assassin DroidUsed by / onDeath's ClawARB-4 Gunner DroidsWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL5M RifleARB-4 Gunner Droids - L5.1.3 RiflesWrist-mounted FlamerARB-4 Gunner Droids, AMM: AM FuelPersonal Energy ShieldARB-4 Gunner DroidsHolo DecoyARB-4 Gunner Droids
HovercartUsed byDeath's Claw
Binary Load LifterUsed byDeath's Claw
Heavy Construction CraneUsed byDeath's Claw
Speeder Bike v02Used byDeath's Claw
DevaronianWere among members ofSmugglerTyrodall
NeimoidianWere among members ofRepublic ArmySergeant Klewer (Quartermaster of Waypoint Station Aurek)
RecruitMembershipDeath's Claw
SergeantMembershipRepublic ArmyKlewer (Waypoint Station Aurek)
LeaderMembershipVoidhound's FollowersVoidhound
GuardMembershipDeath's ClawVarious membersGuard Droids (2)
SupplierRelationsTaris Resettlement Authority employed Beryl Thorne
ForgerMembershipDeath's ClawGuard Droids (2)
QuartermasterMembershipRepublic ArmySergeant Klewer (Waypoint Station Aurek)
ScavengerRelationsBeryl Thorne employed Ovold
Complete list

Full unit name: Illusions Last updated: 23.07.2024 12:00:29